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Everything posted by Mitchyslick

  1. There not gonna nerf the class, they might nerf the buffs, but not the class.
  2. This game is just like any other MMO, he who has the best gear wins. I've seen Sith Warriors or whatever the tank class is with 20k HP and massive damage redux on them, that are unkillable if they are getting any kind of heals. Because everyone is in the same bracket, in general its he who is highest level wins and similar levels best gear wins. The Caveat to this is that after level 36 every class has all their main abilities and people 36+ can beat down higher levels, but it is not the norm, and certainly doesn't count when its against a level 50 v a 36.
  3. I'm just gonna assume this is a joke post. I'm on one of the highest pop servers Ajunta Pall, in the top 20 everytime I click the tab to sort by population and it's a ghost town. Only place that has more than 50 people is coruscant and republic fleet. I've leveled to 50 in the past week, and I've seen every zone during prime time.
  4. The servers already are ghost towns. Hoth level 38 zone on a full server has 20 people in it. And don't say wait for people to catch up, its almost a month already.
  5. Bioware can't add brackets because the server populations are so low. The warzones wouldn't pop for anyone if they added brackets. They need to add cross server warzones, and then they could do brackets. I'm gonna give them a couple of patches, possible until the major content patch to see if they address any of these issues. I'm looking for these fixes: Ability Delay fixed. GCD firing when I hit an ability that is on cooldown, and nothing happens. UI Enhancements GTN Enhancements Fix the engine so more than 20 people can fight each other at the same time. Those are the major issues for me, if they don't get on them I'll be cancelling.
  6. If you didn't want to play huttball against your own side all the time you should have rolled republic. Everyone knew or should have had known that on most servers Imp/Rep was massively favored to Imp numbers wise.
  7. I had this happen 1 time. But I got credit on the next match win for my daily. See how it goes at 50.
  8. Thats odd. When I did the fight, the Jedi CC'd diago and we killed the sith and then diago.
  9. Noticed this big time when I'm trying to dirty kick someone on my gunslinger. I saw it no **** just a minute ago. Ran out of cover right at the guy, mashing the hell out of the B hot key and ran right by, nothing. I was kinda perturbed because it wasn't on cool down, I looked as soon as I ran by and I had energy still. So somehow it just didn't fire? I know there is a similar issue with one of the abilities. Using the "take cover" ability on a hot-key slot causes there to be a delay before it actually goes off. But just binding take cover to a certain key in settings, like say mouse 3 for instance, makes it truly instant. I guess I'm just gonna have to start doing more key binds and use the quick slots less. Which is kinda a pain in the *** when you have an ability with a longish cool down like dirty kick.
  10. Not true. I'm on republic and I would say I have about a 50/50 ish win rate in pugs, maybe a little less like 45 win rate. And some of those losses come against other republic teams when we play huttball. But I think I may be on the only server where republic slightly outnumbers empire.
  11. Smugglers get a nice delayed fubar ability as well. Sabo Charge (Iinstant cast) has an animation like project, where we throw something and once it gets to the target it activates. Where as IA its a true instant cast, soon as they hit the button its active. Now I haven't tested to see if someone can LOS the thing while its in the air yet, but I would be willing to be that it can be done.
  12. No reason to really *****. Yeah getting rolled by 50s sucks, being stuck in games with a bunch of level 10s sucks, but the rewards are good even when you lose. You still get 5/7 or better reward when you lose. Yeah no one likes to lose but who cares honestly, as long as you get paid. I've even had games my team won and I got less rewards than I did the very next game when we lost. Its not ruining the game, the PVP is still fun. Should there be a bracket just for 50s? Absolutely. But is it gonna ruin PVP if they don't put it in? No.
  13. They fixed it dude. They did ninja patch and rolling restarts about 15 hours ago.
  14. SWTOR fanboys are ********. They hate everything. Even hate on people who like SWTOR. weird ****.
  15. If you say people are ahead, post screens or streams. We want to see. Links or it didn't happen.
  16. He actually doesn't seem to be trying to hard. Hes trolling the viewers alot.
  17. Haterz gonna hate. I love stuff like this. Something about mirror neurons and some brain jazz.
  18. Yeah I'm watching the 27 power leveling now. Hes real defensive about people claiming to be high than him.
  19. Pics or streams or it didn't happen.
  20. I had a better method for calculating, then I took an arrow in the knee.
  21. How do you leave something so basic like that out of the game? There are raids in this game right? How are we supposed to master loot and random gear out? Makes me wonder what you guys have been doing for 3 years. Amateur.
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