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Posts posted by Dirtydurst

  1. Today we are excited to announce Game Update 1.1 for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ is coming January 17th! Called ‘Rise of the Rakghouls, this is the first of what will be many regularly-scheduled content updates for the game.


    I'm guessing the word "excited" no longer expresses the feeling Bioware has for patch 1.1

  2. I can't believe this crap went through testing and made it to live. I'm thoroughly disappointed in Bioware; I expected so much more. This isn't just an error, this is a huge FUBAR. We all know that high-insight is 20/20, but seriously?



    1. Take down the servers for immediate changes.

    2. Rollback the valor to where everyone was at when servers went down on 1/18/2012.

    3. Make changes to Illum so Republic players can actually play the game.


    I'm seriously considering quitting this game on the spot if Bioware doesn't move fast on this one, and I don't feel like it's a stretch to say I have a lot of people with me.

  3. Super frustrating to see how Republic vs Imperial imbalances are effecting the game.


    I made an Imperial alt and I've only been to lvl 15, but I can honestly already see why so many people rolled Imperial. The classes are more polished, the Imperial Fleet is WAY cooler than its Republic counter part, the starting zones and quests aren't as buggy and more visually impressive, etc, etc.


    Common, join the republic guys! Please?

  4. Also, how do you figure operatives have the 'best' stuns, knockdowns, cc or whatever. There is a 3 second knockdown on the opener that completely fills the resolve bar. If anything, that's close to the worst CC in the game, rather than the best


    Shoot First:

    3 second knockdown and deals around 2-3K damage with an additional 2K of bleed damage over 6 seconds. Also provides a buff where you ignore 50% armor for 15 seconds. No cooldown on this ability.


    Dirty Kick:

    Stuns the target for 4 seconds and deals around 1.5-2K damage. 30 second CD (with a talent that all operatives/scoundrels take).


    Flash Bang:

    Detonates a flash bang that blinds up to 5 targets within 5 meters for 8 seconds. Damage causes this effect to end prematurely.


    Sleep Dart:

    Puts the target to sleep for 8 seconds in PvP, only usable while target is out of combat. (think sap)


    Yeah, sounds like they have pretty terrible CC capabilities. I'd have to agreed.

  5. First Off, let me say that the issue is:




    I have been literally cast melted by just about EVERY class who buff stacks. I don't fraps or stream my gameplay so I didn't catch it, but last night in a single Warzone I was hit for 10k+ by a Sorceror multiple times and a Shadow at least once. It is buff stacking that is overpowered, once that's done, Scoundrels/Operatives will no longer be complained about except by the people who just can't handle the fact that someone can beat them.


    Seriously? Wow. Did you even read what he said? He goes on to point out that without buff stacking the class is STILL not balanced properly; and he lists multiple well thought out reasons why. We all understand and agree that buff stacking isn't working as intended, and it's already been changed. Buff stacking is a problem all classes experienced and benefited from; but that has nothing to do with operatives/scoundrels and how they function in terms of PvP balance.


    When the nerf bat lands on this class I won't hesitate to say "told you so".

  6. Why do you keep feeding them? You're a part of the problem. When Ilum is eventually fixed sometime in the future (one can atleast hope so) you have helped the opposite faction to get a massive gear advantage by then.


    Yep, this problem is clearly his fault. I guess he should just not go to Illum and boycott the planet. Yeah, that would really stick it to the man!

  7. Rank 53 operative here. We are overpowered. With full buff-stacking, my Hidden Strike can crit for well over 8k, not including the subsequent damage from Acid Blade (generally about 2-3k over 6 seconds with that level of buffs).


    Even with no expertise buffs or trinkets, I can crit for 5-6k about half the time on geared lvl 50s, with another 2k from acid blade. This damage might not be so bad to have on a glass cannon like a Sniper, but operatives have too many tools with which they can escape just about any fight. I have evasion on a 1 minute cooldown (removes dots, snares, and gives 100% dodge rate on all blaster/lightsaber attacks for 3 seconds, 4 with the PvP set bonus), a self-shield on a 45 second cooldown, vanish on a 2 minute cooldown, an AoE 8 second mez on a 90 second cooldown, a stun on a 1 minute cooldown (can be talented to 45 seconds), and if I get out of line of sight I can heal myself between 2.5 and 4k every 2-2.5 seconds. If you try to run from me, I have a 10yd range, 2 second root/10 second slow. If you can't get out of range immediately, there's no way you're going to escape without blowing every cooldown you have, and that is just on my normal PvP rotation, no cooldowns used.


    In addition, I, like every other serious PvP'r have Biochem leveled to 400. This means I have a constant > 100 cunning boost stim, a 560 power adrenal on a 3 minute cooldown, and a 5-6k, resource free, instant heal on a 90 second cooldown. It's true that any class can get these items, but they synergize so very well with my other defensive cooldowns that I felt the need to mention them.


    I should mention, that all these numbers I mentioned were all attained using a crafted epic rifle, blue chestpiece, a blue non-PvP earpiece and a crafted, lvl 49 epic implant.


    The damage combined with the insane escape-options and heals push this class well into the territory of imbalance. I dont know how to go about balancing the class without breaking it, but removing the initial stun from hidden-strike would be an excellent start.


    +1 Great summary of why this class is not balanced properly and needs to have some changes made. I've been saying it for weeks; you are in complete denial if you think this class doesn't need to be looked at.


    Here's the #1 Fail Argument I've seen on these threads:

    "Team play overcomes this class. You have to L2P and use your guards, taunts, shields, and CCs to save people."


