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Everything posted by Subach

  1. Play in the background Run into a group of as many enemy players as possible Place face firmly against keyboard Execute a rolling motion from the left to the right of your keyboard And back again **** *****es Get medals Ask "did I win yet?" In /yell to confirm if you have won yet If you lose, everybody else is hacking.
  2. No, more medals = more XP and creds. OP: if you want to go tryhard and actually get validation for winning your matches, go back to ranked. Nobody cares in unranked, even at 55.
  3. Got in an "argument" over something meaningless about trash mobs in KDY, when the other guy pulls the "I've leveled 4 55s using KDY so I know what I'm talking about" on me, I overlook the fact of how that means absolutely nothing (this entire thread being proof of that) and point out that it just makes him look at a tryhard. Oh, that got him mad, because then he starts throwing out the flames, your mom jokes, etc, promptly finishing after the last boss with "That ignore doe!" and zones out. When you have to point out your achievements in order to "win" an argument, and then throw someone on ignore when you realize how much of an virgin you make yourself look, I have reason to believe you're doing this whole "life" thing wrong.
  4. Keyboarding is like using an old 1994 honda civic in a race when there is a free corvette right next to you. Nostromo/orbweaver ftw.
  5. Eh, it's not that bad. I'd give it 4 or 5.
  6. Yeah, that's right. Hide behind your little letters and genre classifications. See where that gets you in life.
  7. Somebody call the wambulance. You know the risks when you try to LARP in a game. It's just as uncontrollable and sad in that case as it is in real life.
  8. THAT is the best day of your life? I pity you. So, so hard.
  9. Legacy XP upgrades XP boosts Queue for EVERYTHING and do all dailies Got from 1-50 in no more than a week.
  10. ....why did you post the same thread twice? Isn't that called spamming?
  11. Um, yes, we do...seeing as how he explicedly described every detail of the situation in this thread. He makes it our business by posting about it in full public view.
  12. Taking this into the form of a childish rant on the forums just made the trolls over 9000 times more successful. Good job! Makes me want to set up shop in an RP server.
  13. These people are called tryhards, and are the most perfect pray for the people known as trolls. (;
  14. If you're goijg to break the rules by mentioning people by name, at least tell us what server thos is happening. Oh, and the faction. While you're at it, let's get that date of birth, sex, and social insurance number too.
  15. Um...what exactly is "slowmode"? Do you mean a low frame rate?
  16. Yeah, male agent...makes Solid Snake and Sam Fisher sound like teletubbies.
  17. Nope. If you use cover in place behind a physical object, you still get the cover bonus. As long as the green shield icon is over the enemy nameplate, you get your bonus against ranged attacks.
  18. Oh, the hilarious drama I avoid by actually playing the game instead of taking the second job that is NiM progression.
  19. /popcorn I love how little it takes for people to cry sadly and hilariously over the internet.
  20. Then there would be no point to PvP servers.
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