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Posts posted by Atreiya

  1. Wow, I love all my JK companions (except for Rusk - it's not that I don't like him, it's just that it's more of a professional relationship). Doc is my JK's hubby, so he takes the top spot (he was charming, funny & handsome). I consider Kira my JK's snarky sister, and T7 is a loyal, plucky little droid (adore him). I also found Scourge to be really interesting in terms of his own story and his history with certain persons (who I won't mention because of spoilers), plus his philosophy & beliefs, etc.
  2. Yes, we really should have a bacta tank in the medbay at the very least. Otherwise, I mostly like my ship and find it somewhat cozy. I rather like my personal quarters, the dejarik table, the meditation area, etc. etc. Since my JK married Doc, he gets to sleep in her room and doesn't need his own quarters. However, the others do deserve their own space in my opinion. That reminds me: at some point Doc sent a note about knowing some guy who could attach refurbished escape pods to the ship as living quarters so that the others didn't intrude on our love nest. *chuckle* I almost wish that were an actual option because it's so outlandish and funny.
  3. Actually, if Praven or even Scourge had been an option, I would have seriously considered them on my JK because they're interesting guys (had an amusing final conversation with Scourge involving my Jedi's future children too, heh).


    However, I was pretty much smitten with Doc from the start on my Sentinel and did the full romance with him. As I described Doc in another thread, I pretty much consider him Han Solo with a medical degree. Sure, you might think that all there is to the relationship is the physical thing with the initial flirting and whatnot, but he mans up if you stick with the romance. I find Doc charming, handsome & funny.


    On my Smuggler, I'm romancing Corso. He's a nice guy, but he doesn't quite do it for me like Doc does. He's so...earnest - it's kind of cute, but I prefer the slightly roguish type, as in Han Solo as opposed to Andronikos. Speaking of Andro, my SI is sort of romancing him I suppose. I don't know what relationship we have as yet since I guess I'm around 1300-1800 affection with him. That and my SI had a fling with this semi-attractive Sith guy on Alderaan, which Andronikos seemed to kind of be okay with.

  4. It's not that Jedi are emotionless (and I have a 50 Jedi Sentinel) - they're supposed to be able to control their emotions and not let their passions dominate them. And I've found our choices to be interesting - there's room to be pragmatic/dark if you want, just like a Sith can be LS (albeit after trying it on my Sith Inquistor, I feel a little schizophrenic on her at times).
  5. I currently have a somewhat mixed setup with Ancient Ardent leggings (do not remember the exact variant) w/Gilded Ultrachrome robes. Actually, I got some Ancient Ardent robes that matched the leggings, but that metal scoop/faceguard thing in the front is not appealing to me - ugh (if the scoop were gone, I'd wear it). I keep hoping that some Synthweaver can make a nice set that I want to wear, so I really hope they implement the OP's suggestions. And as an Artificer, I like the idea of us getting the equivalent of MH/OH enchants too.
  6. Umm, yeah, I've actually sold some stuff. I haven't focused too heavily on it since I'm loaded from dailies and was really just doing it to be self-sufficient and to amuse myself, but I have sold items and mats. You just need to find a niche - maybe crafting for the lower level folks, etc. (that seems to work well for some people). I finally RE'd a high-level OH earlier today (after a fair amount of trying) that I think is probably desirable and may start selling it soon. It really does help if you go out and gather too. Occasionally I mix doing my PVE Ilum dailies with gathering mats.
  7. Ha ha =)


    I love Doc, currently running around the beautiful planet Belsavis with him <3 I stopped playing my alts because I wanted to finish my JK and her story with Doc first. But wow, that thing in your spoiler tag there, it really caught me by surprise. This guy is so much fun I will be sad to see then end of it, but can't help rushing towards it =)


    Yeah, the thing in the spoiler kind of floored me when I found out about it. I was like, oh boy, what kind of guy did I hook up with?! I even wanted to slap Doc silly at one point, but I figured hey, it was in the past - hehe. I think the culmination of the romance was nice (plus, something can happen in the final class quest that involves your LI which I will be mum about since it's a spoiler).

  8. I'm a Jedi Sentinel, and I'm pretty sure that I flirted with Doc way more than three times. Outside of that, yeah, not that many flirting options - although I recall flirting with Jace Malcom (during the bonus series quests on Alderaan) and flirting with some other guy on Coruscant. Technically, Jedi aren't supposed to be flirting at all anyway - heh. I think I flirted quite a bit with Corso on my Smuggler, along with that sabacc player on Coruscant (even some old guy on Tatooine - rofl).
  9. I finished my JK storyline (female here), and I just love Doc. <3 <3 <3 Yes, he starts out as a womanizer

    (hello, surprise with Prudy)

    , but he actually develops feelings for your JK and shapes up if you're patient. Towards the end, I was having a serious conversation with him and my Sentinel pointed out to him that he was kind of commitment-phobe. His approval actually went UP when I did it and said that our relationship had to be more than a casual fling.


