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10 Good
  1. Having the same issue. Trying to gear a new alt in low level purple mods and I've run about a dozen TH missions with Vette(+5 TH Crit) and haven't gotten a single Wind Crystal. The majority of these missions have been "Rich Yield" missions. Yet on my Cybertech BH with Gault running Underworld Trading missions, I'm getting purple mats 9 times out of 10 on Abundant and above missions. Methinks something is awry...
  2. I was about to loot [super Awesome and Rare Item] but before I could right click it BAM! booted. Bioware, i demand you send me [super Awesome and Rare Item] in the mail.
  3. I believe you mean "Super Serial". It's not "Cereal" like the breakfast food. It's "Serial" as in "Serious". BTW, I'm super serial about this common mistake bothering me. I am mad, brother.
  4. Use it to give your companion a weapon that you won't have to replace until around lv19. The Aim Blaster Pistol seems to cover the most starting companions(Korso, Jedi Droid, and Kaliyo). So roll a BH, use the pistol from 14-19, then send it to your Imperial Agent for Kaliyo to use from 14-19, then send it to your Smuggler or Knight for their companions to use from 14-19. Other than that, there's the Cunning pistol, which covers the Smuggler, Mako, and Vette. Or the WP double bladed lightsaber for your sith assassin, jedi shadow, and Kira. Everything else seems to be limited to two classes/companions.
  5. AMD 6970HD 6GB DDR3 RAM All settings on Very High All Graphics Card settings set to "Let the program decide". I get between 20-30 FPS on the Imperial Fleet and between 30-80FPS on planets, depending on the planet and the amount of rendering required. Oddly enough, turning off AA on the Imperial Fleet only bumps my FPS up by about 5. I wonder what turning off shadows will do, besides annoy me because I love shadow rendering.
  6. I like the story and layout for both classes on Ord Mantell, but it just seems to take forever if you also do all the side quests and group areas. Hutta went by rather quickly. I think it's the fastest of all the starting zones.
  7. Personally, I love having my own worshipper. It makes me feel important.
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