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Everything posted by Mr_MartY

  1. Hello. I'm a 50 Sniper, I PvP on a very regular basis and I love it. The Sniper's playstyle requires you to have absolutely everything bound at your fingertips at all times. If you're dying often, I really hate to say it but the problem is not the class. I feel our greatest advantage is in Huttball. We can clear an entire ramp with Cover Pulse, Leg Shot the ball carrier or enemy chasers and have a long range, AoE disrupt. I'm constantly hitting people into acid, fire, the pit, whatever. You need to play the class in two modes. You're either balls-to-the-wall DPS on a single target or you're utility. If you're not doing one, you better be doing the other. Here is how I typically PvP: -Chill on the edge of the fight, preferably near a pillar or corner. You know, something I can run behind -Select my target. I'm looking for someone who is being targeted by at least one other friend or a squishy. -Shatter Shot the target -Ambush --> Followthrough --> Series --> Rapid Fire --> Series x2 -Laze + Snipe into Followthrough + Takedown. This is a SICK amount of damage with the Shatter Shot debuff enabled. I'm mainly writing this post because I so rarely see Shatter Shot used in WZs. It's one of the best team skills in the game, take advantage of it! I open up every single fight with Shatter Shot. When I'm trying to take a target down, I'm looking at all the options. The very second I see his health go up from a heal, my eyes are looking all over the screen for the healer. I'll Flashbang the healer or run up to him and use Pulse to knock him away from the fight and follow it up with a Leg Shot. If others start to gang up on him, throw in a Shatter Shot. When classes start targeting me, I'll CC them as much as humanly possible and try to get back to my primary target. I should note that I have the talent to decrease the cooldown of Leg Shot, it's a surprisingly overlooked two points considering how effective it is. Snipers enjoy the best view of Warzones. This is a key strength that is often overlooked. EDIT: Forgot to mention, I play a Marks spec. I believe I'm 31/3/7 and I have no issues with mobility whatsoever. Just because I unload from a standing position doesn't mean I'm not constantly moving around and changing my location.
  2. Your post demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of hardware issues. Your computer is the problem. TOR did not break your machine. Sounds like your old or poorly taken care of hardware gave out.
  3. Noticed nobody brought this up, so here goes: We're playing a modern game using modern hardware. I think a lot of us back in the WoW, UO or whatever days were rolling with CRT monitors that were set to an 85hz refresh rate or so. The influx of cheap LCD monitors and laptop gaming now has tons of people using 60hz refresh rates, which is in fact terrible for your eyesight. Seriously, try looking at a 60hz refresh rate and then bump it up to 100hz. It's like night and day. Perhaps this is why we're seeing more and more of these cases today. I still have an old 120hz CRT monitor that I'm playing TOR on and my eyes rarely get fatigued while staring at the screen.
  4. Are you serious man? News & Updates --> Patch notes
  5. What a ridiculous thread. We have to work, dude. In fact, many of us are at work right now. Why do you think we're here instead of playing the game? Come on people, use your reasoning.
  6. i7 2600k GTX 460 12GB DDR3 Corsair Vengeance I run everything on high and only experience non-perfect framerates while in the main fleet. I could OC, but I don't feel like dealing with Intel stock cooling and my case is too small for my nice liquid cooler. Maybe someday.
  7. All the PvP hate = lol. Maybe read the upcoming content information and you'll sound less stupid. There's a 50 bracket coming.
  8. I'm having an absolutely awesome time and my server is constantly filled to the brim. I think a few other people are having a good time as well, but that's just a hunch...
  9. There is no way this isn't a troll. On the offchance it's serious, sorry dude but your kid really, really sucks at videogames. Tiberian Sun all day at age 10.
  10. Sucks. I'm 21 and I destroy 50s on a regular basis in warzones, even with gimped talents/abilities. Most people have no idea what they're doing in PvP, it's hilariously awesome. Amazing what a few keybinds can do for you...
