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Everything posted by Lord_Rezo

  1. A Clicker doesnt need to look and think "which ability is out of cooldown?" or "where is my skill?", so for your side stop also spreading a clicker is looking which skill to do.
  2. Such a nonsense. A clicker mind doesnt work like that as a keybinder doesnt spend his whole rotation looking at the keyboard. A good clicker KNOW where is the mouse cursor EVEN if he isnt looking at it. A good clicker KNOW where are his skills and if he has been playing the same for a good amount of time he will remember WHERE are all his skills. A good clicker can MOVE with keyboard with the same skill than a keyboard user with the mouse. A good clicker COULD (that doesnt mean everyone does it, there is a good amount of people who doesnt use this) hold A + E to move towards right while still looking in front. Even he can jump to turn quicker. Besides: A BAD keybidnder must look where are his skills on the keyboard. A BAD keybinder may hit a key which wasnt intended to. A BAD keybinder may lose time moving as he doesnt have much practice with the mouse moving. A BAD keybinder even backpeddal (which is something people usually throws to clickers). A BAD keybinder EVEN doesnt use the mouse to turn back. I guess both sides got good points and bad points. But you cant just look at the good points of keybinding and look the bads from clicking and say "oh my god they are noobs!". Both sides got usefull stuff and bad stuff and people who can profit of them more or less.
  3. Im Rakata Gear and... unless i find someone who focus on me (which is easy as im melee Juggernaut dps) I end most of warzones dying less than 5-6 times and killing more than 30 guys, if huttball mostly scoring two or three balls, if alderaan my bases never get capped and i have been able to capture bases in two champions vs one rakata and voidstar makes me feel weaker (as i usually have more than 5 hitting hard on me when we defend), but when we attack i tear appart those healers within seconds.
  4. Based on what? Any scientific studio which nobody has seen but everyone knows? You can say with keybinds the time response is better than clicking BUT, that limits you to move with the mouse. Then you have better timing and "bad" movement (i put that bad in "" because isnt bad, its just not so good as the timing with keybinds). But your skill timing is capped with a GLOBAL COOLDOWN. So you can spare time between skill and skill. If you click on your skills then you can move with keyboard (which is by far better than other MMO's by the way). Then you go a "bad" timing with skills but an advantage with moving. With the only difference that the global cooldown doesnt bothers you if you can move the mouse quickly enough. Easy to see, hard to understand. Thats not entirely true. I move while clicking better than most keybinders.
  5. Sure... because when i go with my Juggernaut or my Operative to a warzone and i put behind my target and they suddenly become like "OH MY GOD!!!!! WHERE IS HE????!!! HE HACKS!!!" and then they just realize i stepped behind them so they dont hit me. Sure, thats huge harder than PvE.
  6. Sure, kill the gameplay favoring one faction with lore means... But hey, then make the Republic Jedi's unmarriable. Make the troopers mindless and take away ALL their choices (as they dont ask choices, someone tells them jump and they ask how high). Make the Smugglers being followed ALWAYS a by a lovely Hutt and make them be in Carbonite for two months or something like that. And i could be giving more bad points on being republic.
  7. And i though i was the only one who wanted this...
  8. I would pay double of what i pay now to be able to have a second lightsaber and mod it.
  9. Its a difference between this thread and the another. This is a constructive thread, with opinions (which should be equally taken with the ones within the other thread), but opinions here i find them more... respectable? People here dont say "OMGZ IM LEAVING THIS NEEDS BLABLABLA ILL RESUB AND WILL BE PLAYING BUT I COMPLAIN INSULTING EVERYONE BECAUSE NOBODY KNOWS WHO I AM".
