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Posts posted by Illyean

  1. Expansions are always an opportunity to introduce new things. Just because the thing that you personally wanted isn't added doesn't mean the expansion misses an opportunity or fails in any way.


    you deny there was opportunity? or are you just trying to look smart while being dumb? although its my post (personal) I am certain I am only one of a majority who would want MORE starships in starwars. I didn't say at any point makeb fails, I'm looking forward to it

  2. certainly it 'feels' like my commando is rooted the spot with grav round cast and at the mercy of anyone who knows where the interrupt button is (fewer people than you would think). moving while casting would be one option, but it doesnt feel like the right one, I think some subtle changes to interrupts and interrupt immunity might play better without doing away with the existing mechanics. For example make an interrupt that hits you make you immune to interrupts for x seconds.


    I think there is also something to be explored in linking cast times to available resource, or resource regen rate (which is currently separate) such that at high regen rate you have lower cast times maybe?


    not sure, I think the impact on some classes is greater than on others and does need some thought and change

  3. Was thinking there is a missed opportunity to have introduced new ships/mixed the ships over classes a bit with the new makeb expansion. Its pretty paltry to have 3 ships per faction and it would be great to be able to quest for new ones. I know someone will bring up the super secret space project but really? no one still believes that do they? if it was real any more (I do think it was, but it got binned the moment they realised TOR was sinking 6 weeks after it launched) they would have something to show and they don't.


    Even is SSSP is real I would still like to see some new ships

  4. the 4 base class with 8 advanced class model with 5 different skills trees and 1 shared tree model is ok but it was probably better to go all in one way or the other, 8 different classes or 4 with more skill tree options.


    I favour more options not fewer, more depth not less, greater sophistication but not at the expense of complexity. TBH it feels like this isn't the design they were wanting but the one they arrived at after cutting and re-evaluating. At least its not the same cluster f*^k that gearing is :D

  5. not sure if it helps or not to make the choice at the very start, it would mean you only waste the first planet if you realise you got it wrong, rather than the first and second.


    I would actually prefer to see more options for change and the devs stop thinking in fixed class terms. Better would be more points in the story to refine your specialisation but i realise that's just dreaming and not something that will ever make it into a theme park game

  6. I think the whole heroic moment and legacy abilities are a real missed opportunity, in their current state they are more or less useless, I think something that is supposed to be Heroic and derived from a legacy of characters should feel , well, a lot more bloody heroic than this stunted effort does.


    My own view, for what little it's worth, would be that the legacy ability works exactly like the ability its derived from, but it does a fraction of the damage when not in a heroic moment. I still feel they should be PvE only and not allowed in PvP.

  7. there is already a Legacy family tree that includes companions but makes no attempt to include the story and relationship you spent 50 levels building with them, disconnected and incomplete systems are what we have and its unrealistic at this point to expect them to be fixed any time soon, especially if it lacks an opportunity to use a CM item for cash!


    There was such a lot of fuss made over the legacy and like a lot of things its really just a place holder for simple buffs and minor rewards, anything of value is cash/creds and a legacy level, maybe it will continue to grow but I wouldn't count on it

  8. I think the goals of PvP players are probably way beyond the abilities and budget of the dev team now and the very best that can be hoped for is small incremental changes to improve the broken systems or introduce the missing ones in small enough to implement chunks.


    Matchmaking is very much needed in PvP, ranked and non ranked. taking into account queued group size and geared level (maybe no longer required with new blaster) for non ranked and rating for ranked (as two obvious examples of matchmaking requirements) - however this could very easily just backfire and further stall already slow queues.

  9. I am completely in favour of getting PvP moving forward and even though I lack both the ability/time/skill/gear/guild to play ranked (would love to though) I am 100% behind it being improved.


    the 'rewards' beyond rank and the current different coloured armour (does anyone care?) are invisible, so a visible rank and ladder with a total overhaul (or rather design and implementation) of matchmaking is going to be needed. But I'm not sure ranked can really give out much in the way of new appearance items now we have the CM?

