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Everything posted by SenatorPalpaTANG

  1. Wouldn't make sense. Even the "fat" bodies are still athletically built because your characters are heroes. Just look at how all the storylines play out. With all the training, running and fighting the PCs do, they wouldn't realistically look anything like some random fatty on a scooter in Walmart. Nah.
  2. As someone who predominantly premades, I agree they should be separated. I don't mind slightly longer queue times if it means more competitive games. Back when there were ranked 8v8s I stopped queuing regs altogether. The only reason I even queue regs now is for the daily/weekly, and to actually play WZs (<3 huttball) instead of arenas. And the overwhelming majority of the time it is a lopsided stomp, unless we run into an opposing premade when things actually get fun. Even WoW has kept premades/pugs separated in BGs for years now. P.S. Bring back ranked 8v8 too please!
  3. LOL I just went and tested this on my male PT and yep, there's a really heavy lisp on the Bounty Event recordings. LMAO, how did Bioware miss that?! The dialogue in all the original content is fine.
  4. Why do people keep going on about "earning" the datacrons. There's nothing to earn. You look up the locations online, spend a few hours doing jumping puzzles and that's it. Let's not kid ourselves here. I've personally done the grind on two characters now and really don't see the appeal in doing it again. Comparing it to farming NM ops? Please. That actually involves a gear/skill check. All it takes to get the datacrons is time, and once you've done the exploration there's nothing new to be gained by doing it again. Bioware can't institute legacy datacrons soon enough imo.
  5. Would that even boot? Sub timings would be complete a mismatch with different DIMM densities.
  6. LOL for real. 24GB of ram is pointless unless you're doing some heavy workstation content creation. And on socket 1155 you'd be running single channel with that configuration anyway. You'd need 16GB or 32GB to run dual channel on that platform. So... why? 8GB of RAM is fine for 99% of people and you can spend the extra cash on a better GPU.
  7. That's true. Kind of embarrassing that those bugs are STILL in the game after all this time.
  8. If people didn't leave losing games you'd be less likely to get queued into one. Hint, hint. What would be the point of that? 4 man premades already offer a huge advantage over pugs (assuming they aren't terribad). The only way 8 person premades should be allowed is vs other 8 person premades like in the original ranked WZs. How would Bioware enforce that without ruining queue times?
  9. Relatively speaking As it stands, crit rating is considered flat out inferior to power for the majority of specs, even those without autocrit skills. It seems like something they'd want to address sooner rather than later imo.
  10. 1v1 is a lot of fun, and especially fitting for a Star Wars game. But I think 1v1 balance and group balance would be very hard to maintain simultaneously if they wanted to keep the classes unique. With the way this game is designed it would probably be a one or the other situation. I'm not totally familiar with Blade and Soul but if it's like Aion/Tera it probably plays more like a fighting game than a traditional MMO. Which works perfectly for that type of combat, but is very different compared to WoW/SWToR type games.
  11. There was a mod post several months ago saying the devs weren't satisfied with crit scaling post 2.0. However we've just had a large balance patch in 2.5 and no mention of adjusting crit's value. Is this still in the works, and if so can we expect changes anytime in the near future? People gathering gear want to know!
  12. Pretty sure he was being sarcastic.
  13. Fell through the map during force leap twice today in the Tat arena. Gettin' real tired of your ****, Bioware.
  14. The word "fact" doesn't mean what you think it means. If bolster was simply removed without adding any "recruit" gear or the like, that would be true. But no one was making that argument so I'm not sure what you're going on about. Bolster is well intentioned but buggy and exploitable, which is what most take issue with. Expertise, much like Resilience in WoW is just an artificial gate used to effectively double Bioware's end game content. If you want to experience both PvE and PvP at the highest levels you have to grind two sets of gear, and grind even longer to optimize them. It keeps the subs paying and the F2Ps buying passes. It's a hook.
  15. Yeah, conceptually. I mean static relics would just be superfluous gear slots, without mods/enhancements to customize and no graphical appearance. So why even have them? I'd prefer having usable relics again above all, but Bioware deemed those too complicated for casuals. Between procs and static though... gimmie procs! And besides, I like spiky crits
  16. PLEASE don't. This game doesn't have weapon enchants or trinkets. Relics are the only non-standard gear slots in the game. Making them static again would be lazy/lame imo.