  10. Sure, they have to reboot and check all their systems on probably 20 or 30 huge servers and they could do it in 15 minutes... SURE... (Sarcasm)
  11. MMO's need some "little" stuff to keep people playing the game. Some chose housing and somekind of customization of your own house. Others got fishing and some little minigames to play. Lotro had the playing music stuff, which i found very enjoyable (me and two buddys were always playing music for coins on Bree). On SWTOR you dont get anything for doing dailys, what? an epic purple earring or two implants? Its not worth 6 weeks :/... Why would someone be selling and buying stuff to resell and get money? What can you buy? Two mounts? :/ Raiding for a month should get you fully geared, with bad luck you could be more but... you cant keep raiding the same for three months, it gets odd for hardcore players, and casual players have yet completed normals and hard modes. Making alts is ok, but the Legacy system should have been released sooner. I would have liked to be a Miraluka Sith Warrior for main (i would have rolled ANYTHING to get Legacy before doing my main char), but now im so geared and i like my char so much that i wouldnt delete him nor change for another. Space battles are fun for leveling, even fun while you are waiting for a mate to log on and that stuff... but it becomes annoying when you cant get anything from them and you cant do it with friends. There is no grinding with Crew Skills, there is no time sink on that. Plus Crew Skills right now are useless... hope they fix a bit Cybertech and Armstech... people complain about Artifice but the useless actually is Armstech. I find myself with some time free but nothing to do actually, i like be a merchant but the GTN doesnt fit my needs... so i just play with it a little bit.
  12. It would be lovely to see kids as Jawas... who would insult a jawa? xD they would have a nice MMO gaming experience xD.
  13. Learn to read. I said 2,5 OR 3 million users. As there will be Korean, Japanese & Oceanic servers which were a HUGE amount of the WoW initial players.
  14. Dont misunderstand me. I mean the game is growing (Bioware says, EA Games says). But that info is just not accurate as it takes just the point of view on how is the server, not on how many people are. It could say "hurray! game is growing! servers are heay so that means every server is now full of players" and Bioware could just have moved the servers to a lower capacity machine (which would be shown as heavy) or they could do the other way, move to a bigger capacity (which is what happened) and then all server suddenly become "light".
  15. This cannot be taken serious, they messure the players with the "heavy" "light" "standar" and that stuff, and SWTOR webside gives it true. But the "very heavy" point on the begining was at a low cap as there were huge queues to join, they fixed it and allowed more players to play on servers, so then they changed from "very heavy" to "standar" with even more players playing (as there were no queues).
  16. I will like to think Bioware has many cards to play yet...: -> The story is fresh, Star Wars in this times doesnt have much lore so they have almost their hands free to make whatever they like, which probably will be good. -> The PvP certainly is decent. I wouldnt say its the best (because there isnt a perfection, everyone has their own point of view), but its a good one. Better than Lotro, better than Lineage 2, better than DDO, and a large etc. But can it compete with WoW PvP? Well, its somekind different, lot of people like PvP on WoW, thats true... but... i guess the most of people that plays for PvP in WoW its just because its harder than PvE content (as the game became 100% casual). Here we have a newborn game, which got a nice PvP begining (fairly balanced, not 100% as nobody will be fine with it, always someone cry). -> The PvE content is... well... i would say its a lot of harder than WoW (as i would compare this Operations to the ones begining of WoTLK for example and Naxxramas is pretty "same" than Eternity Vault with more trash and more bosses, and Karagga's Palace is by far harder than Obsidian Sanctum or Eye of Eternity). We will have new Operations soon (which have been datamined and can be looked on Torhead), we will have some new flashpoints. But against that we got Bioware which want to innovate on fighting mechanics. First of all there are the puzzle bosses, for me they are very cool, a "mind" challenge with a game challenge in the same fight, not so hard after all, but either is harder than any encounter i found on WoW. Second we got bosses with huge amount of mechanics like Soa or Karagga. Which is truly what a operation-end-boss requires. But there is a little problem, the more mechanics they put, the harder it is to develop, so there are the bugs which are being solved. For a two months born game i think its pretty enough the speed they have fixing this issues. -> Its Bioware, i know some people will reject this... but as Blizzard GIFTED Starcraft 2 to Korean players if they sub to WoW or as they are doing to GIFT Diablo 3 if you sub to WoW for a year. Bioware is able to do it and even SURPASS. Who wouldnt play SWTOR and maybe a Mass Effect 3 by only paying one? Who wouldnt play Dragons Age 3 and SWTOR again by an offer of any of both? Bioware has the potential to do any of this offers without losing much money, and if they synch with new huge patches on SWTOR, it will get a huge amount of income (as people will be able to rejoice in new content and by the way they will make people who bough a top game like Mass Effect or Dragons Age to play the game, its not a trial but people would probably subscribe after that). -> Not Asia/Oceanic servers yet... you know what that means? Asia is a HUGE point of "Star Wars" fans, and even they LOVE games with a good story (like Final Fantasy for example on Japan) so probably a huge amount of players are comming from those two regions. Even if they make somekind of random event like they did on Central Park with people Cosplayed as Malgus and other Jedi/Sith it would have a better impact. Resume: I would say after three months SWTOR will depend on how they manage this incoming updates. They have been releasing a great update every month since the game was born. If they keep it comming, each time with less bugs, people will be happy and the game will be a success. I guess the game will be near 2,5-3 Millions suscriptors over June.