  10. I agree, though rather on his side, like a GS, I would rather it slung under his right armpit.


    These little 'bugs/lack of detail' are quite irritating though. Much like the operative in every cut scene has a pistol by their side and they pull out this imaginary pistol that they don't even use.


    That sounds exactly like the trooper pistol then, separated at birth perhaps ;)

  11. if you want your shotgun as visable as your pistol you better let agents get their knife as well...though i dont think the agents would like that those knivies look as big as a vibrosword and NOT very stealthy


    perfectly fair point, I think there is a graphical difference in the model the player uses and has visible and the model shown in the animations though, the small shiv needs to be something obvious sticking out of the poor fecker who just got done :) that said maybe a toggle to display or not would be useful

  12. Well.. if you're looking for realistic, you might be in the wrong place. After all, Star Wars is fiction.


    That being said, yes the game is thriving with bugs and graphical errors, but those are all small things that can be ignored if you look the other way ;)


    of course they can be ignored, but they can also be fixed and without very much effort either.

  13. I know it's been said a hundred times before but for the love of God put my damn shotgun on my character and stop him pulling it out of his a... the air. So many of these silly mistakes in game it gets so annoying to see them after all this time. My trooper regularly pulls a blaster pistol off his side in story cut scenes, a blaster he cant equip and has never equipped, he uses a fecking great canon.
  14. they are both being removed in 2.0, have to say I wont miss either of them myself but I cant see the point in removing them from the game unless BW have some internal cap on number of skills and needed to remove 2 to add 2?
  15. well first let me apologise if my 'he's an idiot' comment offended any of you, not really my intention.


    That said, HE is admitting the mistakes, HE is saying they got it wrong, HE is saying they had no idea things would play out like they did and for that HE takes responsibility - I'll commend him for that, but what the hell are you guys doing trying to defend the position HE is saying is HIS fault?


    Im not saying anything about power levelling, in fact quite the reverse, the game was finished by power levellers in a few days, the average player with the 'new game and its star wars' head of steam took a few weeks, if you took longer thats great it wasn't a race it was about playing it for fun. I don't recall how long I took on my first 50, I wasn't counting till I hit 50 and thought, oh is that it, didn't take very long to get here.


    The point is the levelling curve they had planned for was exceeded by MONTHS, not by a few days, by MONTHS. Leaving them with a gap in content they thought they would have months to make up (like many MMO's at launch). The result was they lost hundreds of thousands of subs very early, combined with the 'lets open more servers' plan and what you ended up with was a population spread over far too many servers and a deepening spiral of decline.


    This in turn lead to server transfers to try to get the now very dramatically lower population into the same place so they could play together, a 'rush' to get new FP/OP/QoL out (which they did pretty well given the circumstances IMO), further server consolidation and F2P. Put that lot in the same time line as GW2, SWOTR PvP being a train wreck, new WoW expansion and a few other game launches and its not hard to see why EA forced huge costs cuts.


    If you think for one moment anyone at any level regards that as a success then you are an idiot.


    Thankfully their actions have started to turn it around and although its now a very different prospect its stabilising.

  16. so there will be a PvP mod vendor for both sets of 5 mods? That is fantastic I had completely missed that.


    But its going to cost more to buy a mod than it will to buy a belt which has a mod and an armour but the armor can only be used in a belt (true?) and it costs to remove them (credits not comms).


    this has all the hallmarks of snatching defeat fro the jaws of victory in that time honoured BW way :( hopefully it wont go down like that, but is the belt/bracer mod the right one for all classes or only for some? or is it just not the best one for any?

  17. Character customization will not allow for players to switch their gender. Although this seems like a simple appearance change there are a lot of factors tied to gender in our game. Gender affects everything from gear selection all the way to companion romance and dialogue choices throughout the game.


