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Everything posted by DarknessInLight

  1. You really can't blame Hayden Christensen for bad script writing and directing by George Lucas.
  2. ^^this. Most of us are not going to ruin the story for those who have not done it yet. You might also want to run the Sith Warrior story as well because there is a clue to what actually happened to the Emperor.
  3. Questions: 1. Which flashpoint was this? Was it HM or SM? 2. What class were you during the FP? 3. What spec were you during the FP? 4. What spec was the Group Leader? 5. What item was in question? NOTE: If you cannot or will not answer certain questions Im afraid that you cannot be believed as far as your version of the events you put forth in the OP.
  4. You're gonna quit your sub because of a bug that just sprung up out of nowhere?! Good luck with that.....
  5. I dont know if you're a bad troll or you haven't run LIHM but its been heavily nerfed. You probably could solo it naked.
  6. I have an issue with the Inquisitor character. Why isn't Vader hunting down the Jedi? I thought that was standard accepted lore that Skywalker/Vader was tearing the galaxy asunder trying to hunt down the survivor of Order 66, partially because he wanted to find Obi Wan Kenobi?
  7. My understanding is that Luminara Unduli died on Kashyyyk. You see her on the Wookiee planet in Revenge of the Sith with Master Yoda and Quinlan Vos. She was in charge of the 41st Elite Corps. She was shot while healing the wounded. Like Aayla Secura, she never had a chance to defend herself. The only Jedi that left that planet appears to be Yoda. I have a HUGE issue with Jedi carrying blasters. That is NOT what they are taught. A Jedi has all they need in the Force, and a lightsaber on their person. Nothing more is needed. Correction: Okay, having seen the video, I want to know how she escaped all those clones on Kashyyyk.
  8. Hey, just because it's 50 million credits on the PTS DOES NOT mean that it will be that amount when they go live. While I think that 50 million certainly is a possibility, its also VERY doable for a guild, especially those with a large player base. This also does not mean that smaller guilds cannot afford it, its all about the buy in by the Guildies in your guild and if your members CAN do it, then it is an accomplishment that the Guild can remember and be proud of.
  9. As much as I miss SWG, I think we should definitely give Strongholds a chance. We are only getting a small taste of things to come. I think SWTOR has come a LONG way since launch, and it has gotten MUCH better than it was in the beginning, although there are people out there who will disagree with me, and that's fine. As far as being recluses, I'm not sure that's going to happen. I think that the Stronghold is going to act as a visual testament to our in game accomplishments that we can share with our friends, and who knows? The Devs are doing great things and making some nice strides in providing a gaming experience worthy of the Star Wars license.
  10. I'm confused. You want two chest pieces stripped of their class restrictions and put on the Cartel Market so you can buy them for coins? If I'm not mistaken, both of those items are craftable by Synthweavers. I dont think Bioware/EA is just going to take that away from the crafters.
  11. Grinding is never fun. What were you expecting? You wanna make money, its almost always never fun. That's why its called earning....
  12. Mace Windu is a proponent of peace, as the Jedi during his time served as peacekeepers UNTIL the Clone Wars broke out. Remember that when he says "Jedi are not soldiers", he is answering Chancellor Palpatine's response: PALPATINE : I don't know how much longer I can hold off the vote, my friends. More and more star systems are joining the separatists. MACE WINDU: If they do break away - PALPATINE: I will NOT let this Republic, which has stood for a thousand years, be split in two! My negotiations will not fail MACE WINDU: If they do, you must realize there aren't enough Jedi to protect the Republic. We are keepers of the peace, NOT soldiers. Its not that Mace is confused. Jedi kill only when they have to, even in war. Soldiers kill in war because if they don't, someone will kill them. He wasn't that thrilled to put the Jedi into another war. The Jedi had not seen open war for roughly a thousand years. 