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Posts posted by VenthiosLestaran

  1. It's not that forums are negative so much as forums are confrontational. There are plenty of posts from people that really like the game, and these posts are rapidly attacked by people spouting inflammatory hate toward the game.


    I also see people posts about how terrible the game is, and it's immediately full of people telling that person to get out and go to another another game.


    I also see people that love the game, but have small suggestions for improvement, and even those posts are filled with angry, insulting replies.


    Truth is, most gaming forums are just a fake-debate mini-game where people throw around terms like "troll", "fanboy", "Strawman", and "slippery slope."


    I rather enjoy the forums (I also enjoy politics for the same reason), but if you ever come to a game forum, you need to come to it knowing the posts are usually confrontational, exaggerated, and full of so many logic flaws that it would make a droid short circuit.


    It's akin to watching kids argue over who's toy is better, with nothing but the sticker price of the toy separating the value of said toys.


    One toy, has more features, but one toy is newer and more expensive but does less, but has a much better coat of paint on it and looks really cool, but the older toy has been remade several times, and is less expensive. But the newer toy talks, and the older toy doesn't. The newer toy is based on a product people like, the Older toy is based on something Less people liked.


    It's completely pointless, the only way this can be discussed is rationally. Eventually you just want to slap Both bratty children upside the head, take away Both their toys, and put them in time out..while you secretly play with both toys and enact an epic battle for supremacy.


    I have done this, I am not ashamed.

  2. I'm a Marauder and it feels like I am not in control of my character in PvP


    That's a huge point right there. I Don't feel like I control my own character half the time in PVP, at all. It's really disturbing, and I even know how to use resolve properly, if I'm not dead before it's full. I've seen Operatives go right by me (smugglers too), and never attack because my resolve bar WILL fill, and I WILL kill them, they just go after the clothies, which is what they should do.


    But still, they don't need to attack me, the sheer amount if KB/CC will do me in just fine.

  3. This post is amazing xD


    While I don't mind the "treadmill", I *also* have been hesitant to play at all since I hit 49/50 because I know I'm going to have to go pvp to start my gearing up and I simply can't take pvp here seriously. If it was WoW pvp I wouldn't have any problem and I'd just go do it, in fact I'd enjoy it. But this...this is so bad...I can't make myself go do it, so I just hang out on the forums.


    The art team comment was very clever :p


    Dude it's like my Sith Juggernaut is a Ping Pong ball in Warzones. Especially huttball. Numerous occasions I've been knocked back, into a knock back, into a knock back, into a force push. I travel faster that way than by running.


    I had my last straw with pvp today, I charged a consular on a bridge in Voidstar, suddenly everything was stars/nebula clouds and I was defeated, then I was defeated again, and then kicked due to being in the safe zone for too long. Stuck did nothing, and the game was making this weird WooooobbbBWAP! Sound out of my headphones, and then it just shut down.


    I was like :| Nope.

  4. LOL yep, gear drops is the same issue I have end game. I dont mind putting in time for drops but its pretty poor in this game.


    Your leveling up and your always progressing, levels and gear wise, and then BOOOM lvl 50. Everything seems to come to a halt. Im not talking about the level progression, I am talking about character progression, immersion in the different worlds, options for acquiring better stuff, the feeling of being part of the game (wheres this war I am part of).


    It is freaking star wars guys, the first sci-fi film i ever saw growing up was "New Hope', its what hooked me into the sci-fi genre. The franchise has history and very supportive fan base.


    I loved every movie (even when others thought they were crap). I looked past the issues people were raising because I liked it.


    But this game, its missing things. Its missing the star wars feel. They have put alot of stuff in, but most of there importance is void end game, and then you are forced to PvP and grind for no real reason or effort-gain.


    I wouldn't care much for the bad gear grind if there were other things to do that still made me feel part of the game, the war.



    Yeah that's kind of what was killing me too. I never really felt "at war" with the Republic. I Know they're our hated enemies, I Know that were supposed to subvert them at every turn, but the way they downplay each sides military capabilities to make you feel more powerful is ridiculous. It was pretty hard to swallow. It's like Malavai Quinn was the ONLY worthwhile imperial officer in the Empire to my Sith Warrior.


    The end game - if you're going to have us reach it so quickly (even without spacebaring and playing a moderate ammount) will take you less than a month, and have nothing but an RNG loot treadmill, or a PVE loot treadmill where the gear is oddly out of whack statwise, and the bosses are just bugged to heck?


    I wonder man.

