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Everything posted by Quickpaw

  1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Excuse me for trying to lighten up this conversation between two indivuduals who are at each others' throats.
  2. Why would he consider the Republic his "Enemies?" I can see where you're coming from on the Imperial side, but I say again: TURNING ON THE THING HE'S TRYING TO SAVE MAKES NO LOGICAL SENSE. Where in the world did those legions come from, anyway? The Imperial Revanites weren't exactly numerous, and they were still devoted followers of the Empire. And even then the "Canon Darkside" Imperial players ratted them out and probably got them heavily reduced, if not outright destroyed. Only because it was the Imperial players who where attacking them. Players will always be superior to NPCs. The only proof we have of ANY of that is his word, and besides there is no WAY his "followers" outnumber the Republic. If it was numbers he was going for he would have joined the Navy, since the droid idea failed. And what "truth" was he talking about? That the Sith are the bad guys? Duh. That the Emperor needs to be stopped? Pretty much a no-brainer. No, they wouldn't have. The Sith proper consider him a heratic, and would have attacked him on sight. AGAIN with the insults. Oh, going from wanting only to take out one guy using genocide, then SUDDENDLY deciding the people he was trying to save in the FIRST place need to die as well?! Maybe his methods haven't changed, but his target sure has. I KNOW THE FEELING And one of his major holdings STILL gets its rear kicked by a mininalist group of 4. Though that could be for the same reason he lost the Foundry. HINT: What happens in GAME=The information in Wookieepedia. There is little to no discernable difference. Then stop assuming you automatically know better than everyone else about content YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED. Let us have our speculation, PLEASE. You're right, it's not. IT'S A FACT. It's what he did, after being cooperative with the Jedi and Republic, and after having found allies in both. He DIDN'T share everything he knew, therefore he broke his word with them. No, you really haven't. You've talked about what happened during past events, including the Mandalorian Wars, Jedi Civil War, the second attack on the Emperor, and the Foundry incident. You have NOTadequately explained what is going on in Revan's head during the events of the upcoming expansion. BECAUSE YOU CAN'T. None of us can. That's part of this expansion's hook to buy it, the mystery behind Revan's actions. It's half the fun waiting for the stupid thing to come out: SPECULATING AMONGST OURSELVES. But they DON'T. We as players can INFER it of course, but NEVER during Forged Alliances does Revan ACTUALLY come out and say: "I'm doing this to stop the Emperor." If he did he'd have the whole Republic at his back. My point was that the portion of his forces overseen by Arkous and Darok was not so important that his plans couldn't proceed without them, therefore removing the reason for killing the players since they didn't ACTUALLY do any lasting harm to his cause. Then you at least admit the CONNECTION. Sheesh. It is logical, therefore, to draw the conclusion that (and here's the main point of THIS WHOLE THREAD) Revan is being controlled or otherwise manipulated by a third party. THERE. All I'm saying is it's POSSIBLE. Now can we please agree to disagree?
  3. I don't like playing on laptops either. But my laptop is still in for repairs so I have no choice.
  4. Enemies he didn't bother to try to contact? Or at least warn? He involved hundreds of high ranking Jedi and Republic soldiers during the Foundry incident, I see no reason why he wouldn't want any of the Republic players on his side. Instead it's all shadowy manipulations, arm twisting, and general underhandedness. If he wanted to destroy the Emperor, why is the Republic on his hit list as well? He could have just ASKED for whatever dohickey was on Tython and they probably would have given it to him. His tactics and personality have been drastically altered. The reason? Unknown. He could easily have explained his reasons to them, instead of just trying to nuke them. If he had used these tactics during the Jedi Civil War he would have gotten no converts at all. And what ARE they? You cannot say, because SHADOW OF REVAN IS. NOT. OUT. YET. NONE of us can say for certainty what is going on with Revan until WE PLAY IT. "I'll share everything I've learned with the Jedi." Apparantly you won't, you'll just stab everyone in the back. Then why does he not just come out and say it? WHAT is his justification for attacking Republic personel and holdings if what he wants is to destroy their enemy? Their MUTUAL enemy? I don't care if he thinks the Republic is weak. He thought the same of the Revanites. He's practically a legend to the Republic, he doesn't need such underhanded tactics to gain followers. How many people do you think actually know the whole situation with the Emperor? Unless they're like me and cheat using youtube that is. I get the feeling people are going to have no idea what he's talking about (especially the Knights), so you can understand the rampant confusion. "Arkous and Darok were valuable allies. But their deaths won't delay what's coming." Not so important as to jeperdize the ultimate goal, apparantly. Whatever the hell THAT is. I'm noting a trend in repeating plotlines: In ME the Illusive Man thinks he's the good guy trying to save the Galaxy, but ends up being the bad guy because the Reapers are controlling him. Part of that is his hubris, the thought that "only he" has the wisdom and power to do what "needs to be done." Despite SEVERAL instances where either his power or his judgement were questionable at best. See the paralell?