  17. You think so? IMO we're pretty good in all 3 of those categories, though I agree the spec could use some form of on-demand burst. Just about every other dps spec seems to have at least one offensive CD that guarantees burst when they need it. PTs get Explosive Gas, Mercs get Power Surge, Sorcs/Sins get Recklessness, Sins also get Overcharge Saber, Snipers get Target Acquired, Maras get Berserk and Bloodthirst (and Gore if they're Carnage) etc etc. And speaking of Maras, even Annihilation (the least bursty Mara tree) can Berserk and bleed their targets for MASSIVE damage over a very short period. For us though, we just kind of go through our standard rotation and hope for procs/crits, which is IMO one of the main reasons this spec under-performs in arenas. I think that's asking way too much. Ranged classes are supposed to be able to kite melee, and we already have plenty of tools to stay on target (15% bonus run speed, AoE Snare with no CD, CC immunity on Jump, Push to reset Jump, Stasis, Guardian Leap to a friendly near your target, AND now a root on MS). Anything more and we'd be completely unshakable. I never find myself hopelessly kited unless I'm actively being peeled.
  18. Rofl, lets tone that nerd rage down a notch. I actually didn't express an opinion on progression one way or another, but it's indisputable that gear has always been the primary "carrot" of this game. That really depends on the game. In something like GW2, that's true. Here it's not so simple. After all, if that were the case, we'd never see new tiers of pvp gear. We'd never have to grind for anything and everyone would have the same equipment/augments upon reaching max level. Character progression is at the heart of all MMOs, and this one chose to use gear to that end. With that in mind, it's only logical for people to expect visible returns on their time investment. Not necessarily. But I could go on for days about ways to handle pvp without needing a fluff stat like expertise gating the community. Ultimately the reason stats like expertise/resilience etc are so popular with game devs is because they're good for business, not for the players. As I said though, that's not really relevant to this thread.
  19. Yes and no. I think a large part of the problem is all end game character progression in this game is gear based. Rewards for doing well in pve = gear, rewards for doing well in pvp = gear. The game fundamentally encourages that mindset, so it's only natural for people to expect a certain level of advancement as they gear up. IE "I worked hard for X, I expect to have an advantage over someone who hasn't." Granted that mentality is a bit at odds with "e-sports" where you want the playing field as level as possible. Bioware's been pretty indecisive on what exactly they want their end game pvp to be since the game launched though. Open World PvP? Illum's been dead for well over a year now. 8v8 WZs, no longer ranked. Arenas? Bolster has been a bit of a mess since it was introduced to the end game bracket, and people still find ways to cheat the system. I'd be fine with seeing it go as well (personally I'd rather see expertise go completely, but that's another topic).
  20. I'd love to see Burning Blades and Burning Purpose combined into one talent. Burning Blade's damage is so laughably bad it wouldn't be worth the points on its own if we didn't need it for Keening procs. They should also get rid of the "Vigilance" talent and make the cooldown on Overhead Slash/Plasma Brand 9/12s by default. That talent is pure filler and is positioned a tier before you can even spec one of the skills it modifies... and yet it's required to keep the spec from falling on its face. That would instantly shave off 5 talent points from the current tree and leave plenty of room for something new.
  21. Have to disagree with that. With the +6% modifier Vigi gets to strength on top of the 5% from the Consular class buff, strength is superior to power point for point. Normally each point of mainstat gives 0.2 dmg bonus vs 0.23 per point of power, but with those modifiers each point of strength is essentially worth 0.222 bonus damage along with the extra crit. So going full Might augments nets you a little over 1% extra crit while giving almost identical bonus damage thanks to the buffs, which means one less item slot that has to be filled with a crit mod/enhancement.
  22. Who doesn't!? And Bioware was about to buff maul's damage... Seriously, do they just pick "buffs" out of a hat and toss them in the patch notes?
  23. Funny, with the relic changes I'm seeing MS crits in the 10k range pretty regularly. When the stars align and all 3 ticks crit, that's basically unloading ~20k damage into a light-med armor target in 3 seconds. Feels good man.
  24. Seriously? Are you on integrated graphics or something? This game is pretty easy to run, especially if you turn the settings down.
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