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Posts posted by heinywb

  1. Have you been buying the champion gear bags from the PVP vendor? You trade your WZ Comms for Mercenary comms, You need 200 WZ and 200 Mercenary commendations to buy the bag.


    ah yes i have one in my bag, and i now realize i left out one important detail....im lvl 45

  2. As stated. Flashpoints are quicker to run. With the tweak I proposed it'll still be that way but only slightly. Also the gear is pretty comparable so speed of attaining them should be as well. I do like the bag system. I'm probably one of the few who do. Like I said 20 warzone badges should equal 10 mercenary. Rather than 30. This one change would make things much smoother IMO. The randomness is still there but it's not as annoying as working for 800 marks just to end up with 3 tokens.


    Either way I'm not threatening to quit. Even if they decide to take my suggestion by the time it's implemented I'll probably already be completely geared up anyway. Just in the future I think that's a better tweak to the system.


    reading is fundamental. the stats on the gear would ahve to be adjusted if you made it easier to obtain and its already atrociously easier than previous mmo's to obtain pvp gear. put in the work like everyone else

  3. Not quite. Completing flashpoints with a guild is quicker than getting 800 marks with a guild. Typically a flash point doesn't take 2+ hours unless you're doing something wrong. Note I don't disagree with the bag system. I do think the cost needs to be reduced.


    yea thats true but have u checked the stats on fp gear vs pvp gear? the pvp is better than the fp gear even wtih expertise on it in a lot of cases

  4. Again I'm looking for a proper lfg tool I DON'T care if they add a dungeon finder or not. How is the lack of a proper lfg tool going to ruin community? Standing in fleet station spamming lfg over and over is getting me no place. I can't go quest or anything by doing so.


    Again I asked for a proper lfg tool. The one they have now flags you for a group in /who ONLY on the planet your on now. I'd like something like a pop up screen that I can punch in the info I'm a tank, looking for this or that and anyone eles that uses this "popup" can be oh look bob here is a tank looking for BT let me whisper him and grab him to do it.


    join a guild....this game isnt meant to be solo'd

  5. is there lvl 50 blue pvp gear? ive got 1000 merc comms and have myself and all my companions in lvl 40 pvp gear....a stack of health pots....and im capped on comms again....anything left to buy other than green boxes?
  6. For casuals that means they'll never gear up. It takes a long time to get a bag in the first place. Should gearing up take a long time? Yes but not for Tier 1. Tier 1 shouldn't be extremely time consuming. I think they have it right with the bags honestly. I think it should be 20 Warzone commendations = 10 Merc commendations. I also think 1-2 Cent marks should be gained by wins. Making winning even more juicy. This doesn't make it easy mode but does take back some of the grind.


    no it doesnt....i get a bag with 800 comms....takes about 8-10 games...couple hours.....even a casual can do that in one day

  7. Or, you can leave it if you get it and instantly requeue without penalty!


    Oh man, that would require you to press an extra button. Bullocks to that I say!


    You rolled Empire, the dominating faction in terms of numbers. Huttball is the only WZ that can be faction vs same faction. Deal with it, reroll Republic, or whine on forums. See which one gets you to your solution faster. Hint, whining won't help. I tell that to my 4 year old when she whines about taking a bath.



    nice...i really liked the 4 yo comparison.




    @meelays...no one said u have to play warzones. go level by questing like the almost everyone else....get to 50.


    You are where u are because of choices you made. kinda ironic, thats the bw montra. you chose empire....u chose to q for warzones.....now u complain about the results of your choices. hahaha. your tears are like tiny morsels of ecstasy.

  8. bump for justice... 50's are absolutely ruining pvp right now for most of the player base.


    maybe the player base should level up rather than taking time away from leveling by posting QQ on the forums.....

  9. You seem retarded. Or you're just very stubborn and are incapable of understanding what it's like to try to keep people at 20% from dying while having to snipe a KB to get a metal. It's stupid. As I already mentioned, as a healer I'm doing A LOT already, now having to snipe killing blows and 1v1 someone for a metal is downright stupid and wasting my specialty. It's sad that I gain the most metals in a way that doesnt help the team win. Does that make sense?


    funny how the bads who cant multitask wanna call me retarded. as one poster stated already u dont have to have the killing blow to get credit for the kill....assists count as kills towards ur 10/25 medals. so u just have to tag someone once. seems pretty hard. at least one healer has already commented to how he racks up 9 medals per round fairly easily. But of course if it still seems to you that dps has it that much easier in warzones, you are free to make the decision to reroll dps.

  10. But you missed my point entirely. I couldn't care less about someone else thinking its a good system. I think it's **** because rng screws on me everytime I have to deal with it. Even in PvE I have a ****** luck and I don't like the PvE rng system either but if I can accept that its the way it works in PvE. In PvE you need to down the bosses many times to get everything you want.


    In PvE the thrill is downing bosses and getting loot from them.


    In PvP the thrill is fighting players, the gear is a tool to do it better.


    That's the difference and I believe its why it shouldnt be random and rather base it on grind and perhaps some kinda ranking (for example wow's rating). In PvP gear is needed to be able to perform at an equal level with fellow players so everyone should be equal in getting the gear. Rng in theory is 'equal' in the way that everyone has the same chance but because it's rng luck comes into play and its not really equal anymore.


    isnt gear a tool in pve to do it better as well? all i see is the same sense of entitlement the rest of the world has right now...."i want my **** and i want it now b/c i deserve it" pffft

    So all these posts about you didnt get all ur gear in the first 12 bags makes me smile.