1. Seriously? Jedi believe that they are extensions of the Will of the Force. Remember what Qui Gon Jinn said to Anakin? ANAKIN : Master Qui-Gon, sir, I do not wish to be a problem. QUI-GON : You won't be, Annie. I'm not allowed to train you, so I want you to watch me and be mindful...always remember, your focus determines your reality. Stay close to me and you will be safe. ANAKIN : Master, sir...I've been wondering...what are midi-chlorians? QUI-GON : Midi-chlorians are a microscopic lifeform that reside within all living cells and communicates with the Force. ANAKIN : They live inside of me? QUI-GON : In your cells. We are symbionts with them. ANAKIN : Symbionts? QUI-GON : Life forms living together for mutual advantage. Without the midi-chlorians, life could not exist, and we would have no knowledge of the Force. They continually speak to you, telling you the will of the Force. ANAKIN : They do?? QUI-GON : When you learn to quiet your mind, you will hear them speaking to you. ANAKIN : I don't understand. QUI-GON : With time and training, Annie...you will. Obviously he doesn't mean literally that the Force will talk to you, its just that the Jedi can be shown something through the Force that they can use to their advantage. A perfect example of this is when Obi Wan Kenobi is hanging over the edge of the reactor pit with Darth Maul standing over him. We are shown that something is reminding Kenobi that his master's saber is lying on the floor and can be used. That's the Force "talking" to Kenobi, bailing him out of a tight spot. 2. In war, Soldiers in history have been taught to kill or be killed. Jedi do not kill unless absolutely necessary. An example of this is where Obi Wan disarms Zam Wesell, the Mercenary hired to assassinate Padme Amidala in AOTC. She had her blaster drawn, he spun around and sliced off her hand, which allows her to live for questioning while still eliminating the threat she previously posed. Obviously Jango Fett had other plans. 3. Jedi do not seek challenges. Adventure? Hmpf. Excitement? Heh. A Jedi craves not these things. You are reckless. - Yoda It is when the Jedi is confronted by the Dark Side's temptations that they measure themselves. A Padawan's trials to Knighthood requires that they confront the Dark Side of the Force. Obi Wan Kenobi was supposed to take the trials in order to become a Jedi Knight. Once the Jedi determined that the assassin sent to kill Queen Amidala was indeed a Sith Lord, one that had been killed by Kenobi, he did not need to the take the trials and had become a Knight. 4. The word "Solah" was a term used by the Jedi during training sessions, especially with Lightsaber velocities, to indicate to stop. It translates as "Enough".
  13. NOTE: BOLD typeface indicates my responses Oh....how the Prequel Haters are going to jump all over this answer, as accurate as it's going to be. A Force User's affinity for the Force is defined by the number of Midichlorians found in their blood. It is through this microscopic lifeform that the very connection to the Force is possible. Everyone has them in their blood, but Force Sensitives, or those who can physically touch and manipulate the Force, have higher levels of them in their blood. At the age of nine, young Anakin Skywalker measured over 20,000 Midichlorians in a single drop of blood, which was unheard of at that time. Darth Sidious' midichlorian count is purported to be MUCH higher than that. We're keepers of the Peace, not soldiers. - Mace Windu For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the Guardians of Peace and Justice in the Old Republic. Before the Dark Times. Before the Empire. - Obi Wan "Ben" Kenobi Jedi don't measure themselves, at least not by their body counts. The Jedi have always been Guardians of Peace and Justice in the galaxy and are supposed to be selfless servants of the Force. Violence is a last resort for the true Jedi. The "measure" of a Jedi, if you will, is in their exposure to and resistance of the Dark Side of the Force. There is a term the Jedi used frequently: Solah. Translated it means it is enough, and so it is with a Jedi. If a Jedi ignites his lightsaber, he must be ready to take a life. If he is not so prepared, he must keep his weapon at his side.-Master Odan-Urr Master Odan-Urr went on to write the tenets that would become the foundation for the Jedi Code. He understood that the lightsaber was just a tool of the Jedi and that Jedi should strive to be diplomatic first before resorting to violence and that if the situation degraded to violence, that tended to constitute failure on the part of the Jedi.
  14. I think Disney should take this as a sign that this movie SHOULD NOT be made. Han Solo gets injured on the Millennium Falcon? Seriously?
  15. See, to me, that speaks laziness on the part of the Devs. Star Wars: Galaxies had Wookiees as a playable race. This game has species as NPC's that are not or do not speak Basic. Besides, any species can learn basic, and there is an example of this in game in the form of a Hutt with the ability to speak Basic. Yes. Definitely sounds like they just don't want to make specific species and it has NOTHING to do with them speaking Basic.
  16. Seeing as how both races will be available to both factions, my choices are: Itkotchi AND Gungan Click for an example of each.
