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Everything posted by OpenSorce

  1. Ever hear of an "open letter"? Do you know why they exist? You should look it up. Rubbish. Absolute tosh. I've been gone from the game for awhile. My friends list is grayed out 99% of the time and my guild is relatively inactive. However, each time I log into the fleet or any of the instanced planets it's never... NEVER the least populated instance. Try again. It seems that what happens is that a new instance is created once a location reaches a certain number. New arrivals are put in the new instance until the first instance drops below that number and then when it does newer arrivals are put into the first instance again until it once again reaches it's max number.
  2. Going to agree with you there. In hindsight I probably shouldn't have included the last paragraph.
  3. Obviously we code differently... Wow, what a lot of over complication for a very simple patch. I think you are VASTLY overstating the necessary requirements of one tiny bit of added code. P.S. Nothing in my solution remotely suggests the creation of more instances.
  4. I wasn't actually going to answer this, but as you did at least address the topic of the thread: Because I can switch instances of either fleet and find one with over 100 players and another with less than 20. The lower pop instance has far less lag, obviously. Hundreds?!? OH NO!!! Lol, how about the tens of thousands of us who have edited and contributed code to hundreds of other software packages like FireFox or Chromium or even MMOs like Planeshift, Ryzum or Worldforge? The problem here isn't too many coders it's too few. Neither. Try again. So... you post in a thread directed at the devs... involving yourself in other people's business to tell someone else to stay out of other's business? Curious. We play this game thus it is our business. I am making a suggestion/challenge to the devs to fix a very simple issue and I don't care how it makes me look to you.
  5. As I stated in the OP, this would be a very minor change. But, thanks for addressing the topic at hand :-)
  6. Hence the 50 to 100 line solution mentioned in the OP.
  7. Hence the 50 to 100 line solution. Giving us each a radio button which allows to decide whether to load into the highest or lowest pop instances. Well remember you asked... Nearly twenty years ago on some long forgotten BBS I was arguing with another coder who was about to begin working on some proprietary closed source code for Sierra. In an angry 4am reply I posted "There is no u in Open Source!!"... I meant to say "no I in Free Software" but didn't have the forethought to proofread before I posted. The name "Open Sorce" or "OpenSorce" stuck. Among others that I won't mention here, it has been my handle since before many of these posters were born :-)
  8. Yes yes, when you can't argue the logic of the post... attack the poster! I just hope this reaches it's intended audience...
  9. You don't know me or my background. Don't be so presumptuous.
  10. So, assuming the BioWare SW:TOR developers generally have some formal education in programming or at least the experience equivalent, I fail to see why a concept as basic as load balancing escapes them. It's really quite simple. You have xxx people in one instance of a location, the Fleet for example, and the game opens a new instance. You got that much right. Then as new players zone in to that location they should automatically be placed in the lowest population instance of it, right? Apparently not. This is really 2nd or third semester stuff guys. Why is it not in place? With about 10 lines of code or less I could make this work. With 50 to 100 lines I could give each player a radio button to choose whether to go to low or high pop instances. If you need help, send me the code and I'll fix it. Send me enough code and I'll make a Linux native version as well :-)
  11. Trolls. Trolls will wear it and jump around vendors and mail boxes shouting about it's epicness....
  12. Try to remember the majority of the point of this thread is that parts of each armor piece are undyable, you can't fix this problem with anything you've mentioned. I'm glad you like the colors you can make, some of us can't get them as easily.
  13. If any of you honestly think that BioWare or EA will give away a cash generating customization in order to make it available for credits, you are sadly mistaken. Sorry but I'm afraid this game is now all about about ways to make it's players, subscriber and non-subscriber alike, pay out as much cash as possible without losing their business.
  14. I was kinda thinking that, but didn't want to spoil it for him...
  15. Yeah, I get that, and I have a great chest I picked up from Boarding Party that is black and looks good. But I really wanted something with a hood and cloak. Bought Patherfinder's set and found that it's third color stays brown. Now I'm in a Wafarers chest, just need the black/black dye would SHOULD be just as easy to get as the Jedi colored dyes... if the Dye system weren't ANTI-SITH!!!!
  16. So? What's wrong with people being able to wear the colors they want to? But, let's make it equal!! They should make Brown, Tan and White rare as well!!
  17. And I still haven't seen any cookies!!!
  18. We do... but Jedi have far less trouble coloring gear that is NOT Jedi colored to Jedi colors. Hence, the title of the post. Which further proves my point, BioWare knew that most Sith players preferred the color Black so they made it the hardest to acquire. Again, the dye system is Anti-Sith!
  19. A Sith must earn them... but for the Jedi it is easy?!? Nonsense!!! The Dye system is Anti-Sith!!!!!
  20. When I said "movie" I meant the game cinematics. Jedi did not wear black during the time period that this game happens. Show me one... ONE Jedi NPC or cinematic character in this game that wears Black!!! I dare you!!!
  21. Anakin was becoming a Sith and Luke was a Jedi wannabe who trained for a week in a swamp. Your argument is invalid!
  22. What color do Sith wear? In all the cinematics, all the trailers... Black! And Jedi? Tan or Brown. Dyes with Black are always artifact quality while brown or light brown are a dime a dozen! So, this patch was designed to price gouge Imperial Players more than Republic. Specifically Sith Imperials...
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