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Posts posted by hammarus

  1. As long as I have to go up against pre-mades and and geared out level 50s, (mind you i have no problem with ungeared 50s), I will abandon a WZ faster than people leaving a room I just farted in.
  2. A well thought out post. I agree with pretty much everything you said.


    And there are plenty of options to fix it. Item destruction would help the crafting part.


    Pvp gear should be good only for pvp.


    All gear should have a limited amount of repair, perhaps 3 tiers of repair ability, but ultimately it all breaks and you have to buy new. Thats for raid, pvp, and pve gear. All of it.

  3. Level 50s aren't buying a whole lot of gear in the 1-49 range, so it in fact matters a LOT of there is rampant exploiting at all levels.


    I don't want to pay 50k credits for a L25 blue robe, and that's where we are headed.


    That's not what I am saying. Yes, exploiting is bad. We can agree on that. But, compare the number of exploiters let us say (2x) to the player base making gobs of credits at 50 (98x) and you see the point I'm trying to make.


    I agree level 50s are not going to buy lower level gear. Except when they transfer some of those credits to alts! The issue is, why bother to craft for profit at low to mid tiers when you know that at 45+ you can rake in the credits at such huge amounts that it makes any previous credit gains pointless.

  4. I do. And if Bioware doesn't take a strong stance (forget "temp" bans), I'm out.


    I do as well, but in the scheme of things, right now there are bigger fish to fry. Perhaps not as it revolves around "game politics".


    I was only saying such to point out that bothering to make any credits at lower levels beyond what is needed for skill ups is pointless when you can make 100s of thousands at 50

  5. Point remains, I contend its not the exploits that are crashing the economies, its the massive influx of credits at 50.


    To create stability in the market you can do one of 2 things, reduce income or increase expenditures.


    I suggest the latter, but not by making things cost more, but by creating incentives to craft. Allow complete item destruction not just the half baked damage crap with repair bills. Oh you could keep it going for a bit with repairs but ultimately gear should just break. Even raid and pvp gear.


    Secondly, introduce new ships, new speeders and mods and "furniture" for these as ways of introducing new credit sinks.


    I could elaborate futher but you get the point.

  6. I really love this game, I wouldn't be up til 7am on the nights it doesn't go down for maintenance if I didn't. But, the pvp and the economy are Pissing me OFF!


    a. lack of open world pvp (or i should say meaningful pvp).


    b. pvp stats are lacking.


    c. the economy is bruised and bleeding, it just is. And it has nothing at all to do with slicing. Inflation is rampant, crafted goods don't mean crap as listings have been spaded by a 48 hour timer. This in fact is now getting worse as the average age moves up and new players find nothing for sale.


    I cite this as a player with characters on both sides on the Anchorhead server. I have characters on each side in the 10, 20 30 and now 40 level bracket.


    If people are crafting its for their guild and very little for sale. Sale items consist of "non bind" items and critical crafted items listed with high pricing.


    I would say crafting is broken but that might be going too far.


    Gear decay needs to end with complete breakage, give crafters a reason to make things. Create a frakin economy BW.

  7. Your dreaming of a system where everyone is equal. It doesn't exist.


    1. This system is similar to allowing dual spec. Which I do not agree with. You chose a class now play it or re-roll. The do everything class is a completely different game and it allows lone wolfs to continue vs. team play.


    2. Gear without value is just that, without value. Lacking any meaningful pvp goals (like I don't know... controllable planets, sectors, etc.) I will take gear with stats over social any day.

  8. character skills at level 25 to 30 approx. 8k per

    crew skills at level 200 to 250 approx. 2k per

    speeder skill at level 25 40k

    speeder minimum 8k (which, with the skill are I deem essential to your mental stability vs. travel by foot).

    gear upgrades average 5k good 10k better 15k best 30k

    crafting mats. and crew missions for craft mats/supplies/parts minimum 50k



    THAT is what peeps are spending credits on.

  9. The whole crafting mechanic is utterly totally borked!!!!! As it is in 90% of all current mmo. With the sole exception of EvE Online. Why? because crafters make or can make obscene amounts of gear and items that have no market, thus the value of crafting is diminished and its why it costs you a fortune to level crafting. You have no outlet for your goods.


    IMO, here is what needs to happen in any MMO to have successful crafting and I will use this game as the example.


    1. ITEM Destruction (all items, green, blue, purple, orange, raid, pvp, etc...). Can be repaired once, but then it falls apart. ( I must be adamant about this.)

    2 Crafters can repair the profession gear they make for someone one time and get a bonus reduction in item wear they use and make.


    3. Crafters make the best gear but materials come from adventuring, pvp'ing raiding. (so if you kill someone in pvp, you can get some pvp materials (A REASON TO PVP, or if you must, a reward for pvp'ing)).


    4. There must be a balance between crafting and adventuring. If one fails both fail. It is as simple as that. Otherwise you may as well just get rid of crafting. With no supply and demand equation it is inevitable that crafting will become nothing more than an in

    game hobby.


    5. Crafting needs to be fun.


    6. Crafting needs to be hard, it is not mutually exclusive of fun.


    7. Did I say it needs to be fun?

  10. Perhaps this is a bug, perhaps not. And, maybe it doesn't bother anyone, but have you noticed your droid says this even if the results are really good.


    Shouldn't a game that prides itself on dialog, at least have the dialog match the results?


    I'm not super annoyed, frankly, I would rather just have a way to shut the droid up.

  11. The problem is, killing mobs requires you to actually play the game.


    Wierd concept, I know. BW never should have allowed slicing to release as it was. You all obviously have been spoiled by free money for doing nothing and now think you're entitled to it.


    W T F !


    Don't lump my @ss in with peeps doing it to make credits.

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