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Everything posted by Gnoblesse

  1. Gnoblesse

    Cloud Control

    According to the original post, it's "aloud," so you should be able to hear it, noob. L2P! *grin*
  2. Ah, that makes sense. Yeah, when I was 31 pts into Seer, I had Confound over Egress too. I pretty much gave up on PvE because of my work schedule, so I can get away with running this spec. Not really going to work for someone who does ops and HM's regularly, though. Again, it works for my playstyle, but ymmv.
  3. Yeah, I tried to remember my spec when I wasn't in game and screwed up, I think I was kind of tired. I have Pain Bearer, not Psychic Effusion. I don't think you can get Confound with 21 pts without losing Healing Trance; that's why I ended up with the 2 in Egress ( I had to put them somewhere to get to Healing Trance, and Valiance makes little sense because I rarely use NS with this spec. Wisdom is rather meh. ) I like Effusion for the 10s reduction in the CD of Force Speed. And I do try to work in a bit of DPS, so I kind of like the points there. I like Collapse, but ymmv. It works for me. I fixed the linked spec in the other post.
  4. I was with you all the way to the last sentence. (And even then, I partially agree with you.) I don't PvE, my schedule is too weird to commit to an ops group - I don't think that makes me selfish. I just know what I can and can't commit to. So I can get away with running 21/20 - however sages who want to do both PvE and PvP..yeah, they're kinda screwed. If it were up to me, I'd move Kinetic Collapse to the spot where Confound is in the Seer tree, and move stuff around in the DPS trees to compensate.
  5. Not really. I've hit 460-480k several times in the past week or two as 21/20, and had one really fun game where I did 300k healing and around 150k damage. No, I'm not topping 500k regularly like I used to, but I still feel like I'm definitely pulling my weight, and I've had same-faction players whisper me a few times after matches commenting on what a pain I was to kill. Also I think the other healers I run with kind of like the bubble blind now. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#600GhMRMdMzZfobrzRr.1
  6. If it were up to me, I think moving Kinetic Collapse to the spot where Confound is in the Seer tree, would do a lot to improve full-specced healer viability in PvP without breaking PvE. Put Confound somewhere that it has more synergy with what the sage/sorc is actually casting most often, and move other DPS talents around to compensate. Thoughts?
  7. There were multiple questions asked about PvP healing, and the TTK since 1.2. None of which were really addressed. *le sigh*
  8. One more thing to add... Killing healers is important. Three people chasing the healer who is at 1/4 health and barely a sliver of force, AWAY from the node you're supposed to be defending? Not so much. It seems that some folks to get the level of experience/smart play where they realize that they need to take out the healer....and stop there.
  9. Gnoblesse

    Oh thats nice.

    Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous urination?
  10. Is PvP healing where you want it to be now? (This ties into the TTK question asked earlier.)
  11. Let's be honest...they're not likely to take target marking out of the game. With that being said, I would LOVE it if you could give people ops lt, because as a healer, I'm not the best person to stop and pause and mark. (Mainly because, well, I'm not usually targeting the other team.) I realize this would probably mean *I'm* marked more often, but I think most of my server probably knows I'm a healer by now anyway.
  12. This assumes that the DC's are always the players fault/ bad internet connections on their end. There is still an ongoing thread about error 9000 disconnects. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=340243 It could be something on our end like a flaky router, something on your end like a bad wireless or antivirus, or something in between like an ISP throttling traffic.
  13. Some of my favorite AV games were turtle matches. On my warlock. At the bridge. *cackle*
  14. For what it's worth, I feel your pain. I actually got excited when I managed to stay in game long enough to get from lvl 8 to lvl 10. And then I got booted again to a 400+ person queue. I can't keep playing if it's going to be like this. Queues...I understand. Occasional d/c's are a pain, but I can just run around solo until they iron out the bugs. But repeated queues in the same night when I didn't do anything to boot myself out of the game? Does not work.
  15. I am ok with initial queues, that's to be expected this early in the game. What I'm not ok with is sitting there until the end of a queue, and THEN having the server drop my connection, placing me back in the end of the queue AGAIN. I think by the time I was done last night, I ended up sitting through queues six times in the space of a few hours. (IE: more time in queue than actually playing.) This doesn't even count the times I got booted out later, after the queues died down, just to get back in and get repeatedly sent back to character selection screen. (Sometimes up to 10x .) I think that happened 4-5 times, at least.
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