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Posts posted by Illyean

  1. So the current run away leader by a huge margin is more class story, pretty much the one thing they have repeatedly said they will not do and tried to say that the faction based story we saw on Makeb will be the ay forward.


    I know this poll is people on the forum, so its not a representative population but thats a very large win for class story. So EA/BW's stance on this if they do choose to comment has got to be explained more. I think lots of people would be happy to pay for more story, but perhaps the forums poulation is completely out of line with the in game population? So EA/BW shoudl maybe consider actually asking some of these questions of its current players in game.


    I've enjoyed most aspects of this game but its a disapointment in every area, the story does stand out as the best part but its a linear meaningless rendition with no real chance to influence who you are, that said I enjoyed each class story Ive played.


    I honestly feel like the game is very much in minimal maintance mode but with enough spin, fluff and baodging together of things to make it look better than it is. Its two years in and there shoudl be talk of a major expansion, not a 5 level hike with a planet worth 3 levels or a PvP space game (not bad, but I think when people say space they want PvE and PvP), a major expansion that takes everything forward.


    I get tired of the bust-a-move FP/OPs for gear to do the next level of the same thing, every MMO has some form of gear treadmil and they are usualy a good thing, but not the only thing. The new FP coming which adpats and has more randomised elements may proce to be a real saviour, hoping so :)


    If I were EA and Disney I would be working on how to rebuild this game and reuse its assets to portray the new Star Wars time line of the new movies next year, casting the current in game universe into the trash (where half the art work belongs) and hoping that as a combination of expansion and almost re-launch the game would get another chance and really grow rather than edge along the gradual decline against newer MMO properties. Not goong to happen I know.

  2. Allow me to simplify it even further.


    For: laziness


    Con: some things should be earned.


    Admittedly, those are the extremist reasons. There are many much more subtle reasons within those extremes.


    the simple version is actually


    PRO : someone wants it

    CON : someone else doesn't


    it's all personal opinion, anyone thinking its right or wrong is just silly at this point.

  3. Its going to be a fully 3d environment, your not going to be bound to a particular plane.


    However I would like to know if they are going to force a auto-level on us. i.e your craft levels out to a particular plane. Meaning that there is definitive up and definitive down.


    I hope not I prefer the BF2 style where you can roll your starfigher onto whatever orientation. As in I exit the hanger then promptly roll so that my right wing is now say 140 degrees from parallel to hanger. It makes dogfighting way more interesting than traditional dogfighting since up, down, right, and left are completely subjective.


    good to hear but what is your source? I've seen nothing official, though I could quite easily have missed it

  4. good god, how does EA keep snatching epic failure from the jaws of victory?


    these need to be given to the ops leader as he enters the op for free, it would have made more sense to add them to the marking mechanic but that ship sailed. What fish headed moron thought putting a useful game play enhancing feature into a gambling pack AND making it consumable was a good idea?


    this is a quick fix and a quick win for EA if they fix it of course :D

  5. can not understand how something this easy to fix still has not been fixed. I'd also like a matching flashy (did I get that right, the other class/quest reward pistol)


    in short, having classes that dual wield and NOT providing matching mainhand and offhand weapons is symptomatic of sloppy thoughtless development, however, its something that is trivial to fix. I would simply suggest adding a second gun to everyone who has one and is a dual wielding spec.

  6. These have been there for a long time, probably from launch or soon after. I suspect the reasons you didn't notice are


    1) not much reason to look up

    2) you might have blanked it as the pathetic immersion breaking thing it is to see the same ship pointlessly flying in a badly flown circle non stop!


    They really need to put a little effort into these things, its like seeing the same dozen NPC's on their knee's with a gun toting thug threatening to execute them, they never fight back they never get executed, you cant intervene. The game worlds are way way too static, the odd walking NPC or mind numbing 10 second repeating animation is all we get :(

  7. I'd hate to say it but maybe they could sell one in the CM that doesn't change appearance at all. Actually, the whole early Gunslinger (by early I mean Tionese/Columi/Rakata/BM) would be an awesome addition to the CM.


    NO! they would be great to add into craft able sets but not for CM items, why on earth do you think its a good idea to add back in old items to the CM, its bad enough its the only source of new ones. Items that were once in game should only ever be put back as craft-able shells

  8. I did answer your questions.. As for insults?? Looked in a mirror lately?? AS for a reasoned debater?? Well.. Thjere are a few of us in this forum.. Not many though.. Sorry.. Asking questions that require someone to make a false assumption to answer kind of eliminates you as being one of them.. Have a nice day.. :rolleyes:


    What false assumption would you have to make? There is a debate about AC class change, logically it can have two results; it happens, it does not (stays as it is now). My questions are simple enough and relevant to the debate. You choose to insult anyone with a differing opinion to your own, you choose to ignore relevant questions. I personally don't give a flying **** about your opinion other that to accept it is as valued as mine is by EA/BW.