  5. If I have been twisting things then so have you. What I find "not pleasing" is the current depiction of Revan in the 3.0 update, not how he has developed from Jedi, to Dark Jedi, to Sith, back to Jedi, to "Gray Jedi" (after his memories came back), to troubled and dilusional Force wielder, and now... This. His actions don't make sense any more. He's become every other generic Sith, destruction for its own sake. I haven't denied anything. May I quote you from earlier?---> "Kotor Revan is not Revan." Is that not cherry picking? I acknowledge that at some points in his life he has been a proponent of the dark side of the force, but that is not ALL he is. At other times he was a servent of the lightside (which is what most people remember him being), but that is not ALL he is. He is both. What we have been presented with is not the "ends=means" type of villain, but the "kill everything because I can" villain. He's become a where once he was a Before that he was the player character, and then the protagonist of a book, and then a Flashpoint objective that quite frankly DIDN'T need to be there. I have yet to see you say anything about the good that Revan has done. And I'm not talking about the end of the Mando wars or the Foundry, I recognize those as the undeeded atrocaties they are. I'm talking about the begining of the Mando wars, his actions during Kotor, or during Revan. Those are as integral to his character as your examples of his war crimes. Of course he was. But he still believed himself to be a Jedi, acting in the best interests of the Galaxy and the Republic. Now it's just a free-for all. "Misremembered," have I? I've brought the facts that support my arguement, and you've brought the facts that support yours. The fact that there are facts on both sides of this arguement means neither one of us can call each other out without admitting our own bias. That could mean a number of things. "Been reborn? My mind is clear? My power intensified?" 'Snicker' Excuse me while I pull myself together. Yes, it's valid content. Meant to hype us for the expansion, not to reveal aspects of Revan's experiances or character. The Voice is the Vessel, the Emperor is the Emperor. What the Sith think is the Voice is actually the Emperor himself. The Emperor controls the Voice (the host) and the host CAN be killed. Because Wookiepedia is as reliable a source, being moderated continuously. Are we really going to start questioning each other's sources? A fact I never disputed. "Under orders from Darth Malak, former Republic admiral Saul Karath demanded the planet's surrender; upon being rebuffed, he carried out his orders to bombard the surface." Also wookiepedia is a ready site with lots of verifyable information for a person sitting in front of his computer late at night. Again, a fact I never disputed. Again, a part of Revan but not ALL. Who's cherrypicking? There are two major leaps of character change that I've been trying to reconcile: 1-The change between when he was captured and imprisonedand his actions during the Foundy. I can see this one logically since he's been down the crapper for 300 years and is more than a little bitter about it. But even Revan should have known that going to the Foundry was a mistake, first leading his enemies to it or attempting a genocide that would have ultimately HELPED the Emperor and not guaranteed his death in the first place. 2-The change between his defeat at the Foundry and his actions during Forged Alliances. I can see what he was trying to do before, and why he was doing it. Now? His actions make no sense. If anything, HE should be the one trying to unite the Galaxy against the Emperor, not trying to wipe out both sides. He was more than willing to work with the Republic before, why not now? They've proven (by the actions of our new player characters) that they are MORE than capable of doing "what needs to be done." And the Revan that most people remember is the Revan from Drew's novel. The good guy that people want back. Not saying that's who he is now (good GOD he's not), but that's generally people's expectation. But they couldn't have made Revan into a pair of Republic Flashpoints without corresponing Imperial ones, so the Imperials needed a resason to "stop him." Ugh. Booey for you then.
  6. "A world you have to be erased from." Excuse me? Going off of each of the character classes... The Knight who was the first to ever defeat the Emperor in combat? (Yes, it was the voice and the man himself is elsewhere.) Only the Sith Warrior is comperable, though the Voss voice WANTED to be killed. The Smuggler who commanded an entire neutral FLEET? The Trooper who commanded the best squad of Troopers in the Galaxy? The Consular who was leader of the Rift Alliance and a member of the Jedi Council? Each one of these individuals are instrumental to the Republic's efforts against the Empire, and could prove invaluable allies to Revan, yet he wants them... erased? If Revan is known for anything, it's converting intractable individuals to his side by his charisma and the logic of his arguements. Here we have Revan twirling his mustache, going "Muahahaha, I'm going to kill you all without checking if you're actually dead, muahahaha!" I can see it from the Imperial side of things, if he recognizes them. I suppose he could be going down the Illusive Man's path, all hubris and such, I don't know...
