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Posts posted by Chromiie

  1. I hate to say it but Asian mmos have such a bad taste to me atm. Aion and XIV were such let downs that I don't know if I could do it again ;(


    Game however looks gorgeous.


    Well thats the first Korean MMO, and it's a sandbox yay!, I am interested in it's also being westernized. I don't know too much about it but I'm definitely interested.


    And now I'm getting off topic so I see myself until the next big MMO launches since the sub itself isn't a problem but I will not stay around when something better is out for me.

  2. If you want to compare graphics in MMOs maybe don't use a game that had dated graphics when it released seven years ago.

    Compare it to Aion or Rift if you want but not a game that has been the graphic joke of MMOs for years.


    Really? It's been a joke well I guess TOR took over. If you compare TOR to Aion or Rift graphics only TOR loses. I'm not saying it's ugly but come on this isn't 2004 we see some gorgeous looking MMOs coming out or will be. Blizzard also has done a great job at making WoW look good like the update to the water, shadows and support for DX11 not to mention they are adding (or already did) support for a 64 bit client and Ipv6.


    Guild Wars 2

    Tera Online

    The Secret World

  3. If your gonna add a day/night cycle, please do not base it of real time. People say WOW has a day/night cycle, well you wouldn't know that it even exists if you play late at night. Also day/night doesn't mean anything in today's game. WOW's world looks exactly the same in the day as it does in the night. If your gonna have a day/night cycle then night needs to be night, as in if you don't have a light you cant see ****.


    Everquest didn't have a real 24 hours day/night cycle and Guild Wars 2 will have 3 hours of day and 90 minutes of night I believe. There is no reason Bioware couldn't do the same.


    And look at

    . Beauitful MMO (Cryengine!) and this is from the description. "I compressed a 3 hour gameplay into a 2:30min timelapse to show the day/night cycle of the CBT4 korean game ArcheAge."



    Yes 3 hours for a complete transition from day to night to day.


    The developers stated very clearly in beta, day/night cycle was INTENTIONALLY LEFT OUT AS A DESIGN DECISION. Caps for emphasis. I would be happy to post the developer's posting on it but the beta forums were wiped.


    This was brought up a million times in beta, with every new wave of invites, and the same reply was given over and over and over.





    I know they said they did this for the story and atmosphere. Well now that TOR is here and I have leveled two 50's I can say the 24 hour cycles are *********** stupid and just come off across lazy to me.

  4. Actually it is, considering the myriad of things that are way more pertinent. I would much rather have added content over day/night cycles. In most games, I find the night cycles to be more annoying than anything.


    I'd rather have the content we have now to be bug free as possible over new content but that doesn't appear to be happening. Why should having one cancel out the other?

  5. Be glad u didnt join wow at launch!!!!!! as there were NO raids just a few dungeons


    I didn't take 10 days to level up to 60 in WoW took almost 7 months actually plus even more time to just get ready for raids even then it would take hours to clear LBRS especially with respawns.


    TOR doesn't have any of this grind which while great for leveling at level 50 I find myself not having anything to do. I love crafting and I can't even craft here.

  6. WHo wouldn't want to experience this?


    Day Light cycle is not as easy as it sound, yes programming wise, but imagine being in middle of Taris in middle of a night.



    You do realize Taris is already Night for Empire side? Please don't bring up immersion because 24 hour day or 24 nights is not immersive at all so I have a hard time caring about immersion.

  7. That's kinda funny, I love lotro, but its one world, we have many worlds in this game, all with different cycles and how long the sun is up, Hoth would be 70% dark, while Tat would be 70% light. Its really not worth the time to put it in.


    Like I said above it doesn't have to follow any day/night cycle of Earth or any planet in SW since it's a lot of trouble. I'd rather have something like 3 hours of day and 1.5 hours of night.

  8. Personally I would hate a day and night cycle. I was so happy this game didn't have one. Its not fun to play when its dark and you can't see as well.

    Plus every planet would need a different day and night cycle, with different amounts of hours of daylight. Due to the planets orbiting different stars.


    That's just stupid. Everquest didn't have a real 24 hours of day/night cycle can't remember and Guild Wars has 4 hours of day and 90 minutes of night I believe and it's Star Wars which planet even follows Earth's 24 hour day/night schedule?


    Beauitful MMO (Cryengine!) and this is from the description. "I compressed a 3 hour gameplay into a 2:30min timelapse to show the day/night cycle of the CBT4 korean game ArcheAge."



    Yes 3 hours for a complete transition from day to night to day.

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