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Everything posted by Karandor

  1. Karandor

    Huttball ***?

    Huttball is amazing. Once you learn how to play it is by far the best WZ. I know so many people that started off hating it (including myself) and then grew to love it once they figured out how to properly play. There is a ton of strategy and tactics. I suggest you read the resolve guide, bind throw huttball to an extra mouse button and start knocking people into fire/acid. Leaping from the proper ledge to mid-air force pull someone with the huttball ALMOST on our goal line back down into the pit and then CC and kill them and then run it back for a score with some good passes is so goddamn rewarding. Huttball 4VR.
  2. My friend and I can finish a daily in under 45 minutes if we get huttball pretty much no matter how bad or good our team is. Tank assassin + tank jugg = free huttball wins when properly played.
  3. From rolling a new sniper alt all I see around my level are mercs, sorcs and ops. I honestly don't think sorcs or mercs are really OP, maybe need some small changes but nothing big. Ops there are TONS of people who have re-rolled as one now. The funny thing is they are mostly bad and I kill them on my sniper. The thing about this game is there is a huge disparity in how hard classes are to play properly. Sorcs, ops and mercs are all really easy to get big impressive numbers without using many keybinds or much of a thought process. Most of the other classes require a lot more skill and require the usage of many more abilities to be played to their maximum effectiveness. My assassin, for instance, has about 12 abilities I use on a regular basis that all have CDs of less than 30s. On top of that I have another 5-7 abilities (mostly CC/defensive) with 45s+ CDs that are also used regularly. When a merc/sorc/op can use 5-10 abilities and do just as well or better I can understand why people re-roll.
  4. Force shroud does wonders against them, you should use it immediately after CC break and he`ll waste some CDs on it and you can win. They're OP for sure (the opener does too much damage, that's the only problem) but you can still deal with them with good play. Force shroud is AMAZING against them and if you shroud (to remove DoTs) and then cloak you can then open up on him and turn the tables. Many assassins have no idea how good shroud is and how to properly use it. When you stun someone, pop it just as the stun is about to wear off and the enemy will waste all their CC on you much of the time while you are immune.
  5. I have a level 16 sniper alt and I often out-play much higher level people in WZs. There is a ton of skill involved in the PvP in this game. People who think it`s all gear have no idea what they`re talking about. People think I`m crazy but when I`m pulling 80+ commendations a match on my 16 sniper in solo queue I have to disagree that everything is about gear. Sure I do even better on my 50 but that`s as much about skill trees and abilities as it is about gear.
  6. Accuracy actually works pretty well against most specs as it helps diminish the value of defensive CDs and there are many accuracy reducing debuffs in the game. If you're playing any class that can be affected by the defense stat you definitely want some for PvP. Alacrity is useless on many classes that only use instant abilities. In reality the only 2 stats that are ALWAYS useful are crit and surge.
  7. Tank stats still help. Against assassins and marauders and snipers and juggs (and their republic counterparts) they help an immense amount. IMO the only oversite is that shields and defense don't work against operative/scoundrel or BH/trooper attacks. Those classes are still using weapons, no reason that shields and defenses shouldn't work against them. Sages/Sorcs I don't have a problem with since I'm use to the fantasy convention that mages > tanks. As an assassin tank I still can kill them since I have tons of stuns and interrupts. What I fear, however, is the warhammer online style unkillable tanks. I played a swordmaster that was impossible to kill with any healing at all and ironbreakers and black orcs were also incredibly tough to kill. A good tank can already run the huttball easily enough with good support. Making tanks even tankier could cause some serious problems. Even with tank gear I can put out 200k damage in a WZ with my assassin. I'm not sure I should be any tougher when I'm doing as good damage as I am a long with guard and taunt. The question I think should be asked is are tanks OK with losing some damage in order to be even tankier? I think that is what will happen if they make defenses and shields work against more types of attacks.
  8. Can I have your stuff? Just mail it to me....
  9. The problem is people want a game that is equivalent to WoW that has had over a decade of development time at this point. That is simply impossible. I love the game and I'll stick with it. Bioware is a great company and I think they'll get their ducks all in a row before long.
  10. The values now look like this: green is 3750-4350 blue is same as green + HoT Rakata is same as green with +15% max health for 15s. green and blue do not require biochem to use. So without biochem you can have equivalent (better with blue) healing. Biochem just gives the bonus that they are reusable.
  11. I killed some 50s in champ gear on my level 12 sniper. They were terrible, but that's my point.
  12. Wow, people are such whiners. It's not like this is something that can be done to win the game. You have to be rolling the enemy and bored before you can get to this point. Stop sucking so bad that the enemy team can walk up to your base and farm your team.
  13. The only problem with op/scoundrel damage is consumables (a problem for everyone) and a stupidly high damage + CC opener. Assassins have the same opener but with 1/5th (or less) of the damage but with slightly better tools afterwards. No one complains about assassins and they are very good in PvP. Hopefully a buff-stacking nerf with a slight nerf to opener damage (or a big energy cost increase on the opener would work as well) will be able to fix the problem. A non-buff stacked op can't destroy me as an assassin tank and I often turn it around and beat them. If you're an assassin blow force shroud ASAP and you will nullify some of the burst. Use your CC and you can often turn the tide. I think the ONLY problem with op/scoundrel is the opener. It's too much in 1 button. Another option would be to remove the CC from it and keep the damage.
  14. This. Healers don't need to be able to heal any better in PvP because we want people to actually die. It can already be almost impossible too kill anyone with a couple good healers in a WZ.
  15. Except for this sort of behavoir it is easier to ban people. Kill swapping has long been a bannable offence in MMOs.
  16. I play to win because I like winning.... People in here ***** about the people trying to score solo but I've snatched victory from the hands of defeat a few times with some good runs. Force Shroud FTW. Can't pass if no one is ahead of you.
  17. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=155034 Can we add making shields work against more types of attacks in PvP to the list?
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