  7. Because you refuse to treat me as anything more than a bratty child. My theories about what is going on are simply different than yours, using different clues that I have picked up on. Never once have I said "You are absolutely wrong." I am trying to foster intelligent and respecfull discusion, but you've done nothing but dismiss me out of hand. Who he WAS. If you are trying to get me to admit Revan is defined by his past, then you must also acknoledge what you yourself said: he was ALSO a Jedi. You see one side, I see another. It may be purely semantics, but in the Foundry battle Revan yells "I was Sith! I am Jedi!" What does that tell you? Revan in that moment (despite his delusions) he was trying to embrace the good in him and reject the evil that he was. If I try to respond to that, we'll devolve into a "No, you!" I don't think my knowledge of Star Wars's EU lore is superior to yours. I'm just asking for the same courtasy in return. It was a rather bogus theory, I admit. I was using it as an example. I was disproving a theory I myself had come up with. My point was that the idea of Vitiate already being in control of Revan was unlikely, showing that I COULD, in fact, see points against my own arguement. Besides, what she said had implications to the past: "His strength will fail." Ergo it must be assumed that his strength had NOT YET failed, and the Emperor was not in control. I presented a theory, and upon further reflection dismissed it. Oh? What do YOU think happened to Revan after he was defeated by the Imperial strike team? For disapear he did, and we have no idea what happened. I was talking about the physical body the voice was inhabiting at the time, not the entity the voice ACTUALLY is. Is it not true that the Emperor was severely weakened by it? From Wookiepedia: "The Emperor's Voice, formally addressed as the Voice of the Emperor by other Sith, was a position within the reconstituted Sith Empire that was held by the Sith Emperor's current host body." Ergo, the Voice of the Emperor and the Emperor himself are one and the same entity. The Voice is the Emperor's current host. Could you please give me an exapmle of what I have "mis-remembered?" The things I've said that you've taken issue with are conjectures and speculation that cannot be proven either way just yet. Huh. Interesting. It could mean a lot of things, and I won't get my hopes up JUST yet. I can't play until my REAL computer comes back from repairs. Stupid substandard laptop...
  8. How? I have yet to see you do anything but insult me and people who hold the same opinion as I do. I have brought up several points and tried to see your own through an objective lense. You seem 100% certain of yourself, while I am willing to admit I could be mistaken. What parts of Revan's psyche do you believe I have ignored? I am (and have always been) referencing Revan's state of might directly proceeding his capture by Vitiate. Do I think the Foundry storyarch makes sense? ...Sooooooooort of? You have to admit the absolute 180 degree turn in morality and tactics was jarring, to say the least. The whole thing just... doesn't feel right. And in comes Shadow of Revan. What the heck are you doing, Rev? Why are you pulling a "Warlords of Draenor" on us? And yes, World of Warcraft is doing it first, taking a "good guy" character from a previous game and turning him into a raid boss. 'Sigh.'
  9. I'm going to regret this... Yes it was. But it was from a time during Revan's time as a Sith. At the time of the end of Kotor through his capture by Vitiate he no longer believes that. He had changed. Maybe. I guess we'll never know for certain. I am. I've been looking at it from every angle I can get my hands on. Obviously we are looking at it from different angles if we have come to different conclusions. We are only ever given Revan's word that he is free of Vitiate. It might be possible that he's had at least part of the Emperer still "stuck" in him the whole time. He probably wouldn't have been so revealing of Vitiate's plans to the Imperial strike team, however so that point is rather moot. Especially since the Exile predicts "his strength will fail," which does imply that Vitiate never gained full control in the first place. Revan "disapeared" shortly before the Jedi Knight destroyed Vitiate's main moutpiece, so it's possible Revan was as weak if not weaker than Vitiate at the time of the Voice's death. Revan could have ACTUALLY died and the Emperor possesed his dead body. Vitiate could be controlling Revan indirectly through their connection (you don't spend three hundred years in each others' mind without some sort of bond). Now these are all just theories that I don't know for certain. I haven't played that far into the Warrior's storyline yet. Edit: Just checked. Hmmmmmmmm... Maybe Revan is trying to win free of Vitiate's control? I don't know. You are right that it implies Vitiate himself is not responsible for what Revan is about. But we still don't know for certain. We'll just have to wait and see.
