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Everything posted by Ratham

  1. Inb4 people hyping Guild Wars 2 start complaining it "failed" and was "over hyped" and start quitting while they look for the "next best thing" again
  2. Sounds like you and the other people were flagged for pvp. If you dont want to participate in pvp, dont flag. I dont see the issue here, its 100% optional on PVE servers.
  3. I went with vanguard because a trooper with a rifle just seemed "right" to me.
  4. More slots? You already get 8, which is enough for 1 of each class on both factions...
  5. You mean you dont like many twists and turns that require you to run all the way backwards to where you were to move over to the left a little bit?
  6. Yup Pre-launch I had over 2400 posts, now I dont even come here and probably have under 100... The word "speculation" still haunts me though.
  7. QFT Hes got a degree in like.. theater / script editing
  8. You lucky lucky LUCKY person... Let me know if the # of players in a battle causes fps problems
  9. And then you people will be over there saying how Gw2 "failed" and was overhyped/didnt meet your expectations. Then you will find some other MMO to hype up as the next best thing.. and repeat this cycle all over again.
  10. Something tells me if you were offered millions upon millions of dollars for your company (Meaning you'd never have to work another day in your life...) that you would indeed sell to EA.
  11. Exactly, many MMOs are lucky to ever reach 1 million, yet people seem to think unless you have WoW subs, you "failed" Though I highly doubt TOR still has 1.3M anymore, theres probably still a few hundred thousand. Which by no means is a "failure" *Aion is f2p now
  12. Bioware has been going downhill nonstop since being acquired by EA (Real surprise there...) -Dragon Age 2 -Mass Effect 3 crap endings / handling of the situation "Artistic Integrity" -SWTOR content updates being slow / incompetent developers in some parts (lol lead pvp designer) + Geoerg and others leaving. DICE and Bioware are currently on the chopping block for EA
  13. Ratham

    Bad Player Logic

    "x" class killed me in pvp, I'm not supposed to die because I'm me and im awesome, this proves that "x" class is OP and needs to be nerfed. Seriously, I've seen threads on here claiming that EVERY single advanced class is OP... its a l2p issue Inb4 "You must play PT/Marauder"
  14. Jokes on you, you're still here paying for this game / wasting your time on the forums.
  15. You guys realize that the studio that made Mass Effect has NOTHING to do with SWTOR at all, right? Mass Effect = Bioware Edmonton SWTOR = Bioware Austin
  16. Well, the main problem here is that the server population caps themselves are way too small.. what are they? 500-1000 players each?
  17. I find it funny that EVERY mmo that comes out people hype it up and say its the next "king"... then they say its disappointing.... bad... worst devs they've ever seen... next game will be so much better. I guarantee these same people will do/say the exact same about gw2... secret world.. tera... etc. And for those spouting sub price cuts and f2p within a year, its not happening. People have been calling f2p/shut down for Warhammer "next month" for over 3 years now...
  18. No, but you might get a yellow post if you're really lucky
  19. Ratham

    The Road Ahead...

    http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/19973-guild-summit-stream-live-blog/page-4 It looks like that. Looks like the new WZ is another Alderaan :\
  20. Ratham

    Lookie Here !

    Actually, isn't it a theater / script editing one of some sort?
  21. Ratham

    Lookie Here !

    Enjoy ^.^ Sry if its been posted already.
  22. It was either recently fixed or is being fixed in the next patch. One of the turrets on Alderaan fired in favor of Imperials w/ a double shot or not having to turn or something... Is it a major issue? No Edit: found it "Alderaan Civil War * The Eastern Turret no longer fires twice under some circumstances when it is captured by the Imperials." http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes
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