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Everything posted by Luneward

  1. I can just imagine the horror it would have been if you had leveled up in the old days when you pretty much had to obliterate all the quests on each planet just to scrape by enough XP to get to the next story planet.
  2. After your first post, I thought you were doing a bit. Now I'm having a hard time figuring out if you're serious or not....
  3. Wait.... so you CAN turn them into someone at the stronghold for something? And yet they're automatically classified and auto-sold to vendors as junk? That's messed up and bad.
  4. If so, they are incredibly misleading. Why would they have needed to be bind on legacy? And why did they need flavor text saying they had something to do with the Copero stronghold? (Yes, I know the patch changed them to be bind on pickup... but if they're trash why would they need to be bound in the first place?)
  5. It's been a few years since I played, and I thought I'd ask a few questions before jumping back into the cockpit. Apparently the starfield as I remember it has changed beyond recognition. When I read a post on here saying strikes could take out battle scouts, my mind sort of went "What alternate universe cantina did I just wander into?" 1. I've watched the GSF School video on changes in 5.5. Aside from the GSF school videos are there any resources you recommend? The pinned guides here are a 'wee' bit out of date. 2. Is there a particular NA server that is more active than the other? The bulk of my characters are on Star Forge, but since I'm going to be starting some new characters to capture some story footage anyway, I don't mind leveling my ships from scratch. 3. Are there designated GSF channels on those servers? Some of my best memories were the post battle chatter after a match.
  6. Well it isn't necessarily supposed to be even. On the other hand, the devs did say there was supposed to be extra weight added for a side after the opposite side one. Either it isn't happening, or the weighting just isn't high enough. The only time I've seen Dark Side win on Ebon Hawk was morning or afternoon, basically never during prime time.
  7. For the most part, it is definitely just pick which character you would prefer with one caveat. While all companions can perform any role, they are still divided into ranged and melee categories. If you plan on doing difficult solo or duo content, developing at least one of both types is not a bad idea, because sometimes you want your companion stuck to a mob like gorilla glue, while other times you don't want them anywhere near them.
  8. If there's any way for you to get a screenshot of what you are seeing, it would help. All offhands, regardless of their level, should only be at 30% (or less) damage. Offhands are more stat sticks than actual benefits to damage itself. If you can, make sure you verify that the hilt of your saber is the part that is level 36. An item will be listed as level 36, even if it only has one mod in it that is level 36. I can't say without seeing it, but it sounds like your offhand (regular) lightsaber doesn't have a hilt component in it, and that's the part that gives a weapon its baseline damage value.
  9. Part of the problem is you were making a judgement on a spec before you even reached the mid 40s. ALL specs feel clunky until you have access to most of their abilities, their procs, and resource generators. I've personally never felt all that fond of most sentinel specs, but that's just personal preference. Plus, I like have the option of tanking. I'd say if you can't decide make one Guardian/Sent, and one Juggernaut Marauder and play with both sides. Leveling is quick enough these days it isn't that much extra investment.
  10. Only two differences. Jack. All. PvP and PvE gear are the same thing now. I imagine there is still going to be expertise-like effects in PvP instances and warzones that modifies the damage and healing, but now only your discipline determines what stats you get from gear crates. Expertise was already kind of a needless stat with bolster, so maybe it will simply be a baked in thing. It means even if you prefer doing things other than PvP, you'll still stay up to date on your gear.
  11. Not a lot you can do this close to the patch. The only real big systems change you might want to prepare for is that almost all commendations and crystals are being turned into credits since they are doing away with that system. Common crystals will be 500 credits each. Glowing 1000 each Radiant 1500 Warzone comms will be 50 credits each. Each character you have will have a cap of 1.5 Million credits earned this way. So if you have an excess of warzone comms, you might want to cash them in for something. Unfortunately, we haven't been given an actual price list on what things will cost, so it is hard to tell if exchanging crystals for a lot of the things they can be purchased for is worth it or not. They have indicated that companion gifts are not going to be particularly cheap, since they want the primary source of those to be from Command Crates, so exchanging your common crystals for Rank 5 or 6 companion gifts before the patch hits Tuesday might be an attractive option.
