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Everything posted by LoneRegulator

  1. I agree with you. I get the idea of gating (even if I think it's stupid), but that's just one less reason to sub. F2P gets nerfed on everything else, why are they evened up here?
  2. How is that obvious at all? You can't know one way or another if he's trolling or heard a rumor. It's more likely he heard a rumor and wanted to let everyone else know than he was bored and decided to pretend he heard a rumor. Nothing is obvious at this point.
  3. Can I just say if we get more hats can we please have hair with them? Only two people in the entire game have imperial hats and hair at the same time: the Captain of the Black Talon, and a woman commander whose name I can't remember in the Sith Warrior class story on belsavis. Please don't make us instantly bald if we put a hat on. Just give us some same colored hair coming out from under the hat.
  4. I'm just happy that 1) We're getting transfers and 2) Even one of them will be free.
  5. I agree with most of what you're saying except that you think guardians are getting a nerf. They're getting a buff. 3 seconds of 100% reflected damage? Nice. And the armor stack ability is hugely improved. Now you don't need to use it 5 times (3 if you spec'd into it) for a 20% armor reduc. It does the full 5 stacks in one strike. Sure it's got a bigger CD, so you can't spread it around as much, but it does the full armor reduc in one hit. Yes please. Also, I don't think they're reducing the middle tree's proc rate for master strike/ravage. I don't see that in the patch notes. As for that operative roll, yeah that's horrible.
  6. I want transfers as much as the next person. I think restricted transfers need to be implemented - maybe one character per two weeks or 2 or 3 max or whatever. What EA is worried about is that people on certain servers will pick up their entire legacy and move to another server. If you're on Jung Ma (an RP-PVP server) and you think the PvP sucks, and you want to do more, you'll pick up your whole legacy and move to Prophecy of the Five (a PvP only server) or so they worry. This could really disrupt the servers, and mess over the people that stay. So we need transfers, but some restrictions at first (or forever) to keep that from happening will be important. Beyond that, we need transfers of some sort at least, although by now I've pretty much rerolled all the characters I wanted to bring over anyway and don't really have a need to transfer. If they don't get the transfers soon, they won't be getting as much money because some people won't need their toons anymore. Why bring over a 50 jug from one server when you already have another 50 jug on your current server if it costs money to do so? Honestly, I'm surprised EA is showing this much foresight. They're usually a measure never cut immediately kind of company when it comes to decisions. They must really think there will be an enormous negative impact for transfers if they're actually worried about the long term for once.
  7. So late quote, but whatever. Who cares if players with only one 45+ character have to grind longer for the same gear? In fact, shouldn't the players with multiple 50s get rewarded for having played your game longer or at least played it more? Why are people with multiple alts getting stuck grinding so many helix components (which come incredibly slowly)? No offense, but the only weapon piece I actually even want is the double bladed lightsaber, but I have 3 lvl 50 alts. Why can't I just pool their helix components, get the only weapon I want, and be done 3x as fast? I should also say that I'm not a huge fan of dailies. Grinding them out is boring to me. If I could pool components I'd actually keep grinding the dailies and do the event. Instead, I got annoyed about day 2 of the event, as soon as I realized the helix components were BOP and the armor was just a reskin of various pieces of agent gear, and just stopped playing it.
  8. I would like this feature very much as well. I'd relish the opportunity to change to body type of some of my characters. My Sorc was body type 2, but I'd really prefer him to look more buff. After all, he's been working out since level 1.
  9. If having everyone leave is really a concern then they could at least limit the transfers to, say, one or two toons per account. That would prevent people from just picking up sticks and deserting a server if they're really concerned about that. Instead of people moving their entire legacy out, they'd only really be able to move one or two characters to their legacy. As for them not being able to say who can and can't transfer what, they're already doing that by not having transfers at all. I'd much rather have a restricted form of character transfer than no character transfer at all.
  10. So, I'm sure it's completely obvious already from the general chat, but I don't know if it's been formally put in the suggestion box, so here we go. We need the option to transfer characters. You all already did transfers before, just offer a paid transfer option. Plenty of us have characters stranded on servers we don't play on after the mergers. If you want to make money on them, fine. Just give us a reasonably priced option to bring over the characters we want. OR, if you're worried about too many, just MAKE IT LVL50 ONLY that can be transferred between servers. That would greatly cut down on the transfer workload if there is something stopping ya'll from doing a bunch.
