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Everything posted by Crawelc

  1. I believe she was talking about Naga sadow's prowess with a light sabre, I may be wrong about which sith lord she was talking about but it was in the valley of the sith in kotor 2, that was a lucas arts game so how could it not be cannon?
  2. What about Kyle Katarn? Did he die in a novel? where can i find some of these books online?
  3. Luke was the only jedi in the galaxy untill the Valley of the Jedi correct, at least the only trained one?
  4. Did Kyle Katarn die at some point? I havent read any of the books all my lore comes from games/movies
  5. Can you just imagine how bad it would be if they had actually waited till tomorow to start sending invites
  6. HAHAHA here is your preorder code and complimentary sedative
  7. thats why i lol'd its every nerd rage post on the forums rolled up into a neat little package
  8. I grew up in the star wars generation, playing with the toys as a kid. I never really got into the lore of star wars untill I played "Jedi Knight:Jedi outcast" on the original xbox, but i have been in love with the lore ever since. I would say if you havent watched the movies your missing out, but id also agree with the post about trolls trolling trolls while trolling, surely you have at leat flicked throug spike or hbo when they are doing a marathon.
  9. According to Kotor 2 Kreia said that any jedi/sith of that timeline paled in comparison to the ones from thousands of years earlier. I dont see how any of the jedi/sith from that point forward could be more powerful than the ones she was speaking of.
  10. I was wondering more about the lore of the Jedi Luke created in the valley of the jedi in the "Jedi Knight" series. The powers you had in those games were much closer to Swtor and Kotor than anything we ever saw in the movies.
  11. Was just sitting here thinking about how much more powerful Jedi/Sith in the old republic are compared even to the prequels. Then I rememberd a line of dialogue with Treya in Kotor 2 when she talked about how even the force sensitives then didnt have a fraction of the power of the sith thousands of years before that. I guess that means the farther back in time you go the stronger you get, but what about the force sensitives after the skywalker valley of the jedi incident? Did they tap into the origina power of the force like the old jedi had?
  12. I cant thank you enough for this guide, for people like myself who only do game support sites and play games it is perfect. My pc is literally running 3x faster now if not more. please get a sticky on this asap!
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