    Besides, he kind of has a Han Solo with a medical degree thing going on. True, he has a bit of an ego & there's his obsession with fame, but it's cute/comedic. I find him weirdly charming. I also find his default appearance attractive - none of the customization options are particularly attractive. I get the feeling Doc's spoiled every other romance for me. I've been leveling my Smuggler alt, and I've gotten to the point of kissing Corso. The guy is sweet, but...there's just something missing. He's too earnest or vanilla for me I guess. Not really sure what it is, but Corso is not quite doing it for me.

  10. Yeah, I ended up with two purple-level enhancements that ended up being the same: Finesse and Intensity. It made me want to headdesk - the green versions had a slightly different mix of accuracy & crit, but when I RE'd both to see what would happen, they ended up with EXACTLY +18 End/+39 Acc/+27 Crit. I enjoy RE'ing things, but I'm not really happy when I get redundant enhancements like this.
  11. I have to agree with not enjoying dailies as a general rule (in every MMO I've ever played). I play WoW, and I have four 85s. At one point, I did the Sons of Hodir grinding for shoulder enchants on all of them, and it was HORRID.


    That being said, I realize that once you hit max level, there has to be a way for you to get commendations, rep, etc. etc. Sometimes I just won't do the dailies if I'm not in the mood and level my alt(s). I think it would be nice if they had rotating daily/weekly quests or something to break up the monotony - or maybe add class-specific weeklies to add a little flavor.


    That being said, some of these TOR dailies (the heroics at least) make for an interesting challenge if you try to solo them, but I too would prefer something...unique/different.

  12. I've seen a level 14 standing right next to a chest near the depleted white Adegan crystal on Ilum (speaking of whom, I killed him twice and looted the chest with my 50). They should be ejecting people like that who are farming chests, etc.
  13. Everything maxed, 60+ constantly.


    Reflections off my armor, game is gorgeous, well if you have a good computer that is. It is rough on slower machines but that will catch up in time.


    Gotta love people confusing hardware limitations with bad graphics though. Silly noobs.


    Yep - I have two mobility 6990s, and the game looks quite nice for the most part. I'm getting over 60 fps with everything maxed and at 1920 x 1080. I would like them to add in high-res textures (especially for character clothing).


    Ability delays are a real issue on my Jedi Sentinel - that really needs to be fixed, and I'm in agreement with people who mention it as a problem. However, this thread seems more QQ overall than constructive criticism. Describing problems and suggesting solutions is what constructive criticism is about - albeit in the case of ability delay, there's not much one can say other than to point it out to the devs and tell them that they need to fix it.

  14. I love my Jedi Sentinel, and I agree with just about every point but for saber combat. It's great (love it), but there are some combat delay issues that do make me want to scream at times. Otherwise, it's been a blast & I'm sure that they'll sort out the problems. At least three of my WoW guildies are playing it too (one just started, as for the other two, they really enjoy it and have been playing about as obsessively as I do).
  15. This is a pretty asinine thread since you're...actually, I'm not sure what point you were making since you can personally gather from nodes all by yourself on a planet. i fail to see how having a companion prevents you from gathering materials yourself. I know that I went out and harvested plenty of Opila crystals on the last two planets I was on.


    Companions A) provide an alternative means of gathering and B) help get me certain mats I otherwise can't easily get. :p I wish I could give this thread zero stars, but apparently the lowest one can go is one star. Oh, and as a WoW player whose main is a miner, I seriously hate competing with other miners for elementium ore if I end up in Uldum at a freakishly busy time.


    EDIT: Yeah, you go see how "fun" it is to have to waste two-plus hours of your life trying to collect enough ore to prospect just to get three nightstones for a JC daily. And that includes going after just obsidium (because competing for elementium can be a colossal pain). BTW, I have four level 85s,and my masteries include mining (on two toons), jewelcrafting, enchanting, tailoring, herbalism, alchemy AND blacksmithing.


    ADDITIONAL EDIT: actually crafting an item may take a good long time in the TOR system, but that's time that I haven't had to waste on flying around and competing with others for nodes. That's time which I can spend on doing something, oh, fun.

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