  11. How is this even a question? -Need it? Roll need. -Want to sell it? Roll greed. Everyone gets a shot at the money, and if someone is too inept to roll need on something they need, then that's their problem and not mine. -Don't care and don't need the money? Pass. Extremely simple system.
  12. Hey guys, Been really enjoying my Sniper, but I'm only around level 20 right now. I've been messing around with different rotations and I'm trying to come up with a rotation that nets me the highest potential DPS. Disclaimer: I hotkey just about every single skill so it can be used with my left hand. I come from playing a Rogue and Hunter in WoW and thus needed access to as many utility skills as possible. Because of this, I've had a lot of success in both PvP and PvE so far. That being said: My opening: -Cover + Ambush -That orbital bomb thing that explodes when the target takes damage -Laze + Snipe So that's my bread and butter right there. If the target is closing in, I'll charge him and use the melee incapacitate ability (forgive me, the name escapes me again and I can't logon to double check) and follow up with Shiv. I have a great knife so I Shiv as often as possible. The damage is pretty strong and also instantaneous. Now here is where I sort of don't know what to do. I've tried spamming Snipe, but I feel like I can do more damage when I throw in an autoattack inbetween Snipes. Anytime there's more than 1 target, I throw a nade whenever it's not on cooldown. So what say you, Snipers? How do you rotate your skills usually? I'm definitely having great success in PvP and PvE with my current setup, but I feel like it can be improved.
  13. I read these forums a lot, but rarely post. Been reading less and less since the massive QQfest began, but here's my $0.02: Am I seriously the only one who is having a legit MMO experience playing? I login, check out my auctions, BS in the general chat and then I'm off to knock off a few quests or FPs. I play a Sniper and have had zero trouble finding groups for flashpoints. I use the built-in LFG tool, which I'll agree is only marginally effective since few people take advantage of it. But for people saying they say "LFG" in general chat and are met with silence, seriously what server are you guys on? I'll try to get a group started and in about 15 minutes we're well on our way. There are tons of people playing this game. I run into many people from zone to zone and there are always 3-4 people in general chat running daily heroic quests. Maybe it's just my server, but Iron Citadel is hoppin' no matter where I quest. Sometimes during off-peak hours it takes a little bit to find a healer or something, but it's nothing out of the ordinary. I'm actually enjoying the leveling process for the first time since my beginnings of WoW (at which point I was still in high school and had ridiculous amounts of free time). I was one of those guys who was really excited for AoC when it came out and I had an absolute blast playing levels 1-20. It's like that, except the game isn't endlessly broken and that awesome interactive world is 1-50 instead of 1-20. I think people need to chill out. Sorry if you don't like the game, but here's the best part: If you don't want to play it...you don't have to!
  14. Control panel --> Power options --> Disable any and all sleep mode options, whether they're for your monitor or hard drive.
  15. Isn't that the point of the scaled BGs, though? It puts my HP/damage on par with the HP/damage of actual 50s and gives me a chance to stand my ground. How does the bolster buff compare to having the actual stats? I'm only level 17, so I don't really know much about this yet. All I know is there were some surprised SOBs out there, haha.
  16. I can't be the only one completely destroying people at level 15? I'm a Sniper and I just obliterate people that take me lightly because of my level. I played a few battlegrounds for the first time last night and had a blast. I'm also pretty certain I was one of very few players who actually had proper keybinds setup. There are a TON of skills to stay on top of, I can't imagine being even marginally effective in PvP without them. I need to throw flashes, deal melee damage if I need to, roll to cover, use all of my damage skills etc etc. I need everything at my fingertips, so I took the time to bind it all properly. Pretty sure most of the guys I killed were just spamming 3-4 skills instead of the necessary 7-8. There is a lot to do in this game for PvP and you need to utilize every aspect of your character. If you're dying a lot at higher levels, then you might need to rethink your approach to PvP.
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