    You do seem to think that by not engaging with the actual thread you are in some way strengthening your argument to not change the current system by adding an AC class change. You now seem to be posting only to tell me you are done, when clearly you are not.


    I can see there isn't a great deal of point continuing this, so I'll stop (and Im going to the pub for a drink) but in a straight vote everyone is equal, this isn't a democracy though so a vote may never be called. The status quo will prevail until change is brought about, until such time as EA/BW engage with this topic there probably isn't much more to say other than to allow everyone to express their opinion.


    the last word is yours, the next beer is mine, enjoy your evening :)

  9. I did answer your questions.. Have a nice day.. :rolleyes:


    I am sorry, where? You seem to be conflating your own opinion and its statement with logically deduced fact, but perhaps I have missed some nugget of wisdom somewhere in your debate.


    I'm having a lovely day thanks, how is yours going

  10. What your post?? Yes it is opinion.. Mine?? Well.. It is obvious you either don't know what fact is or don't care what fact is..


    You are just ignoring everything.. :rolleyes:


    I haven't ignored anything yet, though I reserve the right to do so as you are. Are you going to answer the questions to just keep trotting out the same argument of 'I am right and you are wrong because I say so'? I'm curious as I was wondering why people would resort to insults against your such well reasoned debate.

  11. Some things in an MMO doesn't change and shouldn't be changed.. Let's get real here.. I played MMO's for years.. Some things don't change.. Class being one of them.. If you don't know that then perhaps you shouldn't be in this discussion..


    WOW never made the change.. Bioware would be wise to follow their lead.. Countless other games do not allow class changes.. So why should Bioware??


    From a financial standpoint, bioware would lose money if they allow AC swapping.. It would be a loss in content.. So again?? Think about it.. In a point of view other than your own..


    opinion offered as fact again, sorry.


    various games have offered class based changes in one form or another, but that isn't the point, if the future of a game was dictated by the past of a different game we would all be playing pong.


    Financially, sorry, neither of us is qualified to claim to be able to answer that, your hypothesis is that allowing an AC class change would result in less income (in a F2P game) due to lost, err what exactly? because people currently roll another toon of the same base class to level the other advanced class. I did this myself so I know people do, but I reject the notion that there is likely to be any significant loss of revenue as a result. Given the F2P and cash shop model now adopted its not unreasonable to think an AC class change would cost money, resulting in additional revenue. It may also result in people playing longer, spending more, rather than giving up on an AC they are not enjoying any more. Opinion, but valid, fact, certainly not!


    Are you going to answer the questions or are you running for public office?

  12. Actually I am not.. That is where you are wrong.. The game says that your choice is permanent does it not?? Bioware made the game say that did they not?? Case closed..


    The biggest argument that I have heard to allow AC swapping is they don't want to do the story again.. That is laziness.. Hence why that argument needs to be refuted..


    What I have said is 100% fact.. I don't argue the same way.. I deal only in facts.. Not opinion.. :rolleyes:


    so anything the game said or says is to be taken as fixed in stone and cant change? I think you may find the real world of MMO games is not like this, never has been like this and never will be. Things change, either as a process of evolution (for want of a better word), maintenance or fixing things that are broken, additions of new things or the redesign and reimplementation of old things using a new mechanism. This game has changed through all of these and probably more a huge amount since it launched


    As you seem so keen to 'answer the question' answer two for the rest of us if you would.


    1. How does another player changing their AC impact you in anyway at all? (let's ignore the fact that another player may just be upset about it for some, as yet undetermined medical reason)


    2. What will you do if it is implemented?

  13. And you are capable saying absolutely nothing and acting like a total jerk to others..


    You don't want to discuss anything.. You just want people the hold your hand and tell you how right you are..


    My link and my posting of it was entirely accurate.. Sorry if proving your wrong was so inconvenient..


    Yes I can say things that are logical and accurate.. That is all I do.. 100% of my posts are logical and accurate.. Your problem is that can't argue with right..


    As for your pros and cons post?? You are starting to look like a broken record.. As for my questions you won't answer?? Well.. It just goes to show what I said about.. You don't want to have a real discussion.. You just want to lead us all around have us follow your every word.. You are not some college professor leading a discussion on AC swapping.. You are hardly even qualified to have the discussion.. You avoid reality to much.. You just want to substitute it with your own version of reality..


