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Everything posted by Ricover

  1. Yeah. West Coast got nuked. Sars. But, on the bright side, it's a lot warmer here now!!!
  2. The landing pad on the balcony of the Nar Shaddaa stronghold has a starship hook while the landing pad on the Dromund Kaas balcony only has a centerpiece hook? Is it a bug or an oversight and scheduled for correction? If not, what could possibly have been the thinking behind putting a landing pad on the Dromund Kaas balcony and then not allowing a starship to be placed there? We're supposed to put a... excuse me.. statue on our landing pad? Or maybe a nice fountain? Makes no sense. The landing pad on the Dromund Kaas balcony needs a starship hook.
  3. Agreed. Do not like the holographic companions.
  4. Is this true? The landing pad on the balcony of the Nar Shaddaa stronghold has a starship hook while the landing pad on the Dromund Kaas balcony only has a centerpiece hook? If so, is it a bug or an oversight and scheduled for correction? If not, what could possibly have been the thinking behind putting a landing pad on the Dromund Kaas balcony and then not allowing a starship to land there? The landing pad on the Dromund Kaas balcony needs a starship hook.
  5. You guys at BW just love to reskin existing stuff and sell it to us on the CM. Soooo... just reskin the tauntaun and dewback and make with the walkers already.
  6. Have voice comms. Looking for entry level endgame progression group/guild to run with on a regular basis. I'm PST but open to any dates/times. Let me know here or PST in game: Scaurus 55 Juggernaut Terronus 55 Marauder Hazec 55 Powertech Farway 50 Sniper (Also might be leveling on Sorcerer Lokeverus.) And I've a 55 Guardian and Scoundrel if your crew has a pub side. Thanks
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