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Everything posted by Knvkl

  1. Classes are not self-sufficient and rely on cooperation with their team-mates. That's how good pvp should be.
  2. Probably a troll, but anyway As soon as you care about being "elite", you are already a slave to other people's opinions and expectations. You're trying to impress others. It's really a very submissive attitude if you think about it.
  3. A simple way is to line-of-sight him by hiding behind the computers (at the sides) and running around like a chicken, healing or using kits whenever possible. Also, his casts are very slow and can be interrupted easily. Flashbang and stuns also work well. As a healer I couldn't keep Kaliyo alive by playing normally.
  4. you have low standards if you call your premade members friends.
  5. I know that I will get flamed for this, but ranked warzones with superior rewards are a terrible idea. This will only benefit the "top" 5% of players who are more organized than the rest. It will alienate the majority of gamers who just want to jump into warzones and compete in a more relaxed atmosphere (please spare me the "skill" argument, it's about organization). Most players don't want to put up with nerd-raging vent chatter. Bioware won't be able to make everyone happy of course, but to cater to the hardcore pvp crowd just because they are the loudest and most "elitist" won't benefit the game as a whole.
  6. It can be awesome if you lie to yourself and tell yourself that it's about skill. PvP in MMOs is all about gear and "coordination" (aka steamrolling with premades). If you want to prove your gaming skill, play a skill-based game.
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