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  1. I'm still having this issue. Wish they had a bug tracker we could see the status of things like this. I have and Underworld Trading discovery that requires 110 but I'm over 250 at this point and still cannot use. I have tried with companions summoned and dismissed. I've tried on the fleet, ship and stronghold.
  2. Greetings all! I've returned from about a year hiatus and decided to roll a new Trooper. I'm based out of Germany so I'm looking for folks that have similar play times. I'm not looking for hardcore raiding, just a small group to run with. I'm Sartinme in-game, send me a whisper!
  3. Hey Mexar, I'm new to the server and new to the game (only L23). I have a small group that are also in the same timezone as well. If your looking for lowbie excitement let me know. My in-game name is Sartin Also, is there a Republic European timezone based guild on the server? I've looked in the Guild Recruitment section but didn't see one right off the bat. If there isn't how many of us misplaced folks are there and is there enough to create a guild?
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