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Posts posted by Illyean

  1. BW/ES decided at an early design stage that rather than challenge the stale and boring norm they would just implement an even smaller scale cut back version of it, 4 man groups, 8/16 man ops, not really the epic Star Wars battles we were looking for! Dont get me wrong I enjoy them and for the most part they are pretty good examples of their type, but its nothing new and in fact its not even as good as the others who have been doing it for years.


    FP's and OP's need to scale they need to be dynamic, not a scripted dance based on bring the correct mix of partners. They are new and interesting only until you complete them after that they are just a run through farm fest, I did one last night (maelstrom prison I think) and we flew threw it with hardly a stop to speak in about 20 minutes. All that work they put into building what is a good story and a great environment and no one even notices.


    Now I know they are revamping some of them but they are just raising the gear check bar, they need to be re-thinking how these should work.


    For example, take the over population of DPS and the lower compliment of heals and tanks, why not dynamically adjust the mobs around the group composition so that if you took more DPS and didnt have heals then you could burn down the higher HP mobs if you were clever with CC - not to the extent where any one composition of group was better than any other in terms of rewards but such that all could be viable, within reason.


    It just needs better thought and design, nothing wrong with tank, spank and mend but there are other ways too :)

  2. Leaving aside the look of armour which, though personal, is mostly remarked on as somewhere on the scale between 'its ok' to 'f&^%*&g awful' isn't it coming time to rationalise the whole set up. There are four weights; light, medium, heavy and adaptive. Multiple types from grey (stat less) thru to artefact purple, there is a lot of gear that looks good but is level ranged, fixed and often the wrong weight, ie. you loot a awesome looking mask, its green and medium and you need heavy and even if you wear it you out level it in 25 minutes.


    this is not just not using existing art assets effectively its a pain in the *** for everyone.


    Why not update ALL items to full orange adaptives? dump the train wreck we have currently and provide the maximum degree of flexibility to everyone using current art assets. So that green level 12 mask would become an orange adaptive with mods for level 12.


    Being a complete cynic I know this is never going to be done, but EA you can cash in on it too, you can sell a convertor item in the CM, a single use item that will convert an item to an adaptive orange. You make cash, everyone can get that mask they want and be happy (yes EA the last part of that sentence is important even though you stopped reading after 'cash')

  3. everyone but EA/BW get that the armour design has been appalling since launch and only recently has started to change, though not always for the better and nowhere near fast enough. The whole 'look' is completely lost imo, there are some decent levelling looks and there are for sure some sets that are pretty good, but the general look is NOT Star Wars, its just bad.


    its very obvious they lack the talent to produce the kind of iconic look that everyone wants or even the most basic of options to provide some degree of appearance flexibility. We will never see an appearance tab now (not that we were ever going to) we have the CM. They could add options to hide hands/boots but they cant do that with shoulders or hoods, so I ask WHo thought a game where a hooded robe wearing class are the icon should be deprived of hood up/down?


    I think a lot of people, myself included, have just gotten used to the fact the look of the gear is bad in a lot of cases and we just put up with it but right now if you posted screenshots of some of the end game gear sets and said what world are these from the answers would range from 'no idea' to 'korean grind mmo' with laughs of 'did you pay for that' included along the way :D

  4. Yeah, I know, like I said, limited in the same fashion as F2P, you know, "if you buy the XPAC you can do this" etc. People were saying "how would it coexist between April 9th to 14th" and I'm saying it will have to coexist even after that, since the XPAC is technically optional.


    yeah I dont think there is any issue as such, fr what i have read they have covered it. My only gripe (and a minor one) was that when everyone resets their skills on the 9th when 2 goes live their lvl 50 point budget wont get them what it does today, probably swings and roundabouts though and only for 5 days.

  5. Don't forget, you don't have to actually BUY the XPAC to play TOR. It's optional to extend your game, there will HAVE to be a way for people who did not purchase the XPAC to still play even after April 14th.


    Perhaps everyone will download the patch (w/ XPAC included), but be locked down in the same way F2P is, unless they purchase the XPAC.


    everyone can continue playing but unless you have purchased Makeb you will not be able to level to 55 and have no access to the new content that has been set to level 55, you will remain capped at level 50.

  6. if you are chasing a refund check first that you have already been billed then contact your payment company and cancel the transaction with them and ask them to block any future transactions clearly explain you have pre-ordered, it has not yet been delivered, you have asked BW/EA to cancel/refund and they have not responded and the product you pre-ordered has been changed making it no longer viable for you.
  7. its a fair question actually, 2 goes live on the 9th but makeb goes live on the 14th for those who didn't get early access. Now my current allocation of skill points gives me the top tier talent, say on my scoundrel I get Flechette round, afaik this is not available to me for the same number of points in 2 so I wont have it until I get levelling to 55. Which is to be fair all fine and expected, except that I cant level until the 14th, again that was expected but not the two things together.


    In effect, unless I am wrong, non early access are gimped by not being able to level to 55 until the 14th because 2 launches for everyone on the 9th. It feels to me like this is more poor design and implementation planning and in effect I might as well not bother with my 50's until the 14th.


    Obviously everyone is in the same boat for those 5 days so its not the end of the world, I guess all skill points will be reset on the 9th and we will just have to respec them to fill in until 55

  8. hang on, "we like this it will happen soon" means anything they damn well like including after a year it will go back to the wall of crazy (which is not a wall or very crazy but rather a rubbish bin under the desk)


    so they say ,"we like this but it wont happen any time soon" and you think its ever going to happen in your lifetime?, must be missing something in what I read but I read it as it ain't going to happen.