    How does AC swapping benefit the game and or the players in it?? Do not use reasons that can be seen as making things easier or more convenient.. That leads to the accurate rebuttal of wanting due to laziness..


    Do answer the question.. Because that will be the first pro you will have actually listed.. Failure to answering that question shows what I have been saying all along.. There is no reason to allow AC swapping.. And there isn't.. Sorry but that is 100% accurate..


    What you need to understand is you can't have this discussion on your terms.. And this isn't even my terms.. There are rules in a debate.. The people that share my views have repeatedly come up with valid reasons as to why it would be a bad thing.. For the folks on the opposing view?? Well.. A lot of insults, name calling, just ignoring what is said... Not to mention a lot of pretending that some facts just don't exist.. But for a debetate to be fruitful and worthy, you have to deal in 100% facts.. No spin.. No bias.. (Yes you are bias despite your claims to be in the middle..) That means that both sides needs to come up with points and logic to support their views.. So far, only one side is doing that.. The game is hard to argue with.. Which is why it is constantly ignored by those that want AC swapping.. You have to look at the rebuttals and attempt to come up with something factual to refute them.. Yes, that means you have to prove the laziness rebuttal wrong by show in some real advantages that things that would benefit all players.. As long as nobody does that, then they are wrong.. Laziness continues to trump over all arguments because nobody can prove it wrong.. Insulting or belittling a person that offers the laziness argument simply shows the lack of argument and intelligence of the other side.


    I respect you and your desire to have a real debate on this issue.. But debates can often be very hard.. People come to the table with differing amounts of information and views. So I go for the K.I.S.S. method.. (Keep It Simple Stupid) I stick to the basics.. The people that want AC swapping are doing everything but that.. They want to discuss whether or not an AC is a class.. Which is irrelevant.. They can't come up with any reasoning or pros of their own.. They spend their time denying the obvious, like what the game says.. You really should think about this..


    So if you truly want to debate the issue Lord or anyone one.. You have your task.. Come up with a logical and intelligent argument that refutes the Laziness rebuttal..


    If laziness is the only reason then there is no reason.. Roll another character and accomplish the same thing.. :)


    you do realise that you are 'debating' in just the same way, don;t you? You are offering your opinion as reasoned, logical, fact. It's not, it's your opinion, to which you are entitled and should be respected for. What you really are not entitled to or to be respected for is telling someone they are breaking your debate rules when you yourself are not following them and there, in fact, no bloody rules in the first place.


    at this point EA/BW have made no statement about this being likely or not, previously there have been comments that make mention of some historical yes/no/maybe, but there is nothing recent or valid. Forums are for people to express their views about game related matters. Until EA/BW say otherwise this is just as likely to happen as it is not, it's that simple and for all your talk, your opinion on this is as likely to be considered or not.


    my own view is this can happen, it will not impact how I play if you change your AC, it wont impact how I play if you change your class - BECAUSE YOU ALREADY CAN! this is a make it easier, possibly with some restrictions attached, concept, that's all. I wanted both smuggler AC's, I rolled them both. If I could have changed AC I would have but I also would have probably still rolled both to have both.


    as for the 'I had to grind out 55 levels to get my Sage so you should too' - want a cookie?

  14. Being the biggest western audience freemium MMO on the market right now.. your statement makes no sense at all.




    LOL... really?


    Do you understand how Freemium business models even work for internet games? Sincere question. Not "free", but "freemium"


    I ask because this statement indicates a complete lack of understanding of the model from a business perspective. It's written from the "user wants to play for free" perspective.


    Freemium as a business model is designed to extract ~ the same revenue per active account as a subscriber model. It just does it in a different, and more flexible manner for the players. Different games approach it slightly differently, but they all want the free side to be tedious enough to encourage either "pay to unlock and stay free" OR subscribe.


    I encourage players of MMOs to get to a point where they understand the business side of freemium in MMOs. Take time to research the topic before leaping in with comments like what I quoted above. A great starting point is: http://casualconnect.org/mag/summer2012/CGA_F2PGames_Report.pdf


    actually I think it's you who has no understanding of the way a free/fp2/freemium model works and works extremely well. Its based on a willingness to spend some amount over time, its spent because it grants a reward that has comparative meaning within the context of the game - ie, in GW2 its all fluff, but everyone spends and buys the fluff. In SWTOR people spend to unlock things to play the game which is supposed to be free to play - that's why its counter intuitive


    Many more people would be buying the fun fluff and enjoying it if they didn't feel nickel and dimed to do such basic things as play a war zone or flash point. When taken with the general move to DLC packed content on top of much large free content drops its easy to see why the whole industry looks to swtor as a real oddity - without the SW IP its a dead fish.