  5. Somebody obviously hasn't been raiding or working for PvP gear. In normal mode raids the game decides who gets gear regardless of if they need it or already have it or someone needs it more. After that we finally get a Master Looter option similar to what other games have but there is no /roll system. There's no trade or vendor buy-back policy. Grinding out 600 warzone commendations so you can go to a vendor to convert half those into mercenary commendations (a completely pointless step added just to make to process more complex) to purchase a bag that may have a piece gear for you but it could be something you already have or something you can't even equip. Unless you've been incredibly lucky with the game's RNG, I fail to see how you can seriously say the game has a good loot system.


    9/10th of the reason I don't want to hit 50 is that ridiculous gear grind. I think I'm over the treadmill for loot to kill more bosses/players to get better loot to kill more bosses/players so on so on so on. Especially when their art team seems to be from Mars.

  6. From what I've seen the people that hate and /v/tards that hate bioware.

    Now Feed back and raving QQ are 2 different things.

    I've seen ALOT of good threads pointing out the flaws which get flamed and turn into a flame war.



    But alot of the time it's /v/tards with their "tortanic" because they hate bioware


    I *HAVE* Heard that /v/ is really up in arms against this game. Really it's pretty pathetic. I hope SWTOR does really well when they get things in order.

  7. One of the sad commercials about animals dying came on my TV when I started reading your post, so it was a lot more sad than it was meant to be.


    "Hi, I'm Sarah Mclachlan. Every day, Thousands of innocent TOR players are abused, and mistreated by their game. For just fifteen dollars a month, you can help save these players from Bugs, Crashes, and Lack of Content. Just remember, for others..Help comes too late..Here's some pictures of sad gamers."


    Way to ruin my Whole night Sarah.

  8. haters are vocal. people who got disappointed with the game cant let that feeling go away, it controls them, forces them to come here and spew their pain and uncomfortableness all over the forums.


    i wrote a thread praising Voss design yesterday, i was really touched by JK story and i am not a very easy to touch person, kinda experienced. Thread got zero replies and now it is in the oblivion. Now make a thread like this - all those hurt people will come and try to hurt you, since this is the only way they can deal with their feeling of disappointment.


    Its ok, just a bit sad. the best thing you enjoy the game with people you like and stay away from the forums. since the energy, that hurt feeling these people are spreading all around them, can actually affect people, like me and you.


    Well. I want to read it. I liked the voss, and did it as Imperial, so link me to your thread.

  9. Well. I can tell you from my personal experience that the game does have some good points. However, they're not enough to keep a player like me interested. I've played most every MMO to date, for varying lengths of time.


    So far I can't think of one that's bored me as quickly as TOR has. It's not even bugs or any such game breaking issues that did me, my wife, and one of our friends in who is an absolute star wars Nut. I mean, he has this stuff on his mantle. Were giving him our extra CE box stuff because, well we only need 1 of each item. But that's not what were here to discuss.


    "Haters" the ones that vocally scream so loud about this game? Are one of two kinds of people. Trolls, or people who are in honest very disappointed with what's happened here. They are the ones that will make good replies, yet still list what they feel is wrong, or why they unsubbed.


    One can't focus on just the good, or the bad. It has to be both. As of right now, the game has nothing at all to keep a person like me interested, and I'd bet a lot of mmo veterans are feeling that way.


    Are we burned out on traditional MMO's? Probably, and that's okay too. But TOR really had a chance to up the ante. They didn't. The voice acting is fun 1-49. When you hit 50? There is none of it left. My main is just sitting at 49 because I have nothing to look forward to. I've got a bunch of alts, we really did try. It's just overwhelmingly "Meh".


    What TOR did do really well is make the leveling process fun, they just cut it Way too short. My wife feels the gameplay just isn't strong enough. If your core gameplay is not where it needs to be, everything else is just bandaids on a bleeding gash.


    We'll come back if it improves. :)


    (Not all unsubs are insane.)

  10. A friend of mine has been bringing this game up VERY often in chat and while i personally hate the fantasy setting with a passion i cant not atleast read up on it. It looks like the swtor killer lol.


    Oh please don't call anything an anything killer. It's a term that brings my ears to remember nails on a chalkboard. I for one will be playing GW2. I've already closed my SWTOR sub because it's just too much of the same uninspired Grind. I hope GW2 will be able to live up to what it's showing, and by research it should come pretty close.


    Thrilled by the aspect that the world isn't so static, and you can actually explore underwater.


    Anyway, I hope SWTOR lives on for a good long while.

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