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Posts posted by Polimeris

  1. Je trouve le nouveau design du site super. La grande image en tête de page qui change est très belle et le tout donne un bon sentiment.


    En revanche, pour le forum, je trouve le design très mal adapté. Pas de séparation claire (à mon goût) entre les posts, pas de cadre texte, pas de cadre portrait, un immense espace gris et vide de part et d'autre des messages.


    L'ambience générale est beaucoup trop sérieuse à mon goût. J'ai plus l'impression d'être dans un environnement de travail que dans un lieu de loisirs.

  2. Je plussoie.

    Les mecs déjà stuffé Maitre de Combat n'ont strictement rien de plus à faire avec cette MaJ....

    Ah si, se tuer encore plus en jeu pour pouvoir échanger à 3contre1 des marques de Zone de guerre classés.


    Oui mais non.

    Heureusement que la team Pvp devait assurer un jeu fabuleux ! Heureusement qu'à la base, le jeu ne devait être QUE Pvp....


    Ben... On fait la même chose qu'avant. Je vois pas en quoi c'est moins bien après le patch. On a même un nouveau bg ! Moi aussi je suis déçu que les côtes ne soient pas là. Mais ce n'est que partie remise. Remise à très bientôt qui plus est.


    Et... D'où tu tiens ton idée que le jeu ne devait être que PvP à la base ? Ca n'a jamais été dit. Et je suis l'actualité jeu depuis un moment.


    Je suis déçu que les bg cotés ne soient pas là. C'est une faute, c'est indiscutable. Mais il faut relativiser : si les cotes sortent avec des problèmes, la seule solution est de ne pas les sortir.

  3. In PUG, sorcerers and ops are the best I think. Sorcerers because of overwhelming utility. Ops because of excellent means to heal spread out damage.


    Against teams, the BH is clearly the best in my opinion. Mainly because his weakness (mobility) is a lot more difficult to deal with.

    Sorcerers are still good, but they are easy to focus fire.

    Ops are a bit more difficult to focus fire, but it's still possible and they lack raw healing power and diversity to maintain someone's health under heavy dps.

    BH have spectacular single target healing power and are impossible to focus fire while bubbled. Their weakness is the lack of mobility, but due to the way objectives works in swtor pvp, it's very often a non-issue.


    My final answer is : BH and Troopers. Mainly for the fact that their bubble combined with strong healing burst is so powerfull. Every time their bubble is up, they have the ability to say : "everyone stays at full health in my team for 12 sec".

    That is, of course, the big picture. But you get the idea : They nearly have the ability to say : "We win this fight" every once in a while.

  4. Roots have a diminishing effect built in (well, most roots. Not the sentinel ones for example, but that's because they don't need this negative effect).


    Most roots from ranged class have a 5 second duration, which is automatically taken down to 2 sec if they are damaged in any way.


    Results : 5 sec root without damage on you. that's a fine control considering you can still do a number of things.

    Or : 2 sec root with damage on you. That's fine considering 2 sec is a very short time.


    Roots are fine as they are.


    Add roots to resolve and you can be 100% sure the already low gunslingers/snipers population will dramatically drop.

  5. The only thing that got buffed was Master Strike.


    And this is just an ability for Bad Players to use against Bad Players.


    Anyone trying to ride out the full channel is going to get hit with a stun or knockback everytime (by a player that's any good). The only thing the damage boost does is encourage Bad Players to try and Master Strike, thereby inflicting self-inflicted stuns on themselves, wasting all that time for a last hit, with it never coming.






    The first two ticks of master strike are largely worth the gcd.

  6. Le tank ombre est peut être le plus "opti" pour raid en plus.


    Je suis malfrat chirurgie (enfin, la plupart du temps) et on peut soigner tout le contenu pve sans trop de soucis. Je dirais même que comme les commandos, nous sommes meilleurs dans le cas ou le raid manquent de dps, car il est facile de glisser quelques attaques.


    Mode cauchemard terminé sans soigneurs erudits, avec deux tanks ombre.

  7. I play a scoundrel.

    Group stealth actually interrupts capping.


    So if someone use group stealth around a turret/door, you won't be able to cap.


    Sure, you exit stealth if you do an attack. But as long as you are not in combat, you will be (nearly) instantly stealthed again.

  8. seriously? QQing about sorcs when a well played slinger can absolutely destroy a tank if theyre unable to break a 6s stun?


    I play imp side and there are some slingers i laugh at when i see them. others i get ready to knockback and go stun immune so they dont own me in 3-5s flat. less QQ more l2p


    You are right. Our 6 seconds range stun is kind of overpowered. Especially on tanks because we have bonus damage against them.



  9. Actually... The name of this thread made me thought of something.


    What if they were tool crates in the rebirth zone ? Just like in the warzone "A false emperor".

    We could have some grappling hooks, tubo shoes to sprint, jetpack to jump like warriors, and shockwave device to kb around.

    Everyone could get one item, and stick to it until death. But, the use of a "native" effect like the ones I mentionned would occur a cooldown on these items and vice versa.


    So, it would be possible for a sorcerer to jump like warriors, but he wouldn't be able to spint afterward.

    A sentinel could use a grappling hook, but won't be able to jump afterward.

    An operative could sprint, but wouldn't be able to... err... nevermind this one.

    A Shadow could sprint, but wouldn't be able to use the jetpack for some time.



    That would be so, freacking, awesome.

  10. Sigh...

    Most of you don't get it.


    On one side, you have ops/scoundrels whining because they lose an enormous amount of sustained damage (irreversabily damaging an already weak spec in PvE).

    On the other side, you have other classes whining because ops/scoundrels have burst when stealthed.


    One side whines because outside stealth ops/scoundrels will be even more subpar.

    One side whines because inside stealth ops/scoundrels are currently performing well.


    The patch will confirm the ganking role of ops and scoundrels by decreasing effectiveness outside of ganking gameplay.


    That's what everyone doesn't want to happen.

  11. IMO.


    The patch won't destroy scrappers in PvP. They are going to get kicked in the teeth however. Their already extremely narrow niche will be even more difficult to fulfill, but they can stand.

    For competitive PvP, they are going to be a bit more subpar than now.

    Subpar, not unplayable.


    However, they are totally screwed for competitive pve (if such a thing exists).



    Everything considered : start practicing sawbones. We are going to be a very competitive healer.

  12. I think the next patcch is very good overall. But I can't say it too much, as I play a scoundrel.




    Please, don't take the giggle away from scoundrel :(


    Until then, I shall call the 1.2 patch : the sad patch.

  13. Dps of all AC except gunslinger/sentinel is nerfed (some more than others mind you).

    Overall (all class considered), I am happy with the changes. The game overall needed a tune down.


    Sawbones are going to be excellent healers in PvP (remember my words on this).

    The scrapper changes are mostly work around. Tuning up there, tuning down there... Except of course for the massive nerf on the backblast / flechette round combination.


    They can make this change on backblast. Why not. If you really have to. But in that case, they need to make flechette round affect blaster whip or something else.


    Flechette round -along with backblast- is a very important part of our sustained dps. With those changes, we are talking about roughly 30% less damage from this two source. We are probably talking about 10% of our sustained dps ! Probably more if we take into account the increase in energy costs.

    That is enormous. Gigantic. In PvE and PvP aswell.


    No other class is getting a nerf this big in the patchnote, and that is quite unfair. Scrapper are clearly not overperforming now.

    Tune them down along with other AC ? Why not.

    Tune them down a lot more than other AC ? We have to say no.

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