  12. Sounds like a bunch of made up bull. Only thing I can recall the devs saying on streams is that Heroics grant GXP. There was no 'how' or 'why'. Just that Heroics gave it. I think we can safely say that falls under the category of "Liar, liar, pants on fire."
  13. Basically the devs just followed WoW's example again. The WoW talent system was already being revamped when SWtOR came out, and the devs came to the same conclusion that WoW devs had. That it was pretty much impossible to balance the trees if you could freely throw any talent points at it you wanted, and every expansion would knock that more off kilter since there would now be five more points to take into account. Goodbye are the days of the hybrids. Though when you get down to it, there was pretty much already always a 'right' talent point distribution you had to follow or you were gimped, so there really was only the illusion of choice. Now we at least get to choose what utilities we get, many of which were buried too deep in other discipline trees to ever be able to use them if you weren't that discipline. Sometimes there's a lack of really interesting utilities on a tier, but at least now there's actual choices.
  14. The bonus XP armor you get from the first few stages of the DvL achievements. There's still time to get most/all of the set.
  15. Content Guide This will be fairly brief. There's actually a lot of threads on content progression already here on the board. Storyline progressions: Class Story ->Illum -> Revenge of the Hutt Cartel (Makeb) -> CZ198 / Oricon -> Forged Alliances / Shadows of Revan ->Knights of the Fallen Empire -> Knights of the Eternal Throne (Incoming!) Czerka and Oricon are more side stories that can be done at any time. There's very little story content there. There's also a side quest are on Belsavis called Section X, where you can run dailies as well as pick up the lengthy quest to get the HK-51 companion. All of the main story quests can be picked up on the quest terminal on your ship when you hit the right levels. It warns you multiple times, but if you start Knights of the Fallen Empire you will be locked out of a lot of earlier content. Namely, your class story quests, companion conversations, and Shadows of Revan. SoR is where all of the story quests start becoming the same for all characters, so once you've done it once it can probably be safely skipped - the only unique part of that is each class gets a short individual quest on Rishi that tends to reference their class story.
  16. Crew Skill Addendum A few changes were also made to crafting and gathering. First of all a baseline change: Orange difficulty crafts/missions/gathers will raise your skill by 4. Yellow by 2-3. Green by 1. Leveling crew skills is much faster now. Crafting: Basically the same principle. Make items. Reverse engineer an item if you want to try to learn an upgraded schematic. The biggest difference is it is a multi-step process for most things now. You can use the gathering materials to create components. You then use the components and items from the mission skills to craft the item. If all you are looking to do is level, you can pretty much just level the skill by crafting components, then hanging on to those for future crafts or conquest items. Gathering: You can gather any item from your gathering skill no matter what your skill level is. The only thing your gathering level does is determines how much you will be able to gather from a node. If you are underleveled, you will only gather one of each item from a node. If you are well above the skill for the node, you will gather about 4-6 per gather (or up to 3 lockboxes for slicing). Gathered materials have been condensed into only being two 'types' per grade. (For example metals and compounds for scavenging). Any node will give you about equal amounts of both types for its grade. Exception: Archaeology. All nodes will grant you power crystals and artifact fragments. You will still need to find the right colored crystal nodes to get colored crystals (which also drop artifact fragments and power crystals in addition to the colored crystals)
  17. The three biggest changes to the game are experience/leveling changes, level sync, and companion overhaul/influence. Experience/Leveling: You now level much more quickly than before (and with x2 xp going on until the expansion, even faster). The intent of the devs was that all you should be required to do is your class missions and the main planetary storyline. Sidequests are entirely optional (and actually need to be turned on at the area map to even be able to see them). If you do any side content at all, whether that is flashpoints or pvp, you'll probably be over leveled for the planet and can even skip the planetary storylines if you like. You always get an appropriate amount of experience and credits for completing a quest, regardless of the planet's level. So as you level, your quests increase in value as you go. Which leads into... Level Sync: Every planet now has a maximum level. If your level and/or gear is above that, your stats will be scaled down, though you will keep all of your class abilities. So even with gear scaled down, it is still simplicity itself to steamroll things. You will gain experience based off of your saled level, so you'll be able to get experience for kills anyplace you go. Random drops from mobs will be scaled to your actual