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Posts posted by hammarus

  1. "Biowhere?" is fully aware of the state of crafting.


    Its intentional.


    To view BW's stance in any other way, implies ignorance on your own part. You don't create a game, a major MMO, and not itemize. It was done, they knew the value of crafting and they don't care! They don't care about crafting, they don't care about you. The only thing of interest to them is money.


    If advertising that the game has crafting, (and it does), pulls players in then its all good for BW. They never said anything about it being good. Or did they?!?


    I love the PVE in this game, but the other two stool legs are not broken, they are just missing, and its intentional. PvP and Crafting. They were never meant for anything other than "draws" to get people to buy the game, as if the Star Wars IP wasn't a big enough draw.


    Oh and suggestion box?! Really BW! You obviously have seen the cartoon image of the bottomless suggestion box with the trash bin underneath. GG BW.


    PS. ...and, so this post appears to have some token crafting suggestion, so as to not be deleted for being off topic. Here are some suggestions: make crafting viable!. Remove all pvp, raid, commendation, vendor gear and make it all craftable. Have the mats drop in the applicable zones, instances, raids, pvp areas. Have not only item decay, but item destruction, even pvp, raid gear. Have mat drops in pvp.

  2. Gear is ranked in order of importance best to worst.


    Biowhere gear

    (the kind you need to wear to let the monkey poo flying at you just slide off, and you continue to roll on as if nothing happened).


    Raid gear.


    PvP gear.


    Commendation vendor gear.


    Regular Vendor gear.


    Crafted gear.


    It should just be stated at each crafting profession vendor, "not a good use of credits, or of dietary fiber"

  3. The best memories you have are those you create. No story ever told to you will create a memory greater than the one you conjure in your own mind. This is why books with written words, will always trump movies. What the book lacks in visualization, your mind makes up.


    That said, the OP makes the valid point that making the story up yourself is more interesting that being told your story or given three choices but having none.



    Its called imagination people, re-learn it.

  4. bashing the game isnt gunna help good way to turn away players from joining the game


    The state that the game (pvp) is in, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone anyway.

  5. I don't believe your solution (OP) is a long term solution.


    There needs to be a viable way to transfer (move) population from empire to republic. This could occur thru some form of betrayal quest, accumulation of neutral or light standing or both. There needs to be a trail to follow otherwise the imbalance remains.


    Additionally, populations on both sides will begin to suffer losses if goals or achievements, or rewards for pvp are not forthcoming.

  6. It s all about what people are ready to pay for.


    Maybe your dad would have hired a young hot chick doing is garden half naked even if she was doing it poorly. ( if not your dad, another one would have :D )


    There is no rules, it s all up to the customers, either you want to pay for it or not, we will be the final judges.



    ... And I have judged thee unworthy BW! Sub cancelled until such a time as things are repaired, replaced and or fixed to players satisfaction.

  7. It change the story somewhat as a sith warrior you will get some extra help by being a nice guy and during the ending you have a few more people showing up. Some quests also change by being dark side, like killing a guy instead of doing him a favor to get something from him and so on. But sure, there are no huge changes except for the sith warrior where your alligment defines...

    one of your companions Light/Dark alignment and how the character act



    See!! This is the kind of stuff I was looking for. Is this the only instance of a "meaningful" choice? Or are there more?

  8. So other than facial changes, do these choices have any consequences?


    So far I have seen none. And, frankly this astounds me. I was all about the story, I was loving it, then I started to notice that my choices didn't change any outcomes. I still had to kill X, or save Y. The only option that, (really not an option if you want to do a quest) made a difference was to refuse the quest. Why?


    I have started to just spam the 1 key as much as I spam the space bar now. The relic "clickies" for both sides even tho they say light side only or dark only, HAVE EXACTLY THE SAME STATS!!!! So I again ask, what is the point? What consequences are attached?

  9. I agree with some of your post, but not playing a healer myself I can only speak so far in to it.


    What I think would be a great medal addition is that, when your team scores a goal in huttball, everyone gets a medal, then again if you're team scores 5 points, and if you 6-0 someone you should all get a medal.




    Or they could scrap the current medal system all together and only reward medals for TEAM objectives, scoring in huttball, teams doing a million dmg, 5 million dmg, a million heals, 5 million heals, 250kills, etc(keep in mind they are team wide combined and I just threw arbitrary numbers out)


    That would promote team play at all levels, even in pugs. instead of a FFA.


    Gets my vote for the BEST solution to medals...

  10. Other than the initial xp gain from using a mod station they serve no purpose. This is sad really. Everyone just rightclick+ctrl gear where ever they happen to be. So much for immersion.


    On the same topic, it would be nice if it cost credits to add mods not take them out. As peeps just click and drag a new mod right on top of the old. Making pulling them out not only pointless but expensive.


    Sorry, but any other solutions to these issues means they should just take the mod tables out of the game and save on environment polygons and lag. And, being able to no cost upgrade mod gear makes crafted gear pointless.


    Bioware, where are you on this?

  11. Pretty obvious that


    (a.) BW has no clue what they are doing,

    (b.) the crafting devs do, but higher ups in project dev don't want them to fix it properly,

    (c.) they don't care to do too much work, and are doing as little as possible to pacify the public.

    (d.) they think what is proposed is enough.


    And c is the most troubling answer because its based on saving money.

  12. Other than crafting for the fun of it, why bother with Armortech? I mean really? I ground it out til 300 and realized it was a waste of time. Why, because you can get orange mod gear, replace the mods and be 98% of a purple piece. And since you can get virtually all slots with mod gear, get a set of it and just replace the mods with commendation items. This works great til you get to 50.


    This is the INSANITY that BW has left crafting with.


    The only true viable craft is Biochem with cybertech and artificer coming in a distant second and 3rd only because they can make purple mods.

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