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Everything posted by GloomyBoy

  1. ahahahaha. Now add that to the DCDs of mercs/commandos and say something is not wrong there. Srsly when will they nerf that f ocking class already??!!! On-Topic: Really good to know (didn't have any idea about that).
  2. The values are too much. You didn't need increase the value of components from win/losses of WZ. Just the quests would have been enough. Again the DEVs are paying too much attention to the cry babies. Anyway, thanks nonetheless.
  3. Dude, last post in this thread was like on 10.02.2015. It's way different than before. Now a healer can get 3million heal and 1million damage easy peasy. xD Way of bumping a dead thread.
  4. I feel ya brah. Spent 90 millions creds and crafted some as well for my main toon. Expensive but worth it imo.
  5. After playing so many months with imba merc and snipers and such and no freaking word about it, you would understand the frustation of the whole situation. So, yes, you need to put a f ockin' /s there. Cause this is not even funny anymore.
  6. I just leveled my commando today to 70 (healer spec with 230/234 mods/enhancement, 208 armorings, 228 ear/implants/relics and 230 cannon+shield) just for the lulz and to see it in action. I actually felt like a tank. They were nukeing the sht out of me and couldnt bring me down(didnt even need to heal myself that much). I never felt so overpowered. Dont need to say more. This sht isnt right. Bioware, nerf the fck out of commando/merc and sniper/gunslinger already. W T F you know it; you screwed up. Srsly how much longer do we have to keep up with this sht? At least give an answer already, "Yes, we gonna do smth about it" or "No, we aint gonna do squat about it". Is it that hard?
  7. LOL, take a look at this guy. W T F dude, srsly? It's enough damage output as it is, w t f you want every token merc/sniper toon get highest damage in WZ all the time? They should remove f ocking DCDS from them. Not all but some.
  8. I cant believe you guys are now complaining about the rate at which you get items. First it was the rate at which you gain CXP now the rates items drop. *** you guys want to get 1 gear piece a crate? Srsly it is no wonder why the Dev team doesnt pay attention to all the whinners all the time. To the Dev team, you did a great job. Ty again for the CXP bonus. Keep up the good work and dont mind the whinners.
  9. After doing some WZ i can say it was a bit exaggerated the 250% boost. I played a few WZ and done command lvl 80 till 89 in like 1 and a half hour. It's too much imo. This was with the tier 1 15% boost. U can do it even faster with better boosts. Over-exaggerated. Meh....my 2 cents.
  10. Nope. It was said 250% = 2.5x So, e.g. u get normally 1000 CXP that would mean 2.5x 1000CXP = 2500 CXP. So 350% boost means 3.5x. E.g. u get normally 1000 CXP that would mean 3.5x 1000CXP = 3500 CXP. So it is not working as they said but I doubt anyone will complain Correct me if i am wrong Eric.
  11. I second that. Screw them, i saw enough Sorc DPS do good damage in Warzones, the good ones i mean. Not the nubs that come here crying about getting a buff. They are good where they are.
  12. It can happen, I remember in our team we were 9 (REP Side) and Imps were 8, our 9th player would not appear in OPS group but he was there. i can confirm this cause i was the 9th player 1 time. Dunno how it happened, all i know is i queued normally for unranked solo and voila, 8 OPS group and with me there being the 9th player. I could see the 8 ppl in OPS group but i would not appear in the frames. Didnt report anything cuz guildie said he frapsed it and would report it. That was around 1-2 months ago and was last time it happened so i figured it got fixed. Apparently not.
  13. This is exactly how this guy says it. Either the people defending the merc class are R E T A R D E D (which i think this is the case) or they are just trying to protect their OP class. Nonetheless Bioware stop hearing to idiots and do something about it.
  14. /nerf Go ranked 4v4 and enemy team is 3-4 mercs, GL with a team of sents/mara and whatever classes there might be. U got shtty defenses with sent/mara (by shtty defenses i mean in comparison to the merc defenses). DPS is same but no stupid heal, heavy armor, and ranged DPS!!! So to all saying you can win with this situation, go and die! This is the sad reality so you go bioware...
  15. Yes, they drop from command crates, and you can also get them throu OPS or PVP. No, it is not the mod that controls set bonus, it's the Armoring. P.S. : I doubt you will be able to get them back after destroying them.
  16. No no man, you need to learn to play, like every merc and operative player/lover says. It's not the OP classes that are spamming ranked and WZ, it's you who's at fault. Evade their DCDs with your s h i t t y defenses and pray you are still alive after 12-16 secs and then hope you can earn at least some medals (not to say win cause it's too far streched ^^) /joke off No man, the classes are broken atm, I've already quitted the game, only logging from time to time to see whats going on, rest is a BIG JOKE. So it's not you, it's the game.
  17. Don't mind the "arguments" from these people saying mercs are not OP. I bet they are the sorry rerolls and they do not want their class now nerfed
  18. The guy is right, it's impossible to deal with 3 mercs at once now that they are buffed as hell. You can come up with whatever strategy you want but the fact that they are overpowered is there so stop trying to defend an OP class. IMO they SHOULD be nerfed to the ground so that every reroll can cry then
  19. Mercs need to be nerfed all the way, stop trying to save-talk some of the overpowered skills they have. It's ridiculous. Hell you can roll in a ranked WZ 3 mercs+1 sorc just about everything. Hell try to fight 4 mercs at same time. Its just f****** ridiculous. They need a check-up by Bioware. P.S.: Before you start throwing with s*** at me, all you merc-lovers/players, I am also playing Merc. (3 Mercs+1 Sorc premade ranked WZ group owned just about everything so its not that fun)
  20. I've got a question. Will you release all of the new chapters at once? Or will you release one each month starting from december? Thanks in advance!
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