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    Writing, Roleplaying games, Video Games, Anime, Movies, Music...etc
  1. A slight suggestion to be able to have all of the members of your companion cast present on your Character Sheet, instead of the companion you have currently selected. The reason why I'm suggesting this is because a lot of times I get new items, and I can't tell whether or not it's better or worst than what's equipped on my reserved companions. This way, I can cycle through my companions see what everyone has equipped. That's it really.
  2. A slight suggestion to be able to have all of the members of your companion cast present on your Character Sheet, instead of the companion you have currently selected. The reason why I'm suggesting this is because a lot of times I get new items, and I can't tell whether or not it's better or worst than what's equipped on my reserved companions. This way, I can cycle through my companions see what everyone has equipped. That's it really.
  3. I can honestly say after leveling a Sentinel to 50 and leveling a Juggernaut to 49, that I've had a far easier time with my juggernaut than Sentinel. I will admit that the survivability of the Sentinel probably is determined by the build you use. I know Watchman has a lot of self heals so, that probably has something to do with, someone's earlier comment.
  4. Yes, it does work. But you're not going to notice any visible difference till you're actually in combat. Since your sprint overrides it out of combat. It would have been nice if they both stacked, but that's neither here nor there. I honestly wish our Defensive Forms gave us a little more than just a movement increase.
  5. Yeah, i'm gonna have to agree with this. I'm usually accepting on whatever changes BioWare decides to make, but whoever did this, obviously hadn't tested it before hand. I literally need sunglasses to see my damn abilities. The things are so damn bright.
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