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Everything posted by offence

  1. Yea let's just all unsub to our only remaining star wars game and move away. I really hope you didn't major in law/politics , this is called a discussion forum and on these forums people put up suggestions , complaints , arguments. I think you should stop posting for the sake of the rest of the folks out there. PvP won't change until the playerbase will make it change. eof
  2. You lost your credibility when you wrote dota in the sentence lol , dota is like chess a counter-play game it has nothing in common with the issues at hand in swtor get a clue boy, they must fix ranked matchmaking first, FOTM class stacking , there are so many running issues atm it's not even funny.
  3. Nerf the class and restrict this stacking nonsense. Ranked arenas are awful as is no need for more OP classes stacking.
  4. Yea this why I unsubbed and moved on , the repub side of TOFN is dead pvp wise , it's been over a year and a half and it seems nobody is interested in PvP'ing. Imps are too many and most of the warzones/arenas are imps vs imps on that side. All in all this is the most underwhelming xpack YET, the game has reached a new low content wise not even gonna mention PvP because it's nonexistent. No new BG's , no new open world PvP objectives ( starting to miss 3 fps Illum fights ). And im sure they will add these stinky weps at above 1.8k+ arena rating (again) so ain't gonna bother.
  5. New expansion , new FPS low's im not surprised this engine is beyond abysmal. The FPS drops in warzones are worse than they have ever been. Hope they adress this it's a huge turnoff atm.
  6. It seems broken , the dmg is still being showed but the animation goes mute after the first tick. Hope they fix this , it's pretty bad.
  7. lol @ this , you haven't encountered a skilled a sorc/sage (balance,madness) can melt you down in a rotation with all procs up and this was back in 2.8 , now that they buffed dots and you cannot cleanse them anymore it's gonna be even easier. I have been roaming with my full brut sage day in day out on TOFN especially on ORICON , the only 1v1 I lost was to a BH MERC sporting 40k+ in full pve gear due to not LOS'ing properly. Sorc/Sage is king in 1v1 if played well , if he has room to kite/los you are dead add a pillar in the way and it's even more easier there was a reason why only a famous sorc won all the 1v1 tournies on tofn back in the day. Keep on truckin' boyz
  8. This thread is a big pile of BS , since sorcs are still the main focus target in ranked arenas and other classes such as Marauders who are the warrior god class in this game never been touched and still are the best over the course of years. Anyone with some decent experience related to this game especially in the launch phase of the game knows how squishy and frustrating it is/was to play as a sorc in PvP. Only good thing is devs are smart enuff not to read these bogus threads.
  9. Thanks for the answers finally /15char
  10. Been playing on TOFN since release , avid pvper the situation on the repub side is grimm so I want to reroll imp but nobody ever posts anything about Assasins in ranked on these forums , also 1-2 year old vids on youtube makes me wonder. What's the deal is the class good ? viable for ranked solo que ? Is it focused alot , easily shut-down ? Hope to get some reply's
  11. This is very accurate , if you want pvp join TOFN the imp-repub ratio is pretty balanced nowdays too , now if we can only pray hard enough that Stardamon goes back to imp side or any universe for that matter. Ahhhh one can only dream...
  12. People can say whatever they want ToFN is and always was one of the most active pvp servers. Problem is the community is so split-up it's impossible to find a big group of dedicated pvp players still , ranked solo ques pop extremely fast and there still are a few ranked teams queing in the evenings ,unranked warzones are going on all the time less then 1 min que. TOFN is the only choice if you want PvP in eu.
  13. This shows how clueless you are , saying BH is underpowered when it's one of the best ranked dps classes dmg wise. Sorcs being overpowered ? In what world it's the most focused/tunneled class in the game in any kind of arena. Stick to PvE
  14. Kiddow i can complain as much as I like since the game balance is broken , im playing on TOFN since early beta and was the leader of the best 8v8 ranked team on the server before most of you leveled up. And nothing is missleading about getting 14k heatseeker on bis chars. so move along ktnxbye
  15. It did happen , maybe i failed to mention that i sport an ilvl 180 MH which has exp on it but i am not exp. capped but im still full brut. and this damage should not occur , it was a mercenary on TOFN named SLEVIN. Sorry that I raged and forgot to take the SS will aim for higher Heatseeker's in the nearest future...
  16. Just got back from a series of random yolo ranked ques in which my full brutalizer min/maxed sage gets hit for 13734 by heatseeker missles. Can someone please fix this game ?
  17. nah your probably undergeared playing the wrong spec
  18. Stop saying there are strong rep players i've been pugging warzones with friends for 3 weeks after a long brake and imps steamroll 85% of the games , not even gonna go into detail on solo ranked arena pretty much the same but imps roll even harder.
  19. Face it republic on TOFN is very bad , just putting it out there for new rerollers , ranked zone yoloque is even worse.
  20. offence

    sorc wars

    Im surprised nobody complains about the maras and smash juggs , it's the biggest pain to verse them 1v1 or any situation atm...
  21. There may be many others but only a few are chosen and acknowledged as class representatives by the devs/community which says alot imo , I do appreciate all your thoughts but still there needs to be a best option and a second best. Still pondering over it
  22. Actually PSInical/Revenantes our beloved ex-sage/sorc spokesman was a huge balance fanboy and his recommendation was 4p stalker for maximum dmg all around , as shows in all of his duel vids/wz ones. This is why I was asking around because I want the best setup not the second best and from a pure DPS POV the stalker seems the best choice.
  23. Do you guys like to lose reg WZ's on purpose ? Im just asking i have been away from the game for 1.5 years got back 2 months ago , so far every new hutball we had against the IMPS is a 6-0 loss. When did the republic become so bad at pvp ? Back in the day guilds like VOTF and in general repub side was alot more skilled. Imps dominated through numbers back in the day but now it seems the repub side is the kid side its becomming unbearable to farm these unraked WZs.
  24. Well toxin im in the same boat and it seems this thread is pushing 500 views and 7 actual replies pretty dissapointing just shows how bad this community needs new guide lines and more Class Representatives who can atleast theorycraft or just share some of their experience. it's alot of investment in comms and such still bumping.
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