  11. I want the Viper headpiece - the eyepatch - that only smugglers can wear to be wearable on any class, imperial or republic (and for it not to change looks from faction to faction).
  12. I took these screenshots of a guy who gave up in a warzone when the score was 480-410 on Civil War. He continued on for the rest of the match. We tried to kick him, but then he initiated combat. If anyone needs to be kicked it is people like this fellow, but you all can judge that for yourself. EDIT: Fixed. Check the pics in order. I think it's clear who is the inspiration for this post. His name starts with "S" in case it's not at first obvious. Screen 1: http://img600.imageshack.us/img600/6356/screenshot2013013116460.jpg Screen 2: http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/1295/screenshot2013013116461.jpg Screen 3: http://img845.imageshack.us/img845/1295/screenshot2013013116461.jpg Screen 4: http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/5467/screenshot2013013116462.jpg Screen 5: http://img849.imageshack.us/img849/7774/screenshot2013013116463q.jpg
  13. The Trooper Battlemaster gear which no longer exists.
  14. If it was just me that thought that way, then the vote to kick wouldn't harm that player since the majority of an 8 man group is greater than 1. By your argument, if 7 people in the warzone wanted to kick one guy, all 7 of them should leave instead of being able to kick the 1 guy, no matter the reason they think he deserves to be kicked. Sounds like a troll with nothing intelligent to say trying to sound like his friends to me. You realize the majority of 8 is 5, right? Not 4? Good luck getting the pugs to help kick a guy. Edit: Because EA doesn't have time to deal with those reports. Myself and several other people have repeatedly reported the same few people for cheating in warzones by using the teleport glitch in warzones and they still keep playing and still keep cheating. If EA doesn't have enough time to deal with all the cheaters, they won't have enough time to deal with people who don't wear gear.
  15. I'd have to see how much damage you actually did. Regardless, you would have done more in, say, full WH. Anyone can interrupt, taunting and defending healers are tank duty (one of the reasons I said expertise isn't as critical for a tank), attacking their healers is dps duty and is better with expertise - especially against healers who can heal faster than you can dps (more likely if you have low expertise). I'm not saying you don't know what you're taking about, though it may come across that way. I'm just saying that 100% of the time I've seen someone with zero expertise in a match, and they weren't a tank, they were nearly useless to the team - little damage, little healing. If we get lucky they just guard a node and call incs.
  16. No. No one is saying that. Unless your gear is Champion and you have maxed out at 300 expertise or something. In which case, I'd say you are, unfortunately, in the same boat as new 50s because of the changes to expertise so long ago. I did just fine in my Battlemaster before I could go to War Hero. Of course you're going to get killed faster in recruit gear. It's armor rating is horrible compared to pretty much all other 50 gear. What's more important is your damage. Did you take a picture of the dps you put out in your experiment with your dps set? I guarantee you it was lower than your recruit (unless you were guarding a node or something while in your recruit). I've never seen anyone with 0 expertise get more than 50k dps or so. And if someone is spec'd dps and doing that little damage, they're pretty much useless unless they're a tank (and to a lesser extent a healer). Edit: The fact that you last longer in high grade PvE gear is why expertise isn't as big a deal for a tank. No offense, but when you say you took 3 or 4 guys with you in your PvE gear, I highly doubt you killed 3-4 people in your PvE gear before you got killed yourself without any heals. Can't even do that in good PvP gear (assuming absolutely no heals and no self-heals).
  17. Sounds more like you have a chip on your shoulder and aren't being reasonable. Edit: Because that's not what the OP is talking about at all. ------------ I agree with the OP 90% of the way. The only class that can run with low (or no) expertise, is a tank. And that tank needs at least about 24k health to offset that difference. Expertise is mainly about damage. If you're a DPS, and have no expertise, it doesn't matter what gear you're in. You're going to get shredded and be useless to your team. Some people are saying that you'd be ok in full BH or Dread Guard against a recruit geared player. I don't know about this, and again, it depends if you're tanking, dpsing, or healing. But I assure you, if you don't have any expertise, and are going up against someone in even partial war hero with expertise around 1250, you're going to lose that fight. No two ways about it. If you don't have any expertise, you're going to lose it as a 30k tank too, but you'll usually last long enough to call in help from people who are actually dps specced (the usual point of a tank guarding something anyway). -------- Someone brought up a good point that people could just switch their gear from recruit to PvE after the game started so they couldn't be picked up and kicked out. This can be avoided by just putting in an auto kick for anyone whose expertise drops below 200-300 or whatever number is chosen during the fight. ----------- Finally, someone also complained about PvPers saying they can wear their gear in PvE. Well truth be told, they usually can, because there is no specific stat that regulates damage in PvE like there is in PvP. Now you might not be able to run, say, Hard Mode Denova or Terror from Beyond in that, but I have repeatedly done easier flashpoints like HM False Emperor and HM Battle of Ilum with PvP gear. ------------- All this said, we need a way to check back people who don't have expertise in PvP, because unlike PvE, there is an exclusive stat designed to do nothing less or more than regulate damage ONLY in PvP.
