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  1. Yeah, I forced AA with Catalyst Control Center and I started noticing an unusual white glow to the left and top of my screen at certain parts of NPC cutscenes. I've just turned the changes off and the glow has gone away so I'd assume it's caused by the AA changes. Considering SWTOR doesn't officially support decent AA options at the moment these sorts of bugs are definitely to be expected if you choose to force them. Either play without the AA or put up with it until Bioware officially adds some AA options into the game. Personally, I'd probably just put up with it as aside from that one bug, the game looks gorgeous without the jaggies.
  2. That's because there's only one available instance for your current planet.
  3. Bioware needs to add a hood down variant for all of the robes which current force the hoods to be up. Why? Because currently Twi'leks have the hoods completely missing from any robe which forces hood up. They can't have the hoods up due to their head tubes (lekku) so Bioware simply deleted the hoods for Twi'leks. The robes look surprisingly ugly with the hoods completely cut off. Hopefully Bioware will add in a hood down variant for these robes even if it's just to benefit Twi'lek players.
  4. The above posters are right and wrong. No, Twi'lek can't wear hoods up. However, as it is at the moment, Twi'lek hoods are not down, they're completely missing from any robe chest pieces. I'm not sure if Bioware plan to add the hoods back onto robes for Twi'leks even if they're just dangling there unused but it looks pretty stupid with them just completely missing.
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