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Posts posted by Major_Mayhem

  1. It is said that the dark side is fueled by misery and suffering.


    But looking at all the rage and QQ on the forums....I'm not sure the dark side can handle power of that magnitude.


    John Riccitiello is the Anti-Christ of PC gaming! :D

  2. I'm one of those P.O.ed people, I should have known better then to pre-order a game, last time I did it was Half Life2.


    However in this case it's really not Bioware's fault - it's the vendors. I have pre-ordered and canceled several times and not gotten a working code. Even best buy screwed up and gave me a redemption code for an unrelated product (8x8 Photo Book). I had to take my problem to Bioware support and by the time they got me a working code Best Buy had finally gotten off their arses and sent me a functioning code. Now I'm the proud owner of 2 early game access codes and neither are going to get me in the game any earlier. If I'm lucky I'll get in Friday.


    The only bright side is I have an extra working code now I can probably give to some one who is going to get in on the same day as me, and I'm the proud owner of a $30 photo album .... I would rather have the extra game time. 8(


    There were two reasons to pre-order.


    1) to get early game access. We see how that worked for me ....


    2) to pick up a copy of the game on it's release date with no headaches ... Ya I know this going to get F.U.B.A.R.ed somehow.


    I really don't want to mess with EA's Steam wanta be service "Origin" I already see headaches with this. Heck you have to pay 5 bucks extra for a "Digital" copy that by rights should cost less then a Physical copy of the game.

  3. im really surprised this forum ega anger stuff didnt make g4tv lol


    That's because most people that are upset are complaining here. This is about the same crying into your pillow. Bioware/EA are content with this as by the time any one not on this board realizes the problem EGA will be over with anyway.


    What people should have done is complain on facebook pages, other gaming forums (toms hardware), and at their vendors site if their is feedback or reviews allowed (new egg, Best Buy).


    This may have at least got some attention.

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