  11. I was well aware of this at the time of my post good sir, that still does not change the fact that a 50 bracket should have been implemented into the game before launch. You can sit there and say "oh but then all of us who have powered our way through content will be sitting here at 50 with long queue times because the rest of the community is 30 levels lower then us." Well my response to that is simple, tough ****. The majority should not have to get roll stomped by a small minority of players who put 60 hours into the game a week so they can be the first to 50. Its almost as if the lvl 50 community is affraid to be put up against a full team of lvl 50's and shown that without a 20 level buffer, your not as good as you think you are.


    first off im not 50....im 42. 2nd not all of us non 50s are in the boat with u. Some of us dont have problems killing 50s. It seems that some of the ppl here on the forums have taken longer to acclimate to this game than others and are struggling. it happens with all new games.


    as to ur snarky simple response, i guess BW was the one who said tough **** and left the lvl50 brackets out at launch.


    personally, i have a career so i only get to play after work. i get about 30 hrs in a week and its probaly going to take me 3 weeks to hit cap. 50s started showing up around official launch day so 2 weeks of higher level toons in warzones is irrelevantly small compared to the amount of time you will spend at 50.

  12. this. A lvl 50 with full gear is a monster. Other than that they make premade groups with others lvl 50 (also with full gear) making them impossible to take down if you don't have high levels players on your team.


    purely a suggestion....as a work around until u reach 50. Join a guild and group with 50s?

  13. The people posting who turned in several bags and got no gear did not negate RNG.


    several=/=large amounts of time and effort.....sorry. 3 days of bags=~15-20 bags and about 8 of the 12 needed pieces.....keep farming

  14. 1. full white resolve bar only makes you immune to CC while its ticking down. Once the full bar goes white, there is a 1-1.5 second lag until it actually starts to tick down. During this time you can still be CC'd even though the bar is full and white.


    2. If you are in a CC that turned your full bar white and are CC'd again before coming out of the previous CC, you get no immunity. Theoretically you can be CC'd indefinitely since the full white resolve bar will never start to tick.


    Played another 20 or so matches last night....both of these still hold true.

  15. no the blue gear from the pvp vendor for lvl20 and lvl40 and i assume 50 is all purchasable prior to said level requirement. i had my lvl20 and lvl40 gear along with my companions lvl40 gear well before i hit 20/40. the champion bag can be purchased prior to lvl50. i have one in my bank as we speak but i cant open it and its unique.
  16. Every post I click is something about pvp not being fun or classes need to get nerfed. The pvp is fun in this game and the classes don't need to get nerfed the way to win is work as a team read your chat log call stuff out. If the leaps and pulls get taken out in pvp then its boring and the other team cant come back to win. Soooo everyone should just stop crying enjoy the game for what it is. It's fast pace pvp thats what makes it fun. If you really wanna cry go back to your other game that you think is 10times better.


    agreed. i hope to be 50 this weekend so that i can start getting lvl 50 games under my belt and provide some much needed constructive criticism on the forum. i have ideas but wanna wait til 50 to see what all changes at cap.

  17. Bioware can "explain" resolve as much as they like here - it's still obvious that it doesn't actually work for the purpose for which it was designed in pvp. By the time the bar is full you'll probably be dead, even if you aren't dead it takes a few seconds to work once it's full... by which time you'll either be back in another CC, or knocked/pulled somewhere where you'll soon be dead.


    I say scrap it as a bad idea and bring in Diminishing Returns - a system that works.


    nah, fix the resolve system. add a few seconds to the timer and start it ticking as soon as it goes white whether ur in a cc or not...that way no matter how quick someone is or if they try to chain cc, you'll be immune

  18. hahaha +1, shake your ***** this pissing contest is over. 50's need there own bracket, saying that you dont proves how much you suck at pvp to have to face palm a bunch of players 20 and 30 levels lower then you.


    literacy is so underrated. its been stated already but im sure u wont read this and just post ur nonsense....50 only brackets are coming. just need more 50s first.

  19. EA + BW = SOE Don't worry this game is destined to fail it isn't even fresh or fun. Just a big *********** grind like every other things. The only thing i even liked about the game was the pvp. Now i don't even like the pvp because they fked over the losing faction. I spend 15minutes in an arena to not even get a bubble of XP when i can go spend 10minutes questing and get 2Bubbles? Ya this is lame and I will be unsubbing. I called it BW will fail at thier first mmo. Don't implement a godlike system that all your pvpers love then take it away. I have no reason to make alts or even continue playing my char because I just know this is the start of bad ideas. I bought the game mainly because I love the idea of leveling through warzones. Well leveling through warzones is fking pointless now. Thanks for ruining my game experience.


    Was a good 1 week run but Star wars is about to fail. The game is way to repetitive and boring. Now that they took away my one escape from questing I damn sure won't continue playing. FK EA, and FK BW.


    Thats a bit over exaggerated and honestly, over dramatic. Yea i have my complaints and yea id like to see a lotta things fixed but still a better game what i was previously playing.


    Ill give it a few patches to address some of my concerns before i go entertaining the idea of unsubbing. it helps to join a guild and play with friends....maybe you should try that. makes the little annoyances bearable.

  20. for raiders the piece is given to someone else whilst in this situation its completely worthless, get it or too much for you?


    you can take the mods out and put them in other pieces....get it or too much for u?

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