  9. Lots of good points here and its a pity BW chose to remake the same mechanics of games of old. I think there is room for a whole new way to handle instant and cast abilities just waiting to be drawn out and designed. For example I would personally love to see a castable sniper/slinger shot that had a cast time proportional to the range of the target, if they are on top of me it shoots instant for normal damage, but if they are 40 meters away it takes a fair while to cast but hits like a train. AOE healing that can heal the area around the caster on a basic cast time but can be placed at some range with a much longer cast time. BW really just paid people to avoid thinking about things when they built the game something I think shows more and more when you read threads like this.


    I know it isn't easy and even a 'simple' MMO like this has a pretty complex combat engine and a lot to deal with, but if you're sat down working at it full time every day I think you should be able to come up with something that feels better than this, imho.

  10. its another duck and dive Q&A, nothing that can be said to be coming any time soon or at all. The super secret space project is just a worm on a hook imo, I so want to be wrong but if it was anything even remotely likely to happen in my lifetime there would be more to say. Mini games sound great, WHEN? no new warzone any time, great so pvp has the new balance and that's it for this year at least.


    Honestly they have more or less run out of the partly finished content and projects from the original game development that got cut to allow them to launch, all that is happening now is maintenance and trying to finish things off that can be finished but some things they have lost the developers for and will take months to pick up for someone else.


    I am looking for ward to 2.0 and makeb and I can see that being a good few months of subscription time, but come the fall I really expect player numbers to be way way down and people to be looking for more concrete news or other games.

  11. It made a mockery of progression because it wasnt needed either side, if you didnt get some coms for pvp an your way to 50 when expertise wasnt a factor then you suffered some pain until you got some, doesnt even take a week to gear up, thats the price you pay for not putting in the work, ie progression (side note, I think expertise is a horrible stat)


    It was totally and utterly unneeded pve as all the FPs were balanced for pre tionese gear with the exception of LI which the devs clearly stipulated was balanced around tionese.


    I worked for my stuff, I progressed through to better gear, giving it out for free is a joke.


    sorry, while I accept your point you are missing the real one. It's nothing to do with the noob in recruit gear getting something for nothing, its about the other 7 guys in his team not having to drag some gimp in pve gear through a warzone!


    Even with free gear people did and still do roll up to play in a wz where expertise is a requirement in pve greens, I dont care how many times they die or feel dumb or look stupid, I care about the rest of the team being a man down.

  12. "new" 50s shouldnt have ever got a set of free gear be it pvp or pve. People used to have to earn that stuff before they caved to the i want it now brigade, made a mockery of progression.




    the free gear was a crutch to the by then broken gearing system in PvP, recruit was supposed to ease entry into a gear dominated PvP arena, it did a little bit but not enough. The free PvE gear was the flip side to balance it.


    The new bolster system is going to take care of the PvP side so no need for gear. On the PvE side I would expect them to be giving out the new entry level gear in 6 months time when they release the next level of gear.

  13. it should, it wont of course, tell BW that in terms of BIG, the new expansion just isn't it. Its small and not really all that exciting. Of course we will all buy it and consume it and I'm sure it will be worth the 10 bucks and be great fun, but big would be a whole different league to this and fan sites shouldn't have been so dumb to play BW's game IMO.
  14. , and I heard the pre-50 vendor will be gone as well, (so you better get that lvl 20 jacket for your smuggler ASAP!)


    hadn't realised that, the lvl20 and lvl40 sets are decent milestones sets, I guess the gear for pvp is pointless pre 55 now accounts for all that is being removed though, nice idea badly implemented imo.

  15. no


    stop with the 'make this thing only available to the people with this thing' crap, its why the game is a wreck already!


    double xp weekends are a push to get people ready for the expansion, they certainly wont be coming back any time soon. I personally like the levelling speed they present, can level on story and main planet quest line, but making it something that only 'members of this club' can do is just ridiculous, sorry but that thinking truly will finish the game off. The only 'club' BW cares about is the one you're subbed to or paying for in the CM, your legacy level 50 is meaningless and likely to remain so, sadly.


    I think a wholesale redrawing of the 1..50 levelling curve is probably needed, this would make it feel like double xp in parts and perhaps more or even less than current gains in some places, for sure it wont affect makeb. I do think it would be ok to make something that was unlocked having levelled one toon to 50, but adding it to something like legacy 50 is just rendering it pointless for anyone other than those who dont need it any more anyway.

  16. there are lots of these clipping issues, race, class, gear - the list seems endless. A wide brimmed (cowboy) hat on my slinger, great the offhand gun clips through the brim, its just sloppy QA and bad development.


    The much spoken of greatness of the story is horribly let down by the same pathetic QA, oh we can now hide the head slot of companions and unify their armour, except in story scenes, then they'll still look like a bag of skittles. And lets not get started on the lunacy of things like a commando pulling a blaster pistol from his side, a blaster pistol he has never and can never equip!


    Hoods / helmets needs to be addressed, been wrong too long. For twi's I really cant see them doing any more than using the same art and hiding the lekku(sp?) though and even then I'm sure they regard that as a big deal to do (maybe if you offered to pay for it in the CM?)

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