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Posts posted by Melkathi

  1. The other thing is, Lando was wearing the cape to be flashy as person in charge of Bespin. He wasa figurehead and the cape was a tool to underline his standing.

    Smugglers actively doing the actual smuggling and all the heroics we do, would be wearing something practical - possibly flashy, but always practical.

  2. Why even bother with this petition, if you are a smuggler BW dosent care about anything you have say, reroll sage/sorc, then try again


    Honestly I don't understand why Bioware bothered adding new smuggler items at all. They could just delete all smugglers and be done with it. After all that seems to be their objective, to get people to quit playing the class in disgust.

  3. And in update 1.3 we will get even better gear! Dress up as the republic army's mascot Garry the Gungan Gunner.. The new hat will be an oversized Gungan mask matching the new boots that will be oversized feet...


    I can just see someone at Bioware already working on an idea like that...

  4. /Signed the BH looks ok and the trooper but really come on Devs the rest makes me wanna cry and makes my eyes bleed


    At least you still have eyes. Tbhink of the smugglers who can't sign this petition because they clawed their eyes out at seeing that gear...




  5. There's been times on Coruscant that Corso has glitched out and ditched me and left behind a motionless hologram. My in-game explanation is he took off to hit on one of the barmaid dancers and figured I couldn't tell the difference. I usually don't actually notice for twenty minutes.


    My Corso ditching experience were on Tatooine, where Super Corso would jump into the air, straight through the roof and vanish. Probably a crime was being commited somewhere and he had to stop it. Would be nice though if he informd me of his other life and if he didn't run off for crime fighting in the middle of combat.

  6. I guess they really like capes. So as punishment for people complaining about capes, they went ahead and proved just how terrible they can make a smuggler look...


    The person who came up with that look should... dunno what. But they should that...



  7. Hey now, lugging all that heavy armor and that big gun get tiring. He saw that you were on fleet and figured it would be a good chance to relax. :D


    Next time I carry his things, I expect at least some shooting lessons as compensation :D

  8. Iris guy? I take it you mean Ivory? That is pretty much the end of chapter 2 or the start of 3. The end of 2 I think is the heist on the ship?

    And to be honest? The Ivory chat is the best part of chapter 2 and 3 combined. Safe for one completly silly dialogue on Correlia

  9. The PvP one went down by 200 commendations each but still requires the valor level to buy. It will be removed with patch 1.2

    The VIP one is no available for 1mil from 1.5mil at the normal speeder vendor (no longer requiring a vip braceless thus to get to) again only till 1.2


    So you can buy 3 limited speeders now at the normal speeder vendor (Prime, Baron, Commander (rep side names)) and one PvP at the PvP vendor for no significant difference

  10. What annoys me is that we don't get more character slots. So you can't actually unlock everything on one server unless you spend a lot of credits to buy the unlocks... which kinda makes the idea of "unlocking" via the legacy system redundant.

    Miraluka, Mirialan, Sith Pureblood, Chiss and Ratataki are already 5 characters you "have" to reach to 50 to unlock the "new races". The idea of unlocking more customization options for Cyborgs means 3 more characters so you have all options on the 4th... oh wait. Already past the limit...




    Seems like a cheap way to get people to farm for credits while calling it something else.

  11. Genuine trailer?

    I was hoping for a Rickroll... wouldn't have minded some 80s music.


    But indeed seems we get to force choke.


    May mean that a coupe of abilities get unlocked as cross class.


    Guess we'll have to wait and see.

  12. Worst looking?


    I'm trying very hard not to ask you if you're high, but... seriously, what have you been smoking, and is there more? ;)


    Try looking at the light armor classes, the Jedi or Sith Inquisitors one of these days. Some of that stuff is so outrageously ugly I can't believe Bioware ever allowed it to see the light of day, or that the designer(s) didn't get locked up for crimes against the game playing population.


    The end-game gear is universally pretty iffy, but the smuggler is nowhere near as bad as some of the worst freakshows that the poor light-armor Jedi and Sith have to deal with. Not even in the same vicinity.


    My mid-20s smuggler is looking pretty good. For some reason he wound up with red gloves which is hopefully a temporary condition but the orange gear I've found is pretty good, and thankfully in soon-to-be-arriving patches orange gear can be used without penalties at 50 so I see a hopeful future.



    There is a big difference. The Jedi had to put up with 50 levels of crap armor before that. Anyone who hopes for something else at 50 after going through the whole game as a consular is delusional ;)

    Smugglers have some nice gear up to that point and then they get a slap in the face with capes.

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