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Everything posted by boobaffet

  1. I have a couple of friends who left the game cause they said it was total trash and they intend to come back when its f2p.
  2. The british says could care less and american says couldn't care less(or the other way around). Im french and even i know that
  3. 1.4 is coming in august and 1.5 will possibly come with f2p which is coming in november. I really hope they have a big patch coming to polish the leveling content 1-50 with the f2p coming. Its now or never.
  4. They said the new content patch would be in august.. so its probably 1,4
  5. Real f2p isnt coming until november. F2p to level 15 is good in the meantime.
  6. 1- There's still a lot of benifit for subbing if you want to do stuff like operation, having multiple character, not paying for every new content etc. 2- I know a lot of people who would not play league of legend if it wasnt free. I also know people spending money for skins. I think a lot of people will try this game because it is free and some of them will sub, some will buy stuff at the cartel shop and some will be a waste of space. But really who cares, as long as they get more money from this game to produce more content i'm fine with it. And as a bonus i get free cartel coin to spend at the shop with my subs, i always thought swtor lacked fluff.
  7. Im all for anything that will bring them money and wont stand in the way of good gameplay.
  8. No they would have said the exact number at this point. He cant say '' we slipped under 1million but we are still well above the breakeven point we announced of 500k. Actually we have over 600k." Hes basicly just telling the investor "We got under the shiny 1million mark, but are still making profit" If i was an investor i would like to hear '' Slipped under a million'' over 625k for instance. Im not saying they have 950k or anything, just that being confident its under 600k is not as smart as youd think.
  9. Yeah i did not doubt it already was, but it will be a lot more with the f2p player coming.
  10. Actually ''just slipped under a million'' seems more than well over 500k. Not sure what your point is
  11. They just extended the free trial and opened a cash shop to make it profitable but really attracting new subs is the goal. Subs will even get you coin to spend at the shop. We wont see pay to win until they have no idea how to make this game profitable. For now its nothing more than an extended free trial and fluff to buy with money.
  12. You will probably be able to get one with the cartel point you get by subbing !
  13. EA conference is over and there is still no word on the recent layoff. And now with the recent f2p annoucement they said it again : We will bring content faster then ever! I am curious in how they intend to do that. Are they going to hire more competent staff to make up for those who were layedoff ? I know they said the team needed to provide update is smaller then the team needed to make the game from the start, but why wait 6 months to lay the off then? Its hard to believe that all those people were doing virtually nothing for the past 6 months and without them we will have content faster.
  14. Swtor still have a subs model. You cant even do ops with the f2p ffs.
  15. they could have premium server with only sub player with full access to the shop. for like 25$ a month or something
  16. id be interested with a real world gtn if I can get the money from the item i sell not EA
  17. how much time left before it start / where can i hear it
  18. its a jawa on spice, nothing that breaks immersion here.
  19. Most of us will keep paying the subs ( aside from those who left as soon as they saw f2p ), it will just attract more player so more content and more fluff to the game. f2p =/= pay to win, and ill be happy to buy some fluff with my free cartel point.
  20. You wont be able to pay to buy gear..
  21. This game is going to have a f2p option so lets run to a gw2 which is also f2p.
  22. Freemium sounds like free and premium. Top quality and free? Yes please!
  23. Your companion have so much thing to say on area you explore.. too bad we dont hear them on our speeder
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