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Everything posted by Knopik

  1. Thing is, Suckafish hit shield on HEIRAD in first phase 3 times. Possibly with like, 40k hp on heirad. That's 10-14 seconds of hitting ciphas, and then switching dps. If they got by Heirad without that third shield, this encounter would be done already. Just sayin, if you have the dps to get through heirad in 2 shields, it's ENTIRELY doable. Just my 2 cents from reading these 40 pages, lol.
  2. Suckafish hit 10% with 3 surging shields...... Wonder how DnT feels now for making the bold statement that it's impossible...hm Interesting.
  3. It IS better than the arkanian one Nice parse. EDIT: Interesting to see same crit on HiB and DR. 42.11....lol, very very odd (luck has it's way! )
  4. Hey odawgg, Your current 3024 parse that's posted on page 1 still shows 52% crit to tracer, what's the deal with that??? I thought they no longer stacked? -knopik
  5. Lol, get out of here. You're mean. Just wait a few more weeks, I'll start posting Great parses peeps...something to push me even more now. EDIT: about what you said to dominion, your energy surge is also contributing to your APM I think, and he said he was using serendipitous assault. Correct me if i'm wrong though.
  6. There's a cave before the thrasher boss I believe? It's where all the arms trader trash is. In the cave, there's only one skeleton...idk if that'll be it, but worth a shot. There's trash before the cave. It's a little path that leader to the left of the main underworld arms traders trash thing...looks like a market.
  7. this makes a LOT of sense. I'm not a big number crunching guy, i just...test and see what works, but this sounds very good. ESPECIALLY with the removal of free rail shot. Hmm...I found myself overheating tonight, I went and removed the set bonus to try and get used to the added heat, was sort of tough getting all the tracer locks to 5. Also makes sense with the fusion missile not being part of power surge. I'll try to use PS for the two tracer missiles as that seems more appropriate. One interesting thing about Electro Net....I've been experimenting with it in flashpoints, and I found that, at least in ATHISS, those guardian champions take increased damage even while they're standing still....so do most other mobs. Every single tick gets bigger and bigger even if they're not moving. I found it quite odd as that's not what the tooltip says. I believe it says it'll take increased damage if target is moving....idk. Have you experimented on the dummy? Did you look at parses to see what happens when things are standing still? For me, damage still gets the "on the move" increase. Maybe I'm special though, hahaha. I'll try to incorporate the 4 tracer locks > 5 tracer locks if rail shot is coming off cooldown into my gameplay. Seems like that's the way to go now.
  8. Definitely. Lag is a big problem as of late...I guess that's it. Maybe it doesn't help that i'm playing on wireless at all times too eh? I guess I'll stick to the other method of maximizing barraged unload I'm also curious about the opener....Have you considered casting TM while the tank is counting down, and immediately following it with a heatseeker? that ensures that your heatseeker, the hardest hitting ability gets off cooldown ASAP. I've so far been doing this opening rotation TM-->relic while the missile is in the air + HSM --> explosive if i'm running into position --> POWER SURGE + another TM Then here where it diverges, if barrage procs, i use electro net --> unload-->fusion(instant)-->tm-->rail shot, and then keep going and if barrage doesn't proc, I just pop fusion+electro net -> TM (5 stacks of rail shot buff now) -->rail shot--->unload I feel like if EVENTUALLY hsm and rail shot will be separated using your opener, then it may be worth it to just separate them in the beginning. Who knows, maybe you'll get an extra HSM in that way during a fight? And they don't hit for nothing....mine crit for 7.5+k and i'm just in dread guard. Just food for thought...Idk...Still need to experiment.