  10. Oh for PITY'S sake! I KNOW my theory is flawed! So are ALL theories! By their very nature, we won't KNOW for 100% certain what is going on UNTIL IT COMES OUT. And let me say it again: I consider what Revan did as a sith to be morally unacceptable, just so we're clear. In Revan's mind he was justified in what he did, in OUR 20-20 hindsight he WASN'T. Do I hold the amnesiastic Revan accountable for what he did before he was mind-whiped? No. Even he recognized his mistakes when he donned his mask again on Dromund Kas. Ergo, when all was said and done, he would NOT have used those tactics again, given the chance to go back and change it. Ultimately Revan was a GOOD MAN WHEN ALL WAS SAID AND DONE. His battles during the Jedi Civil War changed him back to the man he once was, BEFORE he fell. But I'm done arguing about what his character was like before Vitiate trapped him. What I've been TRYING to say is that Revan's actions during the game The Old Republic do not make sense to me based on what I know of Revan himself. That is my OPINION, and it will remain my OPINION until "Shadow of Revan" launches.
  11. Okay, I am more than a little sick and tired of being insulted here. When have I denied what Revan did? When have I tried to downplay the less palatable aspects of Revan's character? He is flawed, as are we all. Let me change tactics. Here are a few things we know Revan is NOT. Revan is not sadistic. Even the Malachor incident, he had a reason for doing it beyond causing pain. Was it any better? No, but it wasn't why he did it. It served a purpose to him at the time, nothing more or less. Revan is not caulous. Like above, everything he does has a purpose. Maybe not one that is immediately apparant, but everything he did had a rhyme and a reason behind it. He does not waste resources. Revan is not careless. As a master strategist, he would be intimately aware of the strengths and weaknesses of his forces, and not assign anyone a task he was fully aware they wouldn't be able to handle. And in most cases, his strategies and tactics were demendant on the abilities of said forces. Cue the Rakata Prime flashpoint, where he threw away his two top lieutenants for... what, exactly? Now, on the other hand never ONCE have I stated that I know FOR SURE what is going on. I FEEL something is going on, but I don't KNOW. You cannot say I don't FEEL it, because you don't control that. Is it possible Revan has just gone crazy? Of course. Is it possible he is being manipulated or controlled? OF. $%&*#@!$ COURSE. Because NONE OF US have played the content, both theories will remain VALID until the content has been released. You CANNOT say that I am 100% wrong, because YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED 3.0, and neither have I. So BOTH OPPOSING ASSUMPTIONS will remain possible until such time as we have played through the storyline and can say, for certain, WHICH ONE WAS CORRECT. The theory of Vitiate controlling Revan from a distance will remain a valid THEORY until such time as it has been DISPROVEN.
  12. "I'm not doing this for the Republic. I'm not doing it for you. I'm not even doing it for me. I'm doing it for our child. And our child's children. We might never live to see the horrors that are coming, but they will. We have to protect the Republic for them. We have to risk our chance at happiness so they can have a life we might never know." ―Revan THIS is what I'm talking about. In no %$*&^@#! way am I trying to justify the things he's done! If I am cherry-picking, then so are you. I don't think the Foundry was justified, I sure as HELL don't agree with what he did on Malachor, or what he's doing now. And HERE: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Revan If you scroll down to the Reborn section of his personality, you'll see what I'm talking about. Darksider Revan is NOT his true self. Ultimately, the Emperor is responsible for the Mandalorian wars as well, concluding in Revan's fall to the Dark side. I think at least partially the change in character has something to do with the fact that Revan is not in the hands of his original creator, Drew Karpyshyn. Much in the same way people were unsatisfied with the way Anders transitioned from Dragon Age Awakening to Dragon Age II. There will always be people on either side of the arguement who have valid points. You are basically trying to call the people who see something off about this whole thing whiney, self-absorbed Revan fanboys instead of trying to come up with IN-GAME ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE. I haven't tried to dismiss the parts of Revan that don't fit with the "do-gooder" persona that IS CANON. I don't know how many times I have to say it. Up until his capture in Revan and release three centuries later, Revan WAS the lightside Kotor Revan. Is he the same now? Probably not. Three centuries of torture and intimate contact with the Emperor's mind will do that to you. But to this extent? I don't see it. And this is how I, PERSONALLY, feel about the subject. You can disagree with my opinion, but you cannot say it isn't a VALID one, nor can you call me stupid for believing it. Until we have proof either way (which we WON'T until 3.0 launches), you and I will simply have to agree to disagree.