    What the hell kind of BS argument is that? News Flash to all the operatives/scoundrels living in denial, doing the above things has NOTHING TO DO WITH OPERATIVES/SCOUNDRELS. You can render ANY INDIVIDUAL CLASS useless if you do those things.

  8. People who are slow levelers and are sub-50: you aren't dying to people who are 50 because they're 50 on the enemy team, you're dying because you're being outplayed skill-wise, focus-fired, etc. and the enemies are better-organized than your team. You'll see shortly once the patch hits and you're still getting owned :(, meanwhile us 50's will be screwed out of being able to play much if any PVP content (60+ minute warzone pops if we're lucky) until more of the populace catches up. /sigh forum whiners somehow successfully misguide a company yet again!


    So.. my lvl 15 alt is dying to Battlemasters because they're just outplaying me? Silly me! I thought it was because they had 18K HP, 10% expertise, and all their abilities/skills. I'm so foolish!

  9. If you want world PvP to even exist we need MORE REPUBLIC PLAYERS. Most of us love our mains, and will play them religiously regardless of them being Imp or Rep; but I beg you, make your alt a republic character so one day we can actually have world PvP in this game.


    Thanks friends.

  10. I opened my bags today... got pants, shirt and weapon. Last week I got Bracer, gloves, belt, boots and a relic. Had enough comms to buy a shotgun from the cent guy.


    I don't pvp often, a few matches here and there to kill time. I'm not a competitive PvPer by any stretch of the imagination... I don't see how anyone who PvPs regularly cannot have PvP gear. I think I've opened 3 bags from tokens, rest were daily/weekly rewards. It's a non-issue issue... seems to me it's an excuse people make for not winning every single solitary match against everyone all the time.


    You don't get it because you're *********** lucky beyond belief. Your experience is not even close to the average player. You're exactly why people come on here and *****.

  11. PvE is all about advancing your character. This includes gear.


    PvP is all about using your skill to overcome the skill of other players. Gear should have no impact.


    The game unfortunately allows gear to have an impact which causes PvP players to be upset. In a failed attempt to make the PvP players happy, the developers add another PvE element and call it a PvP stat. The PvP stat now makes the gear imbalance even worse.


    The solution to PvP is not to add more PvE to it. The solution to PvP is to remove PvE from it.


    Name a successful MMO where gear or items had no effect, in any fashion, on the PvP content of said game.

  12. Without PvP gear the game becomes all about who can PvE the most to get the best gear. Therefore, if you want to compete in PvP you are FORCED to PvE and do raids.


    Bioware has implemented PvP gear with a PvP stat so that PvPers can't walk into PvE and expect to have optimal gear, and vise versa. This actually makes a lot of sense as it doesn't feel right to push PvPers into the raid scene just so they can compete.

  13. enough said..




    so tired of these posts../


    If people say nothing this easymode, gimmick, one trick pony class would move forward as is. The reason there's so many posts and threads about the operative/scoundrel is because there are REAL problems from a design standpoint, as well as a balance standpoint.

  14. You have no idea do you? The ability is the trademark for the Arsenal Mercenary. That whole tree is specced to make that skill stronger and less costly. So no, there is no game-breaking bug that BioWare missed. They purposely put it into the game for that class.


    Now as to why they get such an OP attack which seems to kill you so easily? Here is why:



    • Mobility: Zero
    • Survivability: Little to None


    This game isn't going to be super-balanced on play types. Your best bet is to learn the play style of each class and THEN PvP. This class type is a glass cannon. They cannot move. They have to charge up the attack. And they really cannot survive many hits. If a melee character can get into range and stay there, then they will destroy the class. If another class stuns the skill for four seconds, they are done for.


    Learn about a class before you start screaming bug, seriously.


    Survivability little to none? lies

  15. The point of me showing you the differences between our openers is that if I get the opener on an operative/scoundrel and he doesn't have a CC break it isn't GG. If he gets it on me w/o a CC break it is GG. Shadow opener is weak, Operative's is overpowered.


    To clarify on this:


    In my opener I get to knock you down for 2 seconds, do 500 damage, and do one CV strike (which can hit for 1.5K on a crit). Man, devastating and difficult to come back from I know!


    It's not like you can vanish and hit me for 4K, apply a dot for 2K, gain 50% armor pen, and knock me down for 3 seconds (all with one global).

  16. None of this contradicts my point that if everything else is equal, and:

    you are a stealth class

    he is a stealth class

    he gets the opener on you

    you don't have any CDs to either break CC or vanish

    you are going to die


    I'm a scoundrel and I've proposed basically the same changes that you just did--it won't change the fact that you're going to die given the scenario above. You're not talking about all classes going toe to toe at 100% vs 70%... you're talking about stealth classes, one got the opener, the other has no CDs. That's a disadvantage you cannot and should not come back from.


    On a side note, do you know what should happen if you get to open on a scoundrel? You should force him to vanish, and you just so happen to have one of the few instant cast aoe's on short cooldown that you can use to unstealth him right after he does, even with his aoe immunity up. With your vanish up, you should be able to escape him. With his vanish up, he should not be able to escape you.


    The point of me showing you the differences between our openers is that if I get the opener on an operative/scoundrel and he doesn't have a CC break it isn't GG. If he gets it on me w/o a CC break it is GG. Shadow opener is weak, Operative's is overpowered.

  17. The fact that you assume no one has the AoE stealth breakers "slotted" or hot keyed is just ignorant. They are used, and frequently used at that; they just aren't effective vs any operative with half a brain. Get real.
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