  9. Hey cap'n. I've been practicing the queue unload method and ran into some issues. Sometimes unload will go on cooldown with nothing happening, no damage or animation, just goes on cooldown. At other times, the tm cast will actually cancel it out. Is it an issue on my end? I'm asking because it works sometimes but doesn't at other times. And I think I saw something about unload cast in the patch notes. Let me know if it's on my end and what I can do to fix it up? No feedback on new gear yet...sorry
  10. He's right about commandos, hits 3 times instead of the merc's 6. But this is the merc forum so...*shrug* And yeah...that parse...if you can believe it, was done without adrenals. Lol...can't believe how many adrenals i wasted to bad RNG, so I just stopped using them altogether. I definitely want to reiterate about the stopcasting method. I didn't do it ALL the time...it's a matter of heat at the time of the proc. How much you have and how many things you have on cooldown determined my next action...whether it be rapid shot, rail shot/HSM or a cancel. I really wanna give captaincoke's method a shot though...seems worth it. Thanks for this discussion guys, gave me some needed insight
  11. This was a very great read. Coming from an arsenal merc. I pretty much relied on aerro's guide when i came back to the game to get geared out, but didn't pay much attention to rotation and priority and all that. I never knew about the 1 sec queue trick and went through life with 0.5 seconds queue. My best dps was done with me chain casting TMs, and then either letting a TM hit after barrage proc'd followed by a railshot/HSM or rapid shots, or in another case cancelling my current TM cast (no GCD if you cancel) and then using unload immediatly. I took a look at my parse and the delay when cancelling was close to 0.6 seconds every time consistently. Here's a parse for you all to take a look at, this is my best -------> PRE 2.0.<------ http://www.torparse.com/a/174451/time/1364523304/1364523608/0/Overview
  12. LOL, that's insane!! grats on your RNG. Mine never goes my way. The best i get is close to my stats, never higher....sometimes I get lucky with 1 skill, but then another craps out. Good parse man...Making me wanna parse more, and I don't wanna waste money, lol.
  13. What's your character/tech crit chance? I knew gunslingers were op, but damn It says you did 50% crit damage...was just wondering how accurate that is.
  14. Here's a parse I did on my Arsenal Merc the other day Almost full 63, missing 2 armorings. No adrenal, but was using an exotech stim at the time. Parse is trimmed to fit the specifications of it being 5+ minutes long. http://www.torparse.com/a/133418/time/1360916820/1360917122/0/Overview
  15. So for parses, It can be ANY chunk of your parse. as long as it's 5 minutes long. If you dps for 8 minutes, and your first 3 minutes weren't so hot, you can trim it. Any 5 min length parse that's your top dps is applicable. No legacy buffs though...I think that's unfair as some people don't level alts. EDIT: It's a 5 minute parse on an operations dummy, so no armor debuffs from it being lower level in response to the comment above.
  16. I like this. I was also lurking on the harbinger post for a long time. I like their rules that Leo posted, I think the first post should be updated and modeled after the harbinger thread. They have a good breakdown of classes and rules. I'll post an arsenal parse whenever I can, hope people start posting!!!
  17. Hi Carlenux. The rules specify that it needs to be at LEAST a 5 minute parse and one is welcome to trim it IN torparse. IE, you can go in and choose the time that you want the parse to start and end. So if you do an 8 minute parse, you can choose the 5 minutes that you want to count. The link Kelgrafar provided is his highest parse. It fits the rules of being over 5 minutes, and his DPS shows 1931.12. He trimmed his log to start at 02:08:24.691 and end at 02:14:43.758. Hope this clarifies some things. And if people from another server (just the 3 of us) are not welcome, then we'll just go back to lurking.
  18. Assassin 7/3/31 Madness Mostly campaign/black hole, a few 63s here and there, no hazmat gear, dread guard relics. (I think I have the wrong proc relic x.x) Rakata Stims and Rakata Adrenals. Here's a parse EDIT: higher trim. http://www.torparse.com/a/118547/time/1359702501/1359702893/0/Damage+Dealt PS: I know I'm from the wrong server, but this post is what gets me goin in terms of dps and all that. I learned a lot from here, so I thought I'd post my progress
  19. Hey Guys. This is a really awesome post and i've learned a lot as an assassin (madness) from this post. I just had one question. How do you trim a log? I've done it clumsily one time, but on TorParse, it told me that it didn't find a fight, on the left side there. I could only see the damage from a certain time to a certain time. So how do I trim the log so it shows up that I fought this boss and so on and so forth? Thanks!
  20. I absolutely loved this armor. Bought some pieces off the GTN and bought some with voss commendations. If I could make it have the same stats as the columi gear I'm currently wearing, I would. Here it is http://tinypic.com/r/104hq1j/5 Edit: It's the RD-16B Enforcer armor I believe.
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