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Everything posted by RidgeBlader

  1. That could be deduced by a semi-intelligent individual.
  2. SOOOOOOOOFAR I have the count at - Juggs/knights being OP, Sorc/Sages being OP, PT/Van(?) Being OP, Sin/Shadow Being OP Sniper/Gunslinger being OP Wats missing? Merc/Commando Operative/Scoundrel Please create nerf threads for these classes instantly or face the fact the game my just be a little more balanced than would like to represent. Not perfect but not as terrible as some in PVP.
  3. Does hitting 700k+ damage indicate that you have done well in PVP? Or does it simply mean you may have been a selfish bastard that just went for the kill and didn't contribute to the teams success? Did you as a PT hitting 700K out perform another class that spent his entire round guarding a node and not losing it? think about it. Many people have pointed out the weaknesses of the class and your you keep stumbling at the damage output like it makes you successful. Take it on the chin sport, you're wrong. Dust yourself off and keep walking.
  4. 1. You are going to get sick of doing the same thing over and over. Like OOS for the brain. Time to mix it up! grab a different genre of game and play that for a bit. My current game is S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of prypriat just because after star wars horror survival rpg is the favorite. 2. I agree. Where is the war!!!!! I would like to see a sort of 'real world' PVP going on rather than only war zones. Battles for the control of planets and the quests on them would be epic! Instead of sharing Tatooine you only get access to this planet if your side controls it. It may be unfair to those servers that dont engage in PVP so maybe there can be a time limit for how long a side can hold it before it goes neutral and has to be fought for again. I mean you could even get a three way going between Rebulic, Empire & Balmorra resistance for example. Just something to mix it up. Good Luck.
  5. Just this *MUCH* shorter cool down and refresh upon death. I don't mind the stuns, been getting stun locked and beaten down by a sage quite a bit lately. It's more frustrating not being able to break it. I mean just let us do it more often and it may give us a chance. I have never even had resolve because I don't stay alive long enough to generate a full bar. I am currently a level 21 Assassins and in the PUGs I come up against 49 sages that stun lock with their smuggler friends and other buddies. I don't mind them grouping together as everyone has the right to play with buddies. I don't even mind their playstyle, it's just frustrating as hell not being able to move and then getting burnt down. I blame game design mainly not enough opportunities to break the stun.
  6. I was in a WZ the other day, Alderaan I believe - the ones with the three cannons. Anyway fairly new to PVP but I feel I am picking it up. I have to say that PVP on an APAC server for a change is great. Anyway I was guarding 'snow' and had a couple incoming. Battled one challenger then straight into a second, not at once but one straight after the other. I won the first battle and struggled heading straight into the second. My point is another team member just watched as during the second battle the Republic fighter brutally beat me down and stomped on my corpse. He just watched. My wife was upset at the volume of my cursing and I must say that it was awful frustrating. I am now a level 18 Assassin not geared just popping in and out of WZ to have a bit of fun and break up the whole 'questing til 50' routine. It has been moments of fun with a sprinkle of frustration so far. Great way to mix up things as I level. Sol'a'tsar
  7. LOL Fan boys are never happy. Work hasn't even begun and your already crying about how crap it will be and crying about the Star Trek movie to boot. Never mind that it was a decent film and possibly engaged a newer audience but as I said fan boys are never happy. I have seen many many other posts on this forum complaining about 'how george lucas ruined star wars!' and that he should step down. Well he has stepped down and are people happy? No. do you know why? because they are not the ones running the show. That is the only way they will ever truly be happy with where Star Wars is going. How about you let Disney & Abrahms have a crack at the new movie before passing judgement. It cannot be worse than TPM.
  8. I heard that Lucas had already planned a 7-12 for Star Wars. I also read that Disney will not be making anything in the EU into a movie and that they will be developing something 'new' I expect disney will take the work already done by lucas and mash it into something new.
  9. Yes, I know. It would have been great though. I still would like to see Harrison Ford, Mark Hammil and Carrie Fisher all have cameo's. They are probably at the right age. I would love to see the Rock in there as a hard *** trooper or bounty hunter with Sean William Scott as his side kick
  10. I like Revolution, I like the Star Trek movie - I am not a Star Trek Fan. I think he will do a decent job, I hope he does a great job. I cannot wait to see the new film although I would still feel the same way if Lucas was at the helm. I would have preferred to see Joss Whedon at the helm with Nathan Fillion cameoing as a smuggler in a busted freighter.
