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Posts posted by Dire-Wolf

  1. Anyone got any pics of what the infected skins look like on your companions? I'm trying to decide whether I should buy that infected companion customisation box with my 20 DNA samples and then never do the dailies again or whether I should hold on to them, keep doing the dailies and save up for a lightsaber crystal.
  2. Sounds like BioWare's trying to recreate the corrupted blood incident and zombie invasion from WoW while ignoring the fact that as fondly as those two events are remembered by the playerbase they pissed off a lot of people at the time and it was only really the griefers who were enjoying themselves. Not that I have a problem with it but I have to question whether it was a wise move by BioWare given that a lot of people are currently angry and fed up with BioWare and The Old Republic. I imagine something like this will exacerbate the anger and hatred rather than alleviate it, though I could be wrong.
  3. So my suggestion is pretty simple. Each companion should have three talent trees that we have the ability to put points into just like our own trees. Each companion would get a tanking tree, healing tree and dps tree so we can spec our companions to best complement what our own spec is.


    The reason why I think this should be is because it would give us greater freedom in choosing which companion we have accompany us around the galaxy. Instead of being forced to take a companion with you that you may not like because they're the tank companion or the healer companion or whatever you can now take the companion you want and have them fill the role you need without making the game unnecessarily hard on yourself (such as trying to level with a dps companion as dps).

  4. My first impressions of 1.2 is that it's meh. It doesn't really offer me anything. There are some new dungeons I'll likely never see, an interface editor I'll probably never use because I think the current UI looks fine and the Legacy system is a huge disappointment with boring unlocks and everything costing a ton of credits.
  5. Question, how do you get the additional quickbars to display in the first place? I logged on today to find all my quickbars gone. Used to be there was an option under preferences to display the additional quickbars but it seems BioWare removed that for some reason. I can't for the life of me figure out how I'm supposed to get the quickbars back.
  6. You've said you won't be making any current companions available for romance by the same gender and that we'd have to wait until new companions are added to experience SGRA (may I suggest Thana Vesh as a future SGRA companion?), which sort of sucks but I'm willing to go along with it. However, to my knowledge you have yet to say anything in regards to same-gender flirts with quest NPCs. So my question is, what's going on with that? Will you be making changes to the current quest NPCs across the game to allow for same gender flirting or will those who want to experience that while questing be forgotten and ignored? Will you add same gender flirts with new NPCs in new quest hubs or is it something you never intend to add?
  7. Used to be interested in the Legacy System. Now I'm sort of meh about it. The only unlock I'd have been interested in is Twi'lek Sith Warrior but I already have a 50 SW so it seems a bit pointless to level another. The whole species unlock thing is making me kick myself a bit for choosing to level a human character. Also not sure I like the idea of a Trooper using force lightning or a Jedi using a flamethrower etc.


    I'm considering unsubscribing until they get SGRA, same-gender quest flirts and some more leveling content into the game (such as a new planet to go to while leveling up).

  8. As I understand it, in the old days MMO's were forced to use this sort of combat system because of the internet and server lag and stuff like that. Only this pseudo turned based system would let a bunch of players play together at once online without lagging a bunch.


    Since then it's become the MMO standard with few companies willing to deviate from it, even though technology has advanced to the point where it is possible to have other combat systems (see Tera's combat for example).


    I agree that it's a very stale and bland system in this day and age, especially when compared to the combat available in single player games, but at least TOR removed the auto attack and lets us fight multiple mobs at once, that helps make it a bit more fun.

  9. So now that we know how the species unlocks are going to work with the legacy system I'm curious if anyone would have leveled characters differently had you known about it before hand?


    I certainly would have. I have a 50 Human Sith Warrior and a 36 Mirilian Jedi Consular. If I'd know how the species unlock was going to work with the legacy system I probably would have first leveled a Twi'lek Jedi (doesn't matter if it was a Knight or Consular) to 50, leveled a Sith Pureblood Inquisitor to 50 and then when the legacy system came out leveled a Twi'lek Sith Warrior and a Pureblood bounty hunter or something.


    It's a bit annoying that BioWare kept the whole legacy thing hush hush so we couldn't plan for future characters. Why it all had to remain a secret is beyond me.

  10. I think it's a bad idea on BioWare's part from both a lore perspective and a game balance perspective.


    Having a Trooper use Force Choke or an Agent use Lightning is just ridiculous. Even if they have a Jedi/Sith parent or the force runs in their family it doesn't make sense because in the TOR setting almost anyone who exhibits force powers is recruited/conscripted to be trained as a Jedi or Sith.


    It's also going to be a game balance nightmare. You'll end up with situations where every pvp Agent has to have a Jedi alt to have access to a certain ability or they'll be gimping themselves or every Jedi must have a Trooper alt if they want to join a raid group.


    What BioWare should do is just have these abilities unlock on mirror classes. Level an Inquisitor to 50 and unlock Force Lightning for Consulars, level a Bounty Hunter to 50 and unlock a flamethrower for Troopers etc. That way it all still makes sense lore wise and it also doesn't affect game balance because the abilities are meant to be mirrors of each other. You wouldn't be unlocking a new ability for a class, you'd be unlocking a new appearance for an ability you already have.

  11. Q: Any updates on same gender romance?


    A: its coming with story updates sometime this year. It wil depend on our writers. When we do this, we don’t want just change the dialogue to the other gender. We want new romance arcs etc. Its coming when full story comes. which is this year.



    New romance arcs are great and all but I've got to be honest BioWare, I'm perfectly happy if you just tweak the dialogue to reference the other gender for romanceable companions and quest npcs. In fact I'd actually prefer that then having to wait for some new companions I might not even like to come along and be romanceable.


    I'd been avoiding getting affection with certain companions just so I could romance them in the future but it looks like that's not going to happen. If you don't want to change the dialogue for current companions then at the very least you can do it for quest NPCs. Otherwise I think I'm probably going to leave the game once I've finished leveling up my Consular. I love the game mainly for its story and quests but if I'm not going to be given complete access to the story and quests and not be able to play the character I want to play based on a right wing decision by the devs in BioWare US of A then I just don't see any reason in staying.

  12. So I missed all the livesteams and what have you and I was wondering if there is any website out there that has a transcript of what was said or at least bullet points listing any major information that came out, such as stuff on the legacy system.


    I looked at the guild summit forums but all that has are threads to discuss what information was released, not the actual information itself.

  13. The restrictions made no sense in the first place and the people currently arguing to keep them aren't making much sense either. I keep seeing posts about how Jedi should use blue and green and Sith should use red yet as it is with the current system my light sided Sith can't use red but can instead run around with a blue or green saber. How is changing that so I can use red in addition to blue and green bad? Isn't that what you want in the first place, more Sith using red sabers?


    That's not to mention all the examples people have bought up again and again about how the colour of your lightsaber is not based on your alignment or faction. You also have to consider non lightsaber uses. Why does a trooper or any of the other gun using classes have to be restricted to what colour their blaster bolts are? In fact I believe in the OT the bad guy's blasters fire green bolts and the good guys shoot red, though I could be wrong about that.

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