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Posts posted by Bluerodian

  1. True. BTW you should be jumping up and down with joy. Rodians ain't doing that bad on the poll they are not number one but they're not last either. :D


    Perhaps. I really have little good to say about the current race selection so perhaps better to say nothing.


    Perhaps not.


    All I can really say about it is that I wholly disagree with those that say to buy up all the species that they release to show support for more. I say withhold paying for anything except what you want. Don't go buying whatever crap they puke out for the slim off-handed chance of getting offered something you want later. They'll either get the message or they won't.

  2. yes well take the voss quest line when you go there you are referred to as an outsider if you are playing as a voss then you are not an outsider you're a member of that race which then makes that dialogue stupid.

    Like my Sith Warrior saying how she's part of a proud Sith lineage when she's obviously a red-eyed smurf through and through?

    Stupid dialogue is already in the game.

  3. I'm wondering if Bioware really researched the species that they DID add to TOR.


    For instance:

    There are no Sith Pureblood. They went extinct around 5500BBY during the great hyperspace war. All of the "Sith Purebloods" that are around now are hybrids and by this point few of those physical features would remain.


    For Twi'leks, they favor obesity to being slim because to them obesity is a sign of affluence and wealth. Guess for them, being fat is awesome. Also there are two distinct subspecies of Twi'lek based on skin color. Shades of blue are Rutian while shades of red are a mutation called Lethan and are supposed to be exceptionally rare.


    Chiss don't have an adolescent stage in their development (or rather a very short one), meaning that it's not uncommon for that twenty year old looking Chiss to actually be more like 12 or 13.


    About 90% of the Cathar were slaughtered by the Mandaloreans. I doubt they would be very favorable to the Mandaloreans during this time period or to humans in general.


    I wonder why these little tidbits from the lore weren't touched on.

  4. What is with the players obsession in this game of the SWTOR characters having to have "tentacles" to be played! Twi'leks, Togruta, & Nautolans...WHY?! lol

    Nautolans don't look anything SWTOR anyway. Looks like Independence Day Aliens on a human form. Just typical Sci Fi aliens. Least Twi'leks & Togruta don't look like them. lol


    Just really odd the top requested ones are creatures similar to what we already have. (You shouldn't be able to play a Twi'lek on the Imp side anyway, because doesn't the Emperor hate them?!?! lol)


    By and large the empire hates aliens but thy have use for them. Especially in Imperial Intelligence. If I remember correctly one of the important npcs in Intel is a Duros.

  5. I suspect they're not romanceable because they're not kissable. They don't have the right kind of mouth. I know that it's not like BioWare kisses are particularly well animated anyway, but it is what it is.


    They're also reptilian, which means they probably can't create half-breeds with humans and near-humans, which would invalidate some of the romance dialogue spoken by companions who talk about having kids.


    But it's really not close-minded at all. Because all player races have to be equally capable in those respects.




    Pretty much, yeah. I'm not saying it couldn't be done. Could they code it? Sure. Are they going to? I can't answer that. Only the line managers and producers can decide what does or doesn't get scripted.


    Ah I see. So poor planning and lack of forethought be the Bioware head shed. That's becoming something of a recurring theme.

  6. It's a BW Rule because they can't say "If you play this race, all romances and flirt options will be locked off from you."


    They don't have the tech to do that.


    So all races have to be romanceable.

    Being someone who doesn't care one bit about romance options I have to ask. Why are they not romanceable? I find that limitation to be particularly ridiculous and close-minded.


    Also what is this magic tech you speak of?

    An if - then - else statement?

  7. Citation needed...


    SWG had its last expansion in 2005, it closed more than 6 years later...


    The population was declining for a long time before it closed, reports are that it had fewer than 50k subs in 2011.


    It was left on, probably because the cost to leave it on is pretty minor overall, but that doesn't make it profitable...

    SOE were every bit as dickish and greedy as EA. If the game wasn't profitable it would have shutdown long before it did. Thankfully SOE is gone.


    Anyway, what reports are you referring to about the game's population?

  8. Thinking about things. I think it would be good to conclude SWTOR. Hear me out.


    I don't mean a full on shutdown but rather a re-launch. Havr the original and new game existing side by side for a while. Migrate existing content and systems to a new engine and address many of the fundamental system flaws plaguing this game. Have the re-launch accompanied by a new series of stories and bring people over from TOR to the new game with character transfers. After x amount of time retire the old SWTOR.


    Starting out Bioware was clueless about making MMOs and made some bone headed decisions (Hero engine alpha anyone?) Now I would bet they would be better equipped in the experience department to do a much better job.

  9. This game runs on the concept of a perpetual game. They won't make a sequel. EA spent millions developing this one, they ain't just gonna shut it down and spent millions more just to make a sequel when this one is still going.


    People need to stop confusing MMOs with the play-once-and-done console games.


    I know what an mmo is. No need for the hostile attitude. I'm just stating that it is a possibility, however unlikely.


    Some people get so pointlessly sensitive.

  10. Possible but unlikely is that they will conclude the story here and then start riding the profits to develop a sequel In a new time period.


    Goodness knows this game has some fundamental flags that can't be fixed and it would give them an excuse to start over.

  11. Afraid I am going to have to speak counter to everyone else in the thread.


    I have been unguided since the day this game launched and will remain that way. I have no problem with socializing or getting a feeling of community, I just politely decline requests to join some random guild or flat out decline the pop ups when they show up.


    Do not feel pressured to join a guild at all. There is no requirement to especially if you have no desire for raiding. You will not be missing anything of any real substance. Make friends on your server and just enjoy yourself.

  12. LOL Exploit?


    You crack me up bioware, you don't penalise chess players for outsmarting their opponets. neither should you penalise players for exploring the game and finding stuff out. even if its on purpose. you made the game, you made the rules. so if we find something neat about it. why should we suffer. hire better people.


    Nuff said.


    Yes they did make the rules. One of which is to keep out of areas you're not supposed to be in. It's not that difficult and really no one has room to complain when they get smacked for breaking those rules.



    Also they must burn their house, kill their dog and scratch car doors.

    Take it easy vigilante.

    It would certainly deter any further misbehavior by people using exploits and amuse me to no end.

  13. Not really, you can be a total *** to the empire as a republic player and refuse to work together for the final quest . And after you go your separate ways. Also Gameplay trumps all. If you are playing on a pvp server, you EXPECt to be able to PVP wherever you want, except safe zones. Sure, on an RP server I can understand where you are coming from, but NOT by any means on a pvp server.


    In this game, their story will always trump gameplay. Always. I mean story IS the big selling point.

  14. LOL This opens up a whole new Cartel Market series. Chevy, Dodge, Toyota, BMW, Porsche, Mercedes, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Tesla, the opportunities are endless!


    Corporate sponsorship would give the game a little financial boost.


    "This blasted burning landscape sponsored by Kingsford! The charcoal for the discerning Sith Lord."

  15. Its amazing how death penalties will regulate PvP because it discourages the suicide soldier lemming zerg dynamic. What is sad is that people say that death penalties are lame but if they haven't experienced them they can't appreciate just how much more intense encounters were and how much bigger the rush was when you came out on top.

    I do miss the days of XP loss and corpse runs for the loser.

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