  11. So I have been playing this game for a few weeks now having recently subbed and I thought I would express what I found enjoyable with the game so far. I will also say what I do not like and I welcome others to express their opinions on the game in its current state. Likes: The classes - Well Balanced (well in PVE anyway) makes playing any class fun The trinity - Never thought I would miss the ability to slot into a particular role. The number of species you can play and the default slot size of 12 The story..so far The environment - Visually Stunning to see the SW universe brought to life. Both in Planet and the Rail Shooter Dislikes - With suggest improvements in my eyes. Rail Shooter - I know it has sort of been thrown in as a mini-game but the ships, capital ships etc look so stunning I can't believe they would waste an aspect of the game by keeping it on rails. A FFA space shooter could be enabled either PVE or PVP - IMO Bounty Hunter - Merc - The fact that the Merc Arsenal is rooted for its main attack (tracer missile) feels counter to what a bounty hunter should be - fast mobile attacker. I feel that removing the root on tracer, keeping it channeled but shortening the channel a little would go along way to improving the 'feel' of the class. Quest - Questing is archaic in the design the TOR uses, I would like to see a more dynamic quest system set up where if players share the same quest they are able to be dynamically grouped if they are in the correct area so they are not competing for the same enemies. Like what GW2 does. As I see it dynamic grouping is far better in that in encourages cooperation, at this point in time if I come across someone in the same area questing I must whisper them to ask to join a group in order to not have to compete for the same 'resource' as them. If they choose not to respond then I have to either race around trying to kill stuff before them or simply wait until they are done, wait for the re-spawn and go finish the quest. There is a better way to do this, I do not feel it would be that hard to implement. Loot Rolling - I see a lot of complaints about this and I do not see the reason why. It could be solved by simply giving each player in a group(dynamic or otherwise ) their own loot drop with a certain %chance to get a loot drop of any item from the boss (etc) they are fighting. Removing the opportunity for players to 'ninja' loot.
  12. Didn't like the prequels because of George Lucas. Don't like the sequels because its now Disney - Even though you got your wish and GL is no longer involved. Don't like JJ because of Startrek Man you fan boys are never satisfied. The movies haven't come out yet and you've already shot it down. I love Revolution, StarTrek and Felicity. Personally I hope he does a great job and you all ****. Which you won't because what is best in life? The open steppe, fleet horse, falcons at your wrist, and the wind in your hair? WRONG! To crush anyone producing anything outside of the original trilogy, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their midichlorians. I was joking about Felicity but Tracy Spiridakos is a fox.
  13. Restarting the whole game worked for me.
  14. Just happened to me too. On quesh. I have logged out and will go back later to try the ctrl u suggestion. Was totally random. I didnt fiddle with anything in the interface menu. I even checked the interface editor and it shows the two player & target panes. they are both enabled they are just not visible.
  15. BioWare could just do away with the current loot system and have individual drops for kills with a random% rate for the better loot drops across the board and remove the whole vote roll. Vote rolls are antiquated. However until they do just need everything jks
  16. Level 26 when i faced valis. Jedi Guardian with Kira. Saw the thread topic prior to the fight but I didn't read it as I didn't want to know. Walked in, spanked him and walked out not even sure it was a boss fight? I have my interupt and my stun break mapped and just used them both liberally. Anybody having trouble I would suggest mapping them to the Q & E keys for quick reference. Makes many fights easier if you can interrupt their 'main' attack. It really wasn't that tough a fight.
  17. Hmm early days of mIRC and well basically any online chat was a/s/l somethings will never change it seems.
  18. I would also like to point out that not all Jedi used lightsabers and some masters used alternatives, a cane for instance was used by one master. So using a vibroblade as a choice is not out of the question lore wise. On the topic of Boba Fett.......George Lucas doesn't control Star Wars anymore. Anything is possible, with his popularity Disney can make an executive call to bring him back int he next movies.......lets hope they do.
  19. You're arguing about canon that sits outside the "official" Star Wars universe. G & T canon can always override that which exists in C Canon which is where the EU including games like TOR sit. George Lucas could override anything that sits in the EU and now that same power resides with whomever is running the show under the Disney banner. Basically it's a moot point you are making because either BW version or the version in the novels could be wiped out or confirmed as true at any stage. So no one has screwed up, BioWare were given creative control and they have developed their idea of The Old Republic. It's true given their point of view. Just Sayin.... I always like the Orange Purple combination. Not sure if orange is available? Yellow and Purple in a pinch.
  20. I Have had many different handles over the years for the various online games but I wanted one with meaning so I spoke to my wife and she cam up with Ridgeblader. It is an Anagram from my first and surnames. I always use it for my Main's now.
  21. The argument can be made that every class in this game should have access every weapon. At some point in time in the SW universe it is demonstrated. People seem to miss the crux of TOR from BW point of view. You, the player, are not playing a customised character or an avatar of what you would like to be within the SW universe. e.g. SWG. You are playing 'The' Bounty Hunter, Smuggler, Jedi Knight etc etc etc within the TOR universe. You are the best of the best. There is only one Bounty Hunter, flying one mantis in TOR story. Regardless of how many players roll a BH. It shows as much as you progress through the main story. This is how Bioware wants you to feel, this is how they have presented the game. As such they have a very specific idea about what weapons their classes should wield. In the case of the Bounty Hunter they feel that the number one bounty hunter in the galaxy is going to either use a pistol or dual pistols. Not every other weapon under the twin suns. (which is entirely possible given lore.) It's not Bioware saying that "All Bounty Hunters Only use Pistols!", it's just them saying "This is how we feel the Number 1 [insert class] is going to be equipped." People have argued for rifle long before the Beta was released. I doubt continued threads promoting rifles for Bounty hunters are going to have the desired affect.
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