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Everything posted by Shaunik

  1. We are supposed to be the ultimate ranged DPS class. Atlast we will be. I roll 0/28/13, these new changes are awesome as hell. IMO if we didn't get any changes at all and only other classes got nerfed that would have been enough. 1.2 = patch of the GS. IDK how long it will last, but I will enjoy it.
  2. Shaunik


    Just want to say, screw you Sorcs and pretty much every class. You guys had your FOTM and OP times. If you didn't expect to be nerfed you're pretty re****ed. That is all.
  3. Ya you clearly don't know what you are talking about... that's fine I can't expect everyone to be helpful.
  4. In all fairness this is my old sab build Im now 0/28/13, I got single burst that no one can surviva and always hit 300k+ dmg. Ill post some videos eventually.
  5. A lot of people seem to be asking about level 50 Slinger pvp still... the word must get out that this is the answer to all those posts!
  6. Watch my videos! This is the best run n gun spec IMO. I have 2 different videos with 2 different specs. See if this is the play style you are looking for.
  7. Why do you all cry??? PVP is awesome! The proof is inside. Alderann - Huttball -
  8. Here is the link to my newest PvP video enjoy! I am 1/27/13 This is the link to my exact spec http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#7000zZrIMrRRboMZhrbkM.1 . Questions are more than welcome! Like my videos! The music is in the description
  9. This was my spec in the video http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#700rs0rzZrI0rRRboMZh.1 This is my spec now... and this will be my spec for the next videos.http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#7000zZrIMrRRboMZhrbkM.1
  10. Check this video out! It is the first of many!
  11. Well then! I will have my first set of videos out tomorrow night or sooner! Any music preferences? Should I do some commentary?
  12. Hello everyone! I am a, all but one piece, full epic Slinger. I have an amazing computer and can fraps high quality PvP. Is there enough interest for me to edit and post them here. Next question is Music or Commentary or both? Anyways I play a hybrid smuggler build that uses only instant casts. Mainly Sab... Let me know what you guys think!
  13. I saved up 1k Merc and 1k WZ, and bought 1 level 50 pvp bag, totaling 6 bags. As soon as I hit 50. I opened up said bags. Previously I did not know of the drop rate, I expected to loot nothing, however. I got 6 epics out of the 6 bags. Then I got 3 more epics that day. I officially have 8/14 champ epics, and my companion has 1 (I looted 3 implants). That was yesterday for me. Are people really having that bad of luck with this gear?
  14. Okay I fully understand a lot of people's only MMO experience is WoW. That means all you know is WoW and you think WoW is the end all thing. Each MMO is unique and has it's own style. I surfed the forms for 20 minutes or so and all I saw was "Change this to be more like WoW" or... "This isn't like it is in WoW". Now these obviously aren't the actual titles, but depicts some of the contents in a lot of the posts here. You all must understand that this game is far different from WoW strategy wise, therefor the PvP combat is different. The general "feel" of the game Bioware puts out is also a lot different that Blizzard. Such idea's like "Punishments to people who leave WZ" are just not the right type of fit for this game. It is far to carebearish, however there is one good reason why this should never be implmented. Since there is one PvP bracket there shouldn't be much trouble getting someone in to replace them. No harm done, no punishment. Secondly, the PvP flow is different. I do not care how big your E-peen was in WoW so stop posting your arena ratings. Just because you once had a good arena rating doesn't mean something needs a nerf when you suck. A lot of people are qq'ing about PvP. Suck it up or just stop playing. Always look at your self first. Now if you immediatly say... "I was 2700 druid healer there for I should be a pro healer in SWTOR" you probably are a tool and should learn to play. I feel like a lot of people just do not understand the combat of the game. It is more of an FPS gameplay (as a ranged class **I am a gunslinger**) than a "WoW". I am sorry to rant, it just seemed everyone needed a little reminder that every mmo is a unique snowflake. This isn't like DOtA to HoN or LoL We all need to work together on the forums to depict the IMPORTANT changes. For instance a lvl 50 pvp bracket MUST be made, however I do not think this should be done until there are more level 50's. I wouldn't be surprised if there was alrady a plan to make this happen end of January. We all must advocate for World PvP rewards. This is just one of those things that NEEDS to happen. If you read all of this cool stuff. Lets get a good sense of community going and work together to get important ideas to Bioware so they really know our concerns!
  15. Well it appears as if you just can't play the class. Reroll something else if you don't like it. Just cause you have problems doesn't mean there is something wrong with the game.
  16. Where does it say that is doesnt effect it? Cause I was going to be making a very similar build.
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