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Posts posted by hammarus

  1. I know a lot of people (myself included) have felt like patch 1.2 was essentially fluff and features that should have been available at launch.


    As such, my guild agreed last night that we're quitting unless we get new content in May. Particularly with Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 on the horizon. Now granted - James Ohlen himself has promised there will be monthly updates:



    I suppose we'll have to wait and see. I'm certainty not holding my breath. Swtor currently feels very dull and static. For a Raiding Guild - we collectively were not impressed by EC. Though it's a step in the right direction from the abomination that was Tier 1.


    Anyone else feeling the same regarding 1.3?


    1.2 was exactly what you initally said it was, a patch. Everything you say that follows about it goes no where. Actually what is needed is a massive content Expansion. Though I am pretty sure thats not going to happen.

  2. So i am the only ones who thinks that modifiable gear and weapon skins which stays with you till lvl 50 are worth getting it? you surely do not out level those as they stay with you till lvl 50 and also give option to try different looks while not losing your stats.


    I use the orange gear too. And while I love the orange gear, I am beginning to think its part of the problem with crafting. But I wasn't strictly speaking of orange gear, I was looking at the other gear. It it serves no purpose BECAUSE you are in orange gear, why include it at all? I am speaking of creating content that has no function because the path of least resistance is littered with reasons not to bother with other routes.

  3. I agree, ther e is a lot of group content.


    it's the 'player' who decides if he wants to group or not.


    I am not one of those. I hate groups, especially the mentality of players.


    I run heroics and FP's after the fact, solo. ( I'd rather see if I can pull it off myself then jsut run to the boss and loot for the sake of gear with impatient anonymous others...that's jsut my style)


    ...and...I'm gonna go on a limb here...I'm willing to bet most players prefer solo as well for most of the content....the queues and lfg requests prove that.


    less of a headache to just ignore everyone else's madness. It works fine, I have gained everything I wanted to gain on two lvl 50's now, gear is attainable via many different routes in this game, both solo or group, pvp or pve, and that is wonderful... good purple endgame mods and gear all without having to deal with ninja looters, militaristic stat dictators, or those who feel it is necessary to run to the boss only.


    thank you bioware for letting all styles of play have the ability to shine.



    Just a question. Why do you play MMOs?

  4. The problem is complex. It is some of the get to max level mentality. But it is also by the larger margin BioWare/EA's fault.


    Creating a game with content that people pass thru in seconds at lower levels, minutes at mid levels and hours at high levels means people never see the content or use it up so quickly there is no need to see it all. Case in point, commendations. By time you have obtained enough, you have outleveled the gear/ mods you can get with them. Frankly, the commendations given on a given planet should be for the next planet, but I digress.


    Next, there is literally nothing to do beyond quest. There are no "shinies" as there are in other games that say to you "oh hey whats that". Such as collection quests that require you to assemble various items. The closest to this is the datacrons, yet there is no quest here that ties them together, such a wasted opportunity.


    Finally, but not last as there are always things to improve or add; The economy is borked. A minor improvement would be to increase listing time to 2 weeks vs. 2 days. (This is surely a database issue for Bioware, but really it needs to be done.) Gear needs to break, this includes current crafted, raid, pvp, etc. There needs to be a reason for crafting to exist or just get rid of it.

  5. Ok.


    First pvp needs consequences. For there to be reward there needs to be risk. In this I ask you to consider kill looting with a 10% chance of a damaged piece of gear drop, 30% chance of a mod or 2, 30% chance of quality materials dropping and a 50% of basic materials ,dropping. When you kill someone, they go home naked. No more zerging, unless they have endless sets of gear. Remove expertise, you can keep pvp gear make it cheaper so if someone is crazy enough to use it consistently then good for them. It makes crafters happy, it makes the economy happy, it makes the victors happy (loot). It should make you happy too, as it creates a credit sink. Don't worry about RMT, that is the least concern right now.


    Now you need a reason. Take the planets you have. Color each sector based on who controls it. Control 60% or so of a planets sectors you control the planet and the buff it provides. Have buffs to chance for crit on slicing on one planet (its specialty), have buffs to heals on another, etc. As long as your faction controls that planet you get the buff.


    How do you control a sector? This could occur in a variety of ways. And it should occur in a variety. One way could be simply presence. If you have more peeps in a sector than the other you control it. If you do more quests (dailys) in a sector than the other faction you control it. If you touch all the pylons in a sector or control the majority thru a touch in the sector you control it (timer on these so they cant be flipped all the time). Lots of other ways too, but too numerous to list here.


    You want more? because I am full of ideas. Send me a PM

  6. Looks fine to me. People just wanna ***** and complain about everything. If you think its that bright, its your issue. Turn down the brightness on your monitor. Or wear shades.




    ... And no. Its not about complaining, its about fixing crap to work and not breaking it in a new way when you fix it.

  7. The new GCD is crap. Fixing it by breaking it visually is not a good solution.


    Can't tell what is recharging and what is not. Plus everything recharges when i click stealth yet everything should still be available, no?



    No need to get fancy with it BW, just black out unusable ones, no need for a recharge line running thru each icon. Just make it work, and visually readable.

  8. As long as I have the option to leave with no consequences, I WILL. Why? Its not my fault BioWHERE?!? can't create interesting, fun, balanced and fair pvp in open world and warzones. No roll back on ilum should have told you that. So, if the group is winning Ill try, if its not, cya.
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