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  1. What's happening has more to do with lack of communication and coherent strategy in pugs IMHO. My recomendation, and i know before anyone points it out that this is frowned upon by most MMO players, is in game or at least in warzone voice chat. From my experience pvping with guild members on mumble the ability to voice where u are, what condition a node is in, or who to focus down is invaluable during a warzone. I do realize that there is in game ops chat for this but it requires taking ur eyes of the playfield and or typeing out instructions instead of using your attacks. The only variable that can be directly linked to premades having an advantage over pugs is team composition and even then for non ranked wrzs it can only influence half the team. Imagine that upon entering a warzone you could quickly developer a strategy with ur team, assign roles and them change all that up on the fly during the match to counter what the opponent was doing with all eight players being on the same page. There are plenty of cons as well with annoying children and people with no clue what their mike is picking up among the worst offenders. I just wanted to see how the community felt on this issue a year into the game.
  2. I'm all for this idea as well but like someone pointed out above the amount of work required to reanimate all of the attacks probably makes this an unlikely change. With that said I can not help but feel it fits the berserk ability perfectly all rage and aggression with no thought of defense or perfect form.
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