  13. "Butchering?" How, exactly? Do I NEED to link the personality section of his article? I will if necessary. Did I or did I not also present the traits that would support your arguement as well? That's what I was trying to do. As for speculation: ANYTHING THAT HAS NOT BEEN PROVEN AS FACT CAN BE COUNTED AS SPECULATION. Therefore you cannot say what I am trying to do IS NOT SPECULATION. You do NOT need to tell me I might be wrong, I am FULLY aware of that fact. And please stop assuming I know nothing of what happened during the Mandalorian wars. I admitted myself that he was on a dark path the longer the war raged on. Was he right to join the war in the begining? Of course. The Empire in Exile would have taken the galaxy if he hadn't. Were there better ways to win the war than he used? OF COURSE. At least during the rescue and Foundry storyarch even if you were opposing him you could absolutely see where he was coming from. You could understand the logic of his actions, even if you didn't agree with them. But this? Without some serious mental gymnastics he's been turned into the mustache-twirling, "greater evil" that unites two opposing forces to stop him, cackling manically in the wind. Even at his worst, most dark moments of his life, THAT IS NOT REVAN. He always had a long-term plan, something he was working towards, OTHER than destruction. And don't try to tell me "eh, you just don't understand." I understand that the direction his character has taken does not fit with the previous depictions Bioware has made of him. Not MY depictions, or what I want the character to be, but what has been presented by Bioware, Drew Karpyshyn, and Dark Horse comics. If anything, you and I are BOTH cherrypicking the parts of Revan that should be "Canon." Was Bastila worried about Revan becoming, well, REVAN again? Of course she was, any sane person would be. Did he become the "Revan" he was when he was consumed by the Darkside? NO.
  14. And this is why making TOR an MMO was a mistake. There are two main groups of people who are drawn to this game: the predominantly single-player Bioware fans, and the experianced multiplyaer MMO fans. There is just no way to give both groups what they want, because what they want is most of the time opposite ends of the RPG spectrum. As for myself, I hail from the Single-player Bioware games, where you both had the freedom to be an ineffective build and didn't have anyone else relying on you. There are certain builds and skill arrangements that were far more effective than others of course, but you could pick your abilities based on what you thought was cool and be able to finish every aspect of the game even if it took multiple tries. For exapmle: in Kotor, I can never resist picking up the Force Lightning abilities for my fully light-side Jedi character. Was this combat effective? HELL NO. Did it look cool as all get out when I did it? HELL YES. This is not to say I don't completely understand where the "learn-to-play NOOB" people are coming from. In a multiplayer game, especially MMOs, there is a lot of content that requires the player to be intimately familiar with their class's ins and outs in order to be successful; and in many cases, to even stand a chance. This means, to do multiplayer content on a regular basis you NEED to figure out your class's most optimal still path and STICK to it, otherwise you risk wiping on every "raid" and never being able to join with a group again (especially if word gets around that you aren't playing "right"). Increasing customizability will hurt endgame multiplayer content, while decreasing it will hurt player immersion (especially during solo content, which is where all of Bioware's best story takes place).
  15. The things we know about Revan that do not come from playing him in Kotor: Brilliant strategist. Arguably the "Thrawn" of the Old Republic era, Revan has proven to posses one of the best tactical minds of the series. He was the single deciding factor in the Republic's victory in the Mandalorian wars (several individuals on both sides admited this), managing to defeat Malak on board the Star Forge (being superior to Malak at his strongest) and infiltrating Vitiate's forces twice (granted, the first might have been Vitiate luring him in). Charismatic leader. Revan was able to inspire loyalty beyond what anything a normal commander could do with his troops, sometimes beyond their good sense. Both in his natural state and during his stint as Vitiate's puppet, his followers were so almost fanatically devoted to him that they would find themselves doing things that ordinarilly they would be repulsed by (a good soldier commiting heinous war crimes, or a Sith showing mery, depending). Both of those traits are, in fact, in keeping with his current depiction path as a force against both Empire and Republic. But they are not all that Revan is, as confirmed by Bioware and Revan's own admission during the Foundry. Self Sacrificing. Revan has made a point to avoid jeperdizing his troops or letting civilians die on several occasions, including traveling alone to Nathema (and facing the "unknown enemy") instead of letting others follow him. He gave up his own happiness, and was quite willing to die to protect others. Compasionate: He joined the Mandalorian wars to protect the innocent civillians that were caught in the crossfire, to save and not to destroy. As a proponent of the light side but not the Code, he has been shown to go out of his way to help others with no thought to his own gain. The Revan who is inflicting such wanton (and pointless) destruction is not this man. Therefore he has either changed in character beyond all recognition, or something else is going on. And the codex pages you find in game as well as developer statements and wookiepedia articles (which ARE factchecked, thank you) state that the Lightside path of Kotor IS in fact the true and canon Revan that is (or should be) consistant in all sources. We all have to accept Kotor lightside Revan as THE Revan, as not doing so would jeperdize almost everything about this game we are playing. "I found redemption." The Foundry Revan remembers those times. The "Forged Alliances" Revan hasn't said a word about them. I'm not saying I know for a fact what is going on or what Bioware intends to do with the character and storyline, but I (as well as many other people) feel that Revan is acting severely out of character from what we know of him, even leaving out the fact that we PLAY AS HIM. Now, this all may blow over once 3.0 is launched and our final answer reached, but until then we can only speculate. I'm saying there is as much weight behind your arguement as there is mine, and I may be wrong. I have my points and evidence and you have yours, there's no need to be condescending towards each other (and if you feel I have been, I apoligize for that was not my intention).
