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Posts posted by Melkathi

  1. Just finished this today.


    I think I should have an opinion on the matter.


    Honestly though?


    After that "great confrontation" and "final boss battle" and all...


    Yeah... meh


    It was so underwhelmingly indiferent.


    I'm not even bored.


    Good thing they had me walk from where I spawned and put some boxes in my way to make me walk around them. At least the whole ending took a while that way...


    Yeah... walking through a spaceport to the hangar. I think that about sums up how engaging this was.




    Oh, yeah post button. Forgot to hit that, was still so engrossed in the grand finale...

  2. You was both being childish IMHO. Being an adult means taking responsibility, did you offer anything but words to em? Also you complain that he wasted your time because he removed you, well didn't you wasted his time as well by taking an item that should have been his due to your own carelessness?


    Had you both been mature about the situation you would have offered him credits as comp and he wouldn't have made a big deal out of it.


    And what was he supposed to offer? He apologised. the other person ignored the apology and then waited to take revenge. What exactly was the OP supposed to do? Hack into the SWTOR server, find the other player's information and send him a stripogram?

  3. Clearly the group you were in had ran into this problem before so they didnt give you benefit of doubt.


    You make a great assumption there. Some people have had bad experiences others are simply jerks. Odds are 50/50 up until the point where an apology is ignored. And waiting for the OP to actually walk all the way back before dropping him (meaning he kept him on the team for the holodiscussion and the flight back) does imply pure vindictiveness.



    Oh and hi Kalfear. Just noticed I am replying to someone from my forum friendlist :)

  4. OP apologized.

    Mistakes happen.


    The better man recognizes that and, even though annoyed, moves on. The agent in question became childish and vindictive. Honestly? Not getting the sniper rifle when being such a jerk? Karma. Pre-emptive karma attack :)

  5. Top of the smuggler forum there are the Scoundrel and the Gunslinger forums.

    Go to the Scoundrel forum.

    Look at stickies.

    Read sticky titles.

    Read title of second sticky and notice words "Guide to PvP Healing"

    Read title of second sticky and notice words "Healing 101"



    Yeah I think you can find the links yourself ;)

  6. A shame I am too busy irl or I'd go read up on the previous rants.


    I too have made a lunatic twi'lek sith inquisitor. Much hilarity is to be had by choosing random options and seeing how the hell the story will put up with it :)


    To the spoilers:




    When you shot lightning at the datacron which nobody had ever though to do before, had you afterwards lied to your master, you would probably still be scratching your head now .

    "I did this very long ritual sacrificing seven tukata blah blah" "Strange, it did not work when I tried that..."





    Wait till you meet the sith ghost in those temple ruins...


  7. Just got home so I missed a lot of the discussion. I'll just make a few notes of things on lively gaming environments.


    Many moons ago I used to play a game called City of Heroes. There was something that really drew me into that game that had nothing to do with gameplay, story or character creation; when I was playing there were things happening around me. Petty criminals were trying to snatch purses. Hudlums with baseball bats were threatening people. A demonic cult was dragging people off to sacrifice them. And all the time, in the ambient chat window I would see their comments: I'd sit on a roof and her from the streets below "Nobody can save you." and I would think "Not on my watch." and dive to streets below.

    Of course the superhero genre really works well for that.


    In a way that was what I always felt a bit lacking in Champions Online. Though they did add some beautiful little things to liven up the world. The irradiates that would gather in masses under a large nuke, to lsiten to their preacher. The oasis were a cult was doing a random ritual... There were npcs doing things that a player interested in exploration could find.

    DC Universe Online as well did not have too much "random" stuff happening, though a lot of npcs were placed in such a way that they were doing something other than just waiting for a player to kill them. There was a nonstop struggle between criminals and police. And you would find the occasional random car thief or guy trying to break open an ATM.


    In SWTOR npcs don't really itneract with other npcs or the world. Yes on each planet there are a couple of npcs having a nicely voiced conversation which, if it triggers, you will keep hearing even if you are miles away. When you leave a safe area, some soldiers of your faction will be kneeling behind cover shooting at enemies. On rare occasions (like certain soldiers on Ord Mantell) if you take out those enemies, the soldiers will stop firing and cheer. Usually though they'll keep firing at nothing. A few steps beyond nothing is happening. If you do run into npcs of your side and there is no mission hub nearby it means you have strayed into the leveling area of the other faction.


    The real shame is that Heroic missions and Area missions seem to have completly missed the point. Were World Quests in Warhammer Online or Open Missions in Champions Online were adding life to the location, Heroic areas in SWTOR are just areas with tougher enemies. Yes, you proceed through stages, but what do they realy do to help make the world come alive?

    And area quests don't even have the harder opponents...


    It does not need to be a Rikti invasion from City of Heroes/Villains. But it would be really nice if something would happen every now and then on planets.

    Why can't there be a sandstorm on Tatooine or a snowstorm on Hoth?


    If you have a mission to take out the imperial artillery on Corellia, why can't there be mortar fire in that section of the map which stops upon completion of the mission until someone else picks it up?

    I guess because of time and budget constraints...


    What were those numbers people keep quoting? ;)

  8. On Corellia there is a mission in a museum. Obviously you can make a comment to the mission npc about the value of the exhibits. You can imagine how disappointed I was when I could not swipe any of them. I tried clicking on little sculptures etc... no luck :/
  9. I think the parts that are too big are certain space ports. The long around the Coruscant or Nar Shadda space port. Or the silly way that Dromund Kaas has you running through that plaza because the two taxis aren't connected.

    Or how speeders cannot be used in space ports.


    They make you jog through dead areas just to have you running through them without anything there to do. Spaces that just exist so they can claim their game world is big.

  10. Hm, I almost always solo, so I might have to go back and try some of the flashpoints to pick some of those coats up, when I'm high enough level to handle it without a group. Balmorra bonus series coat looks pretty good though.


    They are quite pleasant strolls when you come back to them solo at a high level :)

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