    Hope that answers your question!


    fair enough except that is only true as you are levelling, once you are at cap there is no story, there is no romance. There are few (but increasing) gear items that have a sex restriction, but that means if you change from female to male you cant wear the dancers outfit anymore, not really something to worry about.


    I think its a lot easier to do than you are saying and I would be fine with people getting it as it makes no difference to me one way or the other, all you have to do is make it a level 50 thing only.


    IF, and its bloody big IF at this point given what Makeb is and what you have said about any future story, you did continue the class/companion stories then simply offering a choice of 'you married Risha, chose Corso now' to those who flipped gender would, I would think, be fine.


    What other issues are there? other than some people thinking that it's their right to prevent someone else enjoying a game?

  18. I don't get how people like you always call "powerleveling a char from 1-50" consuming content?


    I didn't, nor did James in the write up though he may have done in the actual panel presentation. So if you are going to quote at least do so correctly. I was remarking on what he said, he and BW thinking they had 3 to 5 months of content when in reality they had far far less, facts that no one disputes including James now.


    I do agree they placed far too much on the repeat play of their levelling content, but they did this AFTER they had seen it consumed by many many players and as a defence to the pitiful lack of end game and QoL content.


    I've enjoyed the story and a lot of the normal quests, but they do not bear up to much in the way of repeat play, the story, while good for an MMO lacks any real meaning, with a few notable exceptions it makes no difference what options you choose to the coming story and content, a few dark side/light side points (themselves more or less inconsequential) a flirt or fight, nothing you could truly say changed how the story goes. Great fun, but not the great story often spoken of.


    James and the leadership team know they made huge mistakes, the fact so few of them are left means EA knows that too. The fact we still have a game that is at least moving forward is something to be grateful for, but the promise of SWTOR was not delivered and for that there is no one to blame but those who failed to grasp even the most basic concepts of MMO gaming at the very start.

  19. I think its down to how far you can get gearing up now, can you get far enough fast enough for WH to make any real difference now, probably 4 to 5 items worth. In 2 its not going to matter as the new bolster is going to take over from all but the higher end pvp gear anyway. I would say, keep your coms topped up and spend on gear (NOT ranked comms) as and when you can but aim to keep topping off. When I can Im buying an item and making back the comms before buying anything else.
  20. for sure the current situation needs plenty of fixes, I am worried a lot of the issues though are down to population and that might be impossible to fix. Assuming there are plenty of people who want to and would play warzones though a proper matchmaking system and opening up the queues rather than restricting them would make sense, but only if matchmaking took things properly into consideration, wouldn't put 8 solo queuers against an 8 man group for example.


    sadly imo we are going to get another very poorly thought out move to season 1, maybe it will include X-Server as the one 'fix' and maybe that would be enough but as for a proper matchmaking system and flexible options on queuing I think we are screwed this year at least.

  21. nice, this sort of thing can add a lot to a game.


    I've always thought the crew skill missions missed the biggest potential feature of them, YOU running mission as your crew member - so you ran that slicing mission as Bowdar - it always seemed so obvious to me, such that I assumed they never had chance to put it in but it was always on the list of things to do

  22. sorry, this guy is one of the key idiots that resulted in a launch that was late and so very far from being ready. Its nothing sort of complete lunacy to say they were surprised that the content they thought would take 3 to 5 months to consume was consumed by most in 3 to 5 weeks and by a lot in 3 to 5 day! Having any mmo gamer play the game would have shown that to be the case, as it did on launch. The whole management of the SWTOR launch by the key staff was nothing short of an embarrassment, Im sure EA were equally to blame but as the bean counters what do you expect, they would keep pouring millions into the game that was never going to be finished or ever launch?


    In any great success or great failure there are key players and teams, no mater how good a team is if the captains suck the team loses. I wish James all the best, but he's an idiot and probably needs to reconsider his career choices in mmo game making

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