    There is a huge amount of good stuff in this game and a lot of fun to be had, but its repeatedly soured by bad management, poor decisions and appalling quality - things that have become a hallmark of EA.


    Personally I just wonder when we will actually get on with fighting this damn galactic war thats raging somewhere other than any place swtor is, a whole galaxy of conflict and Im sent to do battle in a *********** game of huttball?

  15. I'm not sure I understand the hostility towards folk asking if there is any possibility of an Advanced Class change in the near future.


    Yes, I get it if you are an end game raider you feel your position on a raid team may be threatened by some guy that chooses to change their AC to yours, or for the PVP players that were lucky enough to choose (research) the right AC to go for that gives them an in-game edge. And that's about the only two reasons I can think of.


    In my experience of MMOs a significant number of gamers (type A) seem to attach an incredible amount of their real life validation to their in game achievements, this sense of achievement is threatened any time a different gamer (type B) asks for that accomplishment for a lesser investment of time/ money/ skill.


    And lets be honest the hostility originates from this idea that any change from the chosen AC is a threat to your role or perceived advantage. It has to be, because other than that what I choose to do on my character has absolutely no impact on anyone else.


    Opening up for an AC change would make very little, if any difference to the game.


    If you are a hardcore raider doing the NiM modes the chances are you would be positioned in a raid group and unlikely to be displaced by any Johnny-come-lately that has chosen to change their AC.


    If you are a hardcore PvPer I would hope you have done the research on your class and have the muscle memory to react swiftly (or at least the macros) to any players that's done an AC so they can access the 'superior' AC and PvP spec.


    For many casual gamers there is a point, many hours, if not days, into the game where you realise that the AC you chose months ago is no longer the way you want to play the game and you'd like to experience the other AC with out having to sink yet more months into the same story.


    This issue is largely raised by Bioware's decision to have the Advanced Classes share so much, they share the same story, the same single class for levels 1-10, the same class buff, a shared set of abilities and also share one of the three talent trees.


    I would never advocate the ability to change between classes (that is go from Bounty Hunter to Sith Warrior) but having levelled to 55 on one Bounty Hunter Powertech I can't see the issue allowing a player to change to Bounty Hunter Mercenary.


    Any issue with no longer having decent gear or the wrong gear type is no greater than that already experienced by those ACs that have a choice between tanking and DPS specialisations. Or if you choose to PvP and PvE. Multiple sets of gear are required already.


    You may also alleviate some of the strain off the class availability when it comes to group finder.


    But perhaps the biggest reason I'd be for the AC change is that asking a player to make a permanent choice on AC type early on in a game when there has been no chance to see how either type plays is a bit short sighted.


    Well said, I think its a good idea to allow it and I am sure it will find its way into game soon enough. In the end I rolled a scoundrel to try out the counterpart to my gunslinger but having to do so is pretty silly given its the same content to level through.

  16. all sound good but RWZ gear should only be in effect in RWZ, in non Ranked it should bolster down to fully augmented partisan (IOW the best a non ranked player could get) - but wait what am I saying, bolster? no, please, no more, enough, I think you've had your fun BW, can we please have proper PvP now?
  17. this simply comes down to the argument between the 'I would like' and the 'you cant have because i say so' factions, you're both **** put of luck, if they think a CM AC respec will make money (and it will, bucket loads) it will happen, BW have said they are not against the idea before.


    personally I dont see any problem with it and tbh even if I did, I dont have to respec so what you do, so long as it doesn't mess up my game, is fine by me :)


    (and before you moaners start on the 'but it will affect me' crap, it wont, well other than hurting your oversize e-ego maybe)

  18. enough, I cancelled, not because of dyes, I wasn't that bothered one way or the other, it was only ever going to be the next half ***'ed attempt at providing BASIC customisation so I had low expectations, not low enough for BW to meet though, yet again! It was bad enough to think you would have to buy the dye, but you cant even do that, you have to buy a pack that has a two dyes with a chance of a rare dye - *** is that about?


    This on top of the 3 level expansion (which for 10 bucks was fair enough, but one planet of 3 levels for 18 months?), 2.0 which has fixed a few things, changed a lot more, wrecked so much and on top of that half the 'now this thing (alacrity for example) will really be meaningful' is just wrong. Add to this the PvP bolster train wreck!


    18 months in and the game quality is still in the toilet, plenty of folks (myself included) having lots of trouble just getting to play after patch 2.1


    BW needs to do something right, sadly it seems beyond its capability and by quite some margin.


    I love Star Wars, I love MMO's but Jesus *********** christ BW you make it impossible to love this game :(

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