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Everything posted by TarikGur

  1. HAHA Im sure you are right, it is so horrible that I have never used it myself so I dont even know what is completely wrong with it.
  2. It could also be my playing time, I play more during the day when there is NOBODY around. I have had the same problem at peak night time as well though.
  3. Maybe if people used the current tool, it might work. But nobody uses it, and there simply arent enough people around to keep it on Same Server. 200 people at peak times, 100 or less during the times when I play because of my schedule. Split that up between people doing dailies, raiding, or pvp, and theres a slim pool to pick from for same server dungeon finding.
  4. I wouldnt mind not having a dungeon finder if it was possible to find a group on our own. But it isnt. Im on a busy server, but im tired of looking. Its not fun to stand there and saying LFG over and over and over and over for an hour day after day. I can find plenty of better things to do with my time.
  5. I realize there is a forum for this kind of thread, but it doesnt get much traffic, so im posting this here as well. Yeah I know people have talked about this before but im asking anyway. Are there any plans to implement a global dungeon group finder??? I have been 50 for a month now and have stoped playing because I stand at the Rep Fleet Station and LFG for an hour and cant find any. Day after day I LFG, none. I dont have time for raiding, and get way too tired of dailies to give a damn and plunge through them over and over again. So, just seeing if there are any plans for one, before I cancel my subscription and totally forget that this game was ever made. Cause thats what it comes down to. Theres NOTHING to do after 50 besides: dailies, flashpoints, pvp, raids. Well, I refuse to do boring dailies day after day cause thats not fun! I dont have time for raids, and if this is gonna be a game built around raids it will fail really quickly. I have no interest in pvp. And flashpoint groups are too hard to find. So im left with nothing. Oh well, it was worth hoping for. Also, I tried playing an alt character....got to level 19 and decided it was way too boring as well. Its the same game with alts, just different dialogue during missions. So what? The story line isnt so amazing and awesome that I think to myself "I cant wait to see what that pointless npc says next!!!!!". I spacebar all the dialoge and get tired of the same missions over again. Might be worth it if my guild or the world needed the other class im playing as an alt, and I could use them on flashpoints at 50, but alas this is not the case. I know in my heart when I reach 50 there will be no need for my healer, and I will again stand at the Station searching for a group that doesnt excist. One more thing!! I was hoping to use my alt healer and flahspoint my way through leveling. Again, this isnt possible. The experience given for the time spent on flashpoints isnt balanced with time spend running pointless missions. And without a group finder, I waste WAY too much time LFG that it makes flashpoints completely pointless at lower levels.
  6. One more thing!! I was hoping to use my alt healer and flahspoint my way through leveling. Again, this isnt possible. The experience given for the time spent on flashpoints isnt balanced with time spend running pointless missions. And without a group finder, I waste WAY too much time LFG that it makes flashpoints completely pointless at lower levels.
  7. Also, I tried playing an alt character....got to level 19 and decided it was way too boring as well. Its the same game with alts, just different dialogue during missions. So what? The story line isnt so amazing and awesome that I think to myself "I cant wait to see what that pointless npc says next!!!!!". I spacebar all the dialoge and get tired of the same missions over again. Might be worth it if my guild or the world needed the other class im playing as an alt, and I could use them on flashpoints at 50, but alas this is not the case. I know in my heart when I reach 50 there will be no need for my healer, and I will again stand at the Station searching for a group that doesnt excist.
  8. Yeah I know people have talked about this before but im asking anyway. Is there any plans to implement a global dungeon group finder??? I have been 50 for a month now and have stoped playing because I stand at the Rep Fleet Station and LFG for an hour and cant find any. Day after day I LFG, none. I dont have time for raiding, and get way too tired of dailies to give a damn and plunge through them over and over again. So, just seeing if there is any plans for one, before I cancel my subscription and totally forget that this game was ever made. Cause thats what it comes down to. Theres NOTHING to do after 50 besides: dailies, flashpoints, pvp, raids. Well, I refuse to do boring dailies day after day cause thats not fun! I dont have time for raids, and if this is gonna be a game built around raids it will fail really quickly. I have no interest in pvp. And flashpoint groups are too hard to find. So im left with nothing. Oh well, it was worth hoping for.