  16. The "Historical Revan" IS the Kotor Revan. The devs have confirmed that the lightside version of Kotor is "Canon," and therefore officially Revan himself exactly as he was. Even when he got his memories back, he still wanted to save, not to destroy. Otherwise he would have brought a fleet to Dromund Kas the first go-round to support him. Instead he chose to sacrafice only himself and his well-being to stop Vitiate. To spare everyone else. Bioware's "canon" Revan is LIGHTSIDE. His initial fall was an artificial one caused by Vitiate, therefore it is not in keeping for his "canon" personality to have degenerated into this of his own will. And in the end, did not Revan's escape from his prison ultimately benefit the Empire? In exchange for a few "paltry" resources (Kilran and his forces, mostly), the Empire gained an immense droid factory and the seeming destruction of one of their most deadly adversaries. Nevermind what Malgus chose to do with them. Even IF Revan had succeeded with his genocidal plans, it wouldn't have stopped Vitiate. In fact, death on such a scale would have greatly ACCELERATED his plans. His dark ritual necesitated millions or billions of simultanious deaths for his ritual. In the Emperor's eyes, that is a win-win, with Revan himself "dead" either way.
  17. During the Mandalorian wars he defied the Jedi Council and joined the Republic's war effort, he never defied the Republic. If anything, even when he had his memories restored during Revan his ultimate goal was saving the Republic and all its people. This individual we are facing in 3.0 is NOT the same individual who was willing to sacrafice his own happiness and life to protect others. Something screwy is going on here, and I find the "Emperor Possessed" theory to mesh most closely with the facts we have been presented. Especially if he was allowed to be released on purpose, as Malgus implies during the Imperial-side Foundry flashpoint.
  18. I beg your pardon, I just pick the skills that seem most useful to my class at the time. I've noticed an endurance boost in the dps section of a class, for instance. And no, I HAVEN'T been to any guides or sites that lay down "which specs you need to be the best for your class." There's no need to be condescending.
  19. Huh. That's odd, I could have sworn I got if for free when I pre ordered it.
  20. Rise of the Hutt Cartel was always free for subscribers.
  21. I can never decide for my cathar shadow whether I prefer the basic blue or the Cyan-Blue... Maybe I can use one for PVP and the other for PVP... Cyborg Marauder: For undercover darkside: Red mainhand Purple offhand. For true self: Green mainhand cyan (light blue) offhand. Nagai (Cathar, but oh well) Assassin: Bronze. Technically it's hot orange. Cathar Sentinel: Cyan mainhand White offhand. Human Guardian: Definately Blue. Cathar Sorcerer: Derelict Purple (I got the crystal in a completely random pack and thought it fit his personality too well not to use).
  22. You wanna try figuring out which "Grendak" or "Joria" you're sending mail to?
  23. There's also the Dark Ages to consider. I think the "Ruusan Reformation" was detailed after Palpatine's "Thousand years" quote in episode II. The New Sith Wars are set to start in a couple hundred years after TOR after all. Fun fact: One of the starting concepts for THIS GAME was being set during the dark ages period. Edit: My bad, the New Sith Wars don't start for another thousand years.
  24. I've noticed they work only for the character you use them on. And only once. Have you tried to set them up in more than one stronghold?
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