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Everything posted by Swaay

  1. /sigh No I didn't read your link or watch your vid. Switching classes should not be allowed no matter what. That is all.
  2. Like what? Please elaborate on the unfixables
  3. I disagree, I'm 50 and feel there is way way to much linear pathing in this game. There is virtually no free-roaming to be done, sure the occasional desert or whatever but honestly, look at each zone/map whatever and ultimately its a funnel from one point to another.
  4. Most of the points you made, Warriors not being able to use blasters for example, come down to simple class balance. This is ultimately an MMO (as you state), what fun, honeslty, would it be if every class could use every weapon. There needs to be diversity to give each class a unique feel/flavor. I do, however, agree with your planet pathing complaint. This above all else really annoys me. I get the time sink arguement etc. but at level 50 travel has no need to be this tideious. The maps literally funnel you from point A to B with no deviation possible. An example, my guild went to down a world boss the other night (on belsavis, I think..) I had missed some binding points while leveling and so attempted to just ride my speeder up to the northern portion of the map which proved all but impossible. After they killed boss and moved on...I finally found my way up there roughly 30mins later. Yea, this was probably mostly me being a noob but still, you shouldnt be punished so hard for missing a couple of bind points.
  5. Heh, I was just talking with friends last night about this same thing. I didn't mind at first but after a few weeks now it gets annoying...click a door, loading screen, only to now be in an empty hallway that you must run 50 yds down to click another door, that then takes you to the orbital station just so you have to run 100yds to another door to click for another loading screen... gets annoying. Our theory was its just for the immersion, that feeling that you are really TRAVELING somewhere. At this point I would rather click one door, load into my ship, fly to destination, click exit door and be on the planets surface. ( I dont care if I see my ship there or not, no RP here:D)
  6. If you follow the links to patch notes,http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes you will see a list of patches that hey have beem implementing since launch, ( I count 13) you know, insignificant things like crashes to desktop, people unable to log in etc etc. I can see where the cooldown on smuggler/IA abilities should taken precedence over those things:rolleyes: Seriously, just because it's not something that was affecting you and you didn't notice the change doesn't mean that they have been doing nothing. EDIT: Damnit, I took the troll bait didn't I..
  7. Sounds like a YOU problem OP. I have been PvP'ing since the get-go and having a blast doing it. I queue both solo and with guild. (Guess what, we win more when we queue together) The brackets are coming. There are none right now for the sake of queue times. But of course if you were sitting in long queue's you would be here crying about that too, so whatever. As others have stated, maybe read the other posts on the board and respond to them instead of cluttering it up with another pointless one. There are real issues that need to be addressed that would better server the community than pointless crying.
  8. I agree that there are some things that maybe should have been in at launch, customizable UI being one of those. But to make a thread about it as a key point in why PVP sucks in this game makes no sense. Bioware has acknowledged that we want a customizable UI and they will give it to us. Your answered yourself with the other point, the brackets are coming when Bioware feels there are enough level 50's...again, no need to make a thread about it. Your other point, again, I think that's a you problem. I go many many many matches with only 1 or two deaths and I score ALOT in huttball...as an Assassin.
  9. Nobody that's disagreed with the OP has yet disagreed with his point about afk'ers... we have all stated that yes, this is a problem that needs to be addressed. It's his other points that we disagree with.
  10. Ah, here we go with the insults. An obvious move of anyone losing an argument. "Well, atleast im not ugly!!" But, its you sir that are completely incapable of understanding your playing an MMO. This is not a single player game or FPS but an MMO, meant to be played with other people and reward coordination between them.
  11. Dude, you are so wrong, and yet you preach like you know everything. Who would EVER think that in an MMO, AM MMO!! grouping with people you know, using voice chat and coordinating would give an advantage!!! THE AUDACITY OF BIOWARE!!!! Dude, seriously, your coming across like a kid with bad social skills that cannot find a guild who wants everything handed to them...Give me a buff when