  17. So you're saying that the Sith in-fighting didn't lead to their downfall? At that point in time, a unified Sith front would have swept the unprepared Republic before it. Sadow had unified the military arm of the Sith Empire after he thought he had defeated Kressh. When Sadow's forces were defeated over Primus Goluud, he retreated to Korriban, where Kressh was waiting. A inner Sith battle erupted between the two Sith's forces, with the Republic arriving to finish the job. Seems like a cleanup job to me. The Sith have always been destroyed from within. History has shown that.
  18. Your answer lies in the feud between Naga Sadow and Ludo Kressh over the Empire that Marka Ragnos created. You can read more about the Great Hyperspace War here Bottom Line: The Sith destroyed themselves, as they always do, through their quest for power. The Jedi led Republic just cleaned up the remnants from the infighting. On a related note, Lord Vitiate was Ludo Kressh's "Apprentice". Upon the defeat of his former Master, Vitiate took the remainder of the Sith Forces in battle over Korriban and fled beyond the known galaxy(at that time). It is after years of searching, that they discovered Dromund Kaas and began to rebuild Ragnos' Sith Empire.
  19. I suspect that, as far as the storyline is concerned, based on what we have seen in the new Flashpoints, I can draw 3 conclusions:
  20. 1.] Where did all of the troopers go? Why did they have to get the clones and how did people in TOR not find Kamino? You're referring to the troopers and Army of the Republic that we see now in the game. At the time of The Phantom Menace, the Sith had been thought to be extinct for a millennium. Because the Old Sith/Jedi war officially ended at the Battle of Ruusan some 1,000 years before the rise of Sidious' Sith Empire, the Republic had no need for a Grand Army and had reduced troop numbers gradually over that time period. They had no need of a standing army with the Jedi Order protecting them. The Clones were a gradual necessity as an answer to the rising threat posed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Many Republic citizens felt that war was unnecessary and that the creation of a Clone Army might be the provocation that would lead to all out Galactic War. 2.] In SWTOR, it seems like the Jedi have a lot more powerful powers than in the movies. I don't know if it's because the movie developers cba to do the effects or the Jedi power had weakened. If you are referring to the Jedi shown in the Original Trilogy like the 55 year old Obi Wan Kenobi shown in A New Hope, yes they were indeed weaker than the Jedi of SWTOR or even the Prequel Trilogy. What you have to understand is that following the implementation or Republic Executive Order 66, those Jedi not murdered by their Clone Troopers went into exile, and some even hung up their lightsabers forever. When you stop practicing something, your skill and strength in it starts to degrade at some point. So too it was with the Jedi. As far as Vader goes, he is weakened because he is no longer the man he once was. His age and the fact that Vader was "more machine now than man, twisted and evil", as Obi Wan so aptly put it, resulted in his overall weakness during the OT. 3.] What happened to the proper Empire? I don't understand why they had to convert their army into a bunch of droids. They're also Separatists which I don't really get. The Confederacy of Independent Systems was all a ploy created by Darth Sidious to push the Galaxy closer and closer to Open War. The planets that made up the Confederacy had droid armies, despite those armies being forbidden by Republic law(Droidekas and such). Darth Sidious was the ultimate puppet master, pulling the strings on BOTH sides of the conflict, until the time was right for him to: A. Destroy the Jedi Order B. Destroy the Galactic Republic C. Restore Sith Rule over the Galaxy When he did all three of those things, the Sith Empire had returned, with himself as Emperor. 4.] The awesome trooper guy in the Hope trailer takes Sith lightning with a grunt and Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker scream out in pain? It's related to 4,5 and 6 but I'm still confused at it. I suspect that the trooper had heavy armor on his body, which might have helped to deflect some, if not all, of the electrical discharge from the Force Lightning. If you'll remember, when Luke and Anakin were electrified, they had NO armor on them at all, so they bore the full brunt of the electrical discharge. 5.] Again, I don't know if this was to do with movie editing but I saw no battle droids in 4,5 and 6. Why didn't the Republic in 1,2 and 3 not use battle droids themselves? Again, as I mentioned above, Battle Droids were outlawed by the Republic. 6.] How the heck did the rebels lose the first scene in A New Hope? They outnumbered the stormies by a mile and had them squashed in a small space. Same with loosing the whole ship. The Stormtroopers may have had lousy aim, but they had the numbers advantage. The Rebel complement on board the Tantive IV was tiny compared to the sheer numbers of Troopers on the Star Destroyer that intercepted it. Add to the fact that they used superior battle tactics with those numbers and there was no hope for the Rebels on board. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.
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