level. This allowed the devs to make you able to take the class story at whichever pace you felt like and not feel obliged to move on, as well as allow the repeatable heroics to still feel like relevant content (and you can pick them up at terminals on planets or a combined terminal on fleet, each mission has a teleporter item to go right to it). Of course it is also there so people can't just solo world bosses anymore, but oh, well. Companions/Influence: Companions no longer have a specific combat role or unique crew skill bonuses. You select the combat role from their portrait or from the companion screen (companions now summoned from their own screen. It is no longer part of the crew skill screen). So the only difference combat wise really is melee vs ranged companions. You can now bring any companion you want. Companion affection has been replaced by influence. Any action they approve or disapprove of raises their influence (though it raises much faster if they approve) so you no longer have to meta-game your conversations as much. There are 50 ranks of influence, and each rank gives bonuses to presence, crew skill speed, and crew skill crit rate. Rank 50 companions complete crew skills twice as fast, and have a +25% crit bonus. Honestly companions are more than a wee bit overpowered now, but they'll probably be very necessary once the harder mode story quests get implemented. That's the three big ones. If you are just newly returning I suggest heading to the crew skill area of the fleet and doing the intro quest to Strongholds (player housing). One of the rewards for the quest is a legacy cargo hold item. A legacy cargo hold in a stronghold allows you to access a shared bank across all of your characters on the server. Any item not bound to your character can be put in a legacy cargo. It's most useful for crew skill items. Put all your crew skill materials in legacy cargo and any character can craft using those materials no matter where they are (crafting first takes from player inventory, then from cargo hold storage, then legacy storage). And since most items now stack up to 999, you can probably have more than enough room for all your crafting mats if you even buy one more legacy cargo slot (they can be a bit pricey if you use credits, so I used CCs for my storage past the first two tabs)
  18. Well, it doesn't hurt to at least upgrade your mainhand hilt/barrel every few levels. The rest of the gear is hardly necessary until level cap though.
  19. I'll second that. Telekenesis/Lightning for a Sage/Sorc is a pretty easy spec to learn. It also comes in with a bit of an advantage for built in early aoe.
  20. The only group content they've announced so far is called 'Uprisings'. Details are a bit skimpy so far, but they intend for them to be somewhat faster paced than a flashpoint. I suppose think of it as a dungeon with a quick series of skirmishes. We will probably get more info on that as the month progresses. Check the main page. There are blogs there about the new features. The biggest one is the new gearing system. Gone are crystals and commendations (of most kinds. A few random cosmetic comms like fleet comms are staying in). Now everything is going to be based on the Galactic Command system once you hit 70. Take a look at the blogs on the main page for better info on what it entails.
  21. Actually, you get a free legacy storage point free for doing the stronghold intro quest. It's the standard cargo bay that you need to buy before you can use it in the SH. So really, someone just needs to do the stronghold entry quest, then plunk down the bank in a stronghold.
  22. This is probably the case. On the other hand, the devs have never outright stated this. And the achievements above the second tier are worded very, very vaguely. The first two tiers state you need to do it during the event. All the achievements after that say you need to do it with a character created during the event, not necessarily during the event itself. My guess is that the DvL flags will get removed from characters once the expansion launches so it is a moot point. On the other hand, it has never been stated that when the event ends, we can't get the achievements any more with DvL characters.
  23. Chin length hair that you haven't washed in a month so clumps of it sticks together.
  24. If you were subscribed back on Oct 27th, you get Shae Vizla when the expansion launches, and if you are still subbed come November, you get the recon walker. Just substitute 'premium' with 'subscriber' anytime you see it and your questions will be answered. Ah, the fun of needless terminology changes.
  25. We don't have a clear answer on this. Logically, once DvL is over, you shouldn't be able to get any more achievements, but that isn't how the achievements are worded. Legacy and Heroic levels state 'Raise to level 50 during the event.' Almost all the achievments after that state "Do this task with any character created during the event. It doesn't specifically state that you need to do it while the event is running, just use a character that has the DvL flag. Though that might be a moot point if they just remove the flags as soon as the event ends. So while it is very likely you will not be able to get legendary any more, we need clarification if I am just being too literal about the wording of the achievements.
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