  18. Because it could be easily abused doesn't mean it will. People want to win their warzones. They aren't going to kick random people who are playing well for no reason.
  19. Are you serious? Do you even know what recruit gear is? Your argument is ridiculous. All you have to do when you turn lvl 50 is go to the pvp terminal, click on the mission giver terminal, then click on the mission turn in terminal, and you get free recruit gear giving you around 1000 expertise for no credits, no cartel coins, and no effort. Here's a solution: when you hit 50 you get an explanation about how PVE at lvl 50 works. Give the same thing for level 50 PVP. There. Done. Don't try to put this on me being a snob, because it's not. It's the easiest thing in the world to get recruit gear. If you're too lazy to even go to the terminal, then that's your fault. ----------- To the actually legitimate claims, I understand that this system could be abused. However, with how important expertise is to warzones, perhaps a compromise? How about only kicking people who are below, say, the minimum amount of expertise granted by wearing a full set of recruit gear (it's around 1000 I think), unless they have over 15,000 health? Most classes end up with above 15,000 health just by wearing recruit gear, and they'd obviously have the required expertise to meet the minimum of full recruit gear if they're wearing full recruit gear. There needs to be a way to prevent teams being hobbled by people (like the second poster) who do not understand what recruit gear even is. I have seen people in 50 warzones with no recruit gear, I have politely told them exactly what it is and how to get it before the warzone starts and tell them to go get it after the warzone, and then have seen them 4 hours later still pvp'ing without recruit gear. There needs to be some way to check this.
  20. We need to have a majority vote kick option in warzones, specifically in lvl 50 warzones. Right now we can only kick people who are idle with a majority vote. However, idleness is almost never a problem because the game kicks them automatically if they don't leave the starting area in a few minutes. However, there are people going into lvl 50 warzones with 0 expertise, even though there is recruit gear for free. They show up in their lvl 47 prototype gear, and everyone on their team groans and wishes they'd leave, because they are just going to be dead weight. Sure, you can have the occasional full-campaign gear tank with 29,000hp and 0 expertise, and that doesn't really matter. But these noobs with 12k health and pre-50 gear are a huge hindrance to a lvl 50 warzone team. Furthermore, some people are just quitters and need kicking. I've seen far too many people in warzones declare they are going to get defender points and stop playing. At the begging of the game. After they get 2 capped. These people need kicking. For these two reasons, we need to be able to kick ANYONE out of a warzone with a majority vote. Not just idle people who the game kicks anyway.
  21. I think you're trying way to hard to defend EA/Bioware for not doing a good job, but if you want to try to RP it away, I won't try to stop you.
  22. Bold: Just because he's been shut down doesn't mean he wouldn't have a personality when he woke up. Besies, he comments on the environments, there just isn't any interactive commentary. Italics: Every droid in Star Wars has a personality of some sort. R2-D2, C-3PO, HK-47, HK-50, T3-M4, T7, The Trooper's droid, whatever his designation is. I can't buy that HK-51 is the only droid in Star Wars canon that doesn't have any sort of personality.
  23. There was a thread a little ways back in the suggestion box about this very issue. I'll repost here what I posted there. HK-51 doesn't have any dialog because EA is the laziest and sleaziest developer out there. Not for any canonical reasons.
  24. I'd agree with this mindset for sure. I think that it's definitely too easy to do these moves, which probably the origin of the whole "smash monkey" name anyway - it's so easy a monkey could do it. I think you have some very good suggestions here that EA/Bioware should consider, should they ever decide to look at changing up this spec. Even if the damage doesn't change, I think it needs to be more restricted and require a bit more skill, as you've suggested.
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