  17. O_o... i must have been lucky, in about 8 years playing MMO's i havent seen anything like THAT.
  18. People should not take hp as a reference for dps. A DPS must know how to avoid taking damage and how to make the most damage per second (in some fights you need to know how to make a huge burst rather than dps). I wouldnt mind taking a 12-14k sniper on my party. Even we are trying to recruit a sniper who speaks spanish as we havent got any imperial agent on our guild, the drops for them is being sold/dissasembled xD.
  19. Nothing, its expected we just "sustain damage" on heavy armor. But if you are dps spec you will find you have a 3-5% more damage reduction than a marauder (which are medium) plus they got Cloack of pain (20% more damage reduction for 45 seconds).
  20. Welcome to the hard leveling world :3. Im able to solo EVERY 2 Hard Mode (even some 4 man) with my Operative. But i cant even do one alone with the Juggernaut, not after Korriban.
  21. I tend to disagree "a little bit". The PvP gear gives you less stats, but 12% more damage and damage reduction (with expertise). But on PvE gear you get a huge bolster to stats like critical, surge and a good amount on endurance so its pretty balanced. I have killed people with PvP gear with my PvE gear on warzones (without a pocket healer on myself). Although is not easy, its possible. About marauders, they got a huge amount of damage over time and a nice survivality. But in the end is like fighting a healer, he does "slow" burst, he doesnt heal a high amount and he got not even one stun, so you as juggernaut can force push him, use Saber Ward when he start putting dots over you, if you see him running with his invulnerability just let him a bit and then CHARGE him, if he goes invisible at the begining of the fight (belive me, if they do is to gain advantage, not to run, although this is more a tip for classes with aoe knockback as marauders wont just go invisible against juggernauts...) just use intimidating roar in one or two seconds after you stopped seeing him (so he got enough time to get near you). If you are playing huttaball and you are near a heal consumable placed on the map be sure you force push him and you get IT before him, he will just invisible or invulnerable to get it and you wont be able to kill him. After that, there arent much more tips to kill them. They dont have a "huge" weak point except they need a melee range, but its our weak point too so it doesnt have much to do.
  22. Ravage is a GREAT source of dps (around 3-4k deppending on gear in 3 seconds, which if crits with decent gear means around 6-7k damage. Pretty cool after all), but i tend to use it only against consular sage (which often only sit and start spamming little rocks over your head), if its a healer i wouldnt doubt using Disruption and cutting Ravage if i see him casting a heal.
  23. And where is the endgame on World of Pandas? Running crappy dailys over days to get a mount? Grinding the same dungeon for over a month to get all the gear? (this was before WoTLK, now they gift it with commendations). Doing Arenas for the sake of being the most rating? (Oh... such endgame...). SWTOR its 2 months and 10 days old. And yet it got two Operations (if you like to take out SOA there are 9 bosses), around 10 flashpoints which maybe 5 or 6 can be done on Hard Mode, 3 Warzones, 2 daily worlds, a (sadly, bugged, non intended, non planified (?)) world pvp zone (Ilum). I think thats a good amount of content to begin. But there isnt the end. You got 8 storys to play. ¡¡¡8!!! ¡Not even on Dragons Age you had that much!
  24. But every class has a slow with more effect (like rupture, wither, the channeling stones from the consular, etc). And even other classes got a 4 seconds stun (which we havent got). Against elite mobs we cant use Pommel Strike (if we arent tank), but Operatives (for example) can use their Eviscerate as they got Debilitate (4s stun + damage).
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