  9. Nobody else has noticed this???? Its very obvious.
  10. Honestly it gives me very little confidence in a game developer when they can't see ahead of time that something like this will be an issue. Theres tons of "little" issues like this in the game that make me sit there and think "really?? they made the game like this??". Very amateure hour.
  11. You are saying that since you didnt pay much for it, that its not a problem? I bet if you had paid alot for the item you would change your tune.
  12. Was hoping to get some feedback on this one.
  13. It doesnt matter what it is intended for. There shouldnt be cross-commands.
  14. FOUND IT! Load screen for Taris. It says Ctrl+right click shows item mods. Thats a major error!!! Ctrl + right click buys an object when done at a vendor! this is a major problem! I have done this sooo many time!
  15. Yeah its more durable, but come on the speed could still be increased. When expansions come out, and we have to grind more levels again and do missions, we are all gonna want that speed increase. I usually just go around mobs, so the durabitlity doesnt hurt me much. At least, during leveling, i mean.
  16. When troopers go to the Fleet after completing their story line at level 50, our mission is to talk to Ha'laa. During the conversation a holo call comes thru from some guy and he tells us to go to Ilum. When the trooper character speaks the word "ILUM" he says "LOOM" instead. He does this the entire conversation. He is very clearly not saying ilum, but loom instead. The npc on the holo call says ilum correctly though. Has nobody else noticed this?? This is cleary an error on the voice-over team. The guy reading the script must have thought the word was loom, which would make sense if his script was written in a way that makes the capital I and the lower case L look the same, so he thought it was spelled llum. Editing team missed it.
  17. well whatever the speed difference is now, its negligable and pointless and almost impossible to visually see the difference on the screen.
  18. I have 90% speed increase level 1 speeder. I was following a 100% level 2 speeder who was going the same direction as I was. The faster speeder in front of me barely increased their distance the entire trip (space port coruscant to the senate tower). In fact, I noticed no difference whatsoever. I realise the speed difference is only 10%, but wow that difference is very pointless. I had wanted to skip level 2 training and vehicle all together, but found out we have to get it before we get level 3. I knew 10% wasnt much, and even 20% isnt much of an increase, but figured I might as well do it when I reached 50. The speed differences between level 1,2,3 need to be increased. 20% per level is much more logical. Factoring in the cost for the training these increases are pointless.
  19. The Ending of the trooper story is horrible. The choices are totally awefull and make no sense whatsoever. The light and dark side points arent representative of the reality of the situation. Sometimes the story line and the choices we have to make have been so stupid and un-realistic that I have really had to swallow my logical abilities and just go along with the ride. Any other troopers who have finished the story and understand what im saying, please post and talk about it. Im sure you all understand what im talking about.
  20. As far as grinding levels is concerned, I am enjoying the grind. The story line is fun, (trooper), most of my concerns are for the games longevity. I fear people will get bored (short attention spans being the norm for todays mmo gamer, and who can blame them?). I hope they dont leave and give it time to flourish.
  21. Its invalid to compare a new game with an old one. We dont compare a new car with a 20 year old car. The comparison must be made with current mmo's.
  22. Even just a little acknowledgement from the devs about these key issues would sooth my mind. Once again Im hoping its not a case of the devs thinking they "know it all" and we know nothing. Theres too much mmo death history to write off the constructive criticism of a vocal minority.
  23. In agreement with all the OP comments. The game is fun 1 time through, after that whats the point? I got over-excited the first few days of pre-launch and bought 6 month sub right away...ugh, never doing that again! oh well. Again though, totally agree with OP on every comment.
  24. so a game that the developers thought would take over 200 hours, can be done in 50? wow, we must all be the dumbest people on the planet, such losers, im gonna go cry for a while since im such a loser. ok, well, i lied, i reached level 50 in 2 hours. IF you didnt do it then u are fail, loser, go home and cry. haha im the best, i did it in 2 hours. i win.
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