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Everything posted by darklightsun

  1. Hi, Title says it all. I am a subscriber and so far I am up to 10 characters on The Harbinger server. I have been playing since launch on The Red Eclipse because I was a member of a guild pre-launch that had a large European membership. I still play over there, but since I live in Texas I am building a group of characters on a North American server. I have bot Republic and Imperial characters, so a dual faction guild would be great, but I'm open to different guilds if that is not possible. The only thing is no matter the faction I would prefer to have all my characters in the same guild for that faction. If you think I could fit into your guild, I am open to meeting in game. Republic: Loon-ni Kiss-ya Korra-asami Asami-korra El-phie Onat-akosha Imperial: Darklightsun Ku-vira Harley-q Azu-laa
  2. Hi, Long story short I was a member of my old guild before SWTOR launched, we had a large European membership so we picked a Euro server. After the server coalition we ended up on The Red Eclipse. That guild has pretty much gone the way of the dodo so I need a new guild to run with. I am an older gamer. I am not big on PvP, but will participate if I have people worth playing with. I do like in Texas, so I am on Central time and play what is usually very late/very early for European players so I'd be a good addition for any night owl players you might have. I am a subscriber and have both Republic (8 currently) and Imperial (6 currently) characters, so I would prefer a guild that has coverage on both sides, but a single faction guild would be cool as long as they don't mind me having characters of the opposing faction possibly in an opposing guild. Main Republic is Lyndah Main Imperial is Darklightsun Please in game email me, or reply to this post if you might have room in your guild for me. Thanks for any responses.
  3. HI, I am a subscriber playing on The Red Eclipse, and have 12 characters (6 for each faction). On my main Republic character anytime I try to add someone to my fried list I get a message that it is full and I will have to remove someone if I want to add a new person. Does the friend list have a maximum number of people you can add to it? If not, is there a data file associated with is character that might need to be deleted or replaced? I do not have this issue with any of my other characters. Thanks for any help or info. DLS
  4. Hi everyone, Long story short, I joined my former guild way before SWTOR ever came out. Since most of the membership lives in Europe we chose a European server. In the server consolidation we ended up on The Red Eclipse. Sadly, being in North America (Central time zone) the times I am able to play are usually when my former guild mates are sleeping, except for very early or very late on weekends. I am looking for a guild that has both Republic and Imperial Guilds and some membership from the Americas or night owl Europeans that might be active around the times I can play the game during the week (6 PM CST to maybe midnight) and much of the days on weekend. The main reason for this request is that I would really like to do more, and actually complete, of the end game operations. I have only done a few of them, and any PUGs I luck into always seem to fall apart after the first time a big boss beats the group. If you think your guild might be of interest to me, or that I might fit into your guild, please leave me contact information. I'd prefer to stay on The Red Eclipse, but server transfer is not out of the question. I'm not a big PvP player. I do it on occasion, but it is not something I normally seek out when I play. I really enjoy PvE and group quests. These are the characters I have: Republic ---------- Lyndah 55 Knight (main) Ba-tor 51 Guardian Deeki 55 Shadow Ampris 55 Sage Longknife 55 Commando Elphie 55 Gunslinger Imperial ---------- Harley-quinn 55 Marauder (main) Moldevort 52 Juggernaut Deeka 55 Assassin Kiss-ya 55 Sorcerer Darklightsun 55 Mercenary Lydyah 55 Sniper TIA Darklightsun
  5. I'm not a PvPer. I have never enjoyed PvP so that is not a big draw for my interest in a guild. I am mainly a PvEr and need reliable (knowledgeable a plus) groups to do Operations with.
  6. Hi everyone, Long story short, I joined my former guild way before SWTOR ever came out. Since most of the membership lives in Europe we chose a European server. In the server consolidation we ended up on The Red Eclipse. Sadly, being in North America (Central time zone) the times I am able to play are usually when my former guild mates are sleeping, except for very early or very late on weekends. I am looking for a guild that has both Republic and Imperial Guilds and some membership from the Americas or night owl Europeans that might be active around the times I can play the game during the week (6 PM CST to maybe midnight) and much of the days on weekend. The main reason for this request is that I would really like to do more, and actually complete, of the end game operations. I have only done a few of them, and any PUGs I luck into always seem to fall apart after the first time a big boss beats the group. If you think your guild might be of interest to me, or that I might fit into your guild, please leave me contact information. I'd prefer to stay on The Red Eclipse, but server transfer is not out of the question. **EDIT: I'm not big PvP player. I do it on occasion, but it is not something I normally seek out when I play. End EDIT** These are the characters I have: Republic ---------- Lyndah 55 Knight (main) Ba-tor 51 Guardian Deeki 55 Shadow Ampris 55 Sage Longknife 55 Commando Elphie 55 Gunslinger Imperial ---------- Harley-quinn 55 Marauder (main) Moldevort 52 Juggernaut Deeka 55 Assassin Kiss-ya 55 Sorcerer Darklightsun 55 Mercenary Lydyah 55 Sniper TIA Darklightsun
  7. Hi everyone, I'm not sure if this is the correct place to put this, but I did not see any 'guild' specific forum. If this is the wrong place, please point me in the right direction and I will move it there. Long story short, I joined my current guild way before SWTOR ever came out. Since most of the membership lives in Europe we chose a European server. In the server consolidation we ended up on The Red Eclipse. Sadly, being in America (Central time zone) the times I am able to play is usually when my guild mates are sleeping, except for very early or very late on weekends. I am looking for a guild that has both Republic and Imperial Guilds and some membership from the Americas or night owl Europeans that might be active around the times I can play the game during the week (6 PM CST to maybe midnight) and much of the days on weekend. The main reason for this request is that I would really like to do more, and actually complete, the end game operations. I have only done a few of them, and any PUGs I luck into always seem to fall apart after the first time a big boss beats the group. If you think you guild might be of interest to me, please leave me contact information. I'd prefer to stay on The Red Eclipse, but server transfer is not out of the question. These are the characters I have: Republic ---------- Lyndah 55 Knight (main) Ba-tor 51 Guardian Deeki 55 Shadow Ampris 55 Sage Longknife 55 Commando Elphie 55 Gunslinger Imperial ---------- Harley-quinn 55 Marauder (main) Moldevort 52 Juggernaut Deeka 55 Assassin Kiss-ya 55 Sorcerer Darklightsun 55 Mercenary Lydyah 55 Sniper TIA Darklightsun
  8. Sorry if this has been suggested before, but I just read the first post in the tread. One thing that I have always wanted for the clothing in the game was to be able to select the color of the outfit when we first equip it. I have some armor that on my main looks grey with black trim, but the exact same armor made by the same craftier show as white on another players character. It would be nice if when we first equip a "Bind on Equip" chest armor we could select from all the color variations of that item that are available. I'm not looking for something like the STO character creator where the base and trim colors can be select independently (which would be awesome), but just the option to select which of the base colors for the item the game already has and to be able to see how that selection would effect the rest of our currently equipped armor. My server is currently down or I would get the name of the armor I am talking about. I know for a fact that I have seen it on several different characters in game, and the colors have range from white to blue to grey.
  9. Wow, all this ************. I have been playing since launch, and I admit I do not live on line as many of your make it sound like you do. Also because of the guild I am in, I am a Yank that plays on a European server so I may not normally be online when it has it's highest player loads. But since launch this is the first time I have ever had to deal with a server being down. **** happen, chill out and deal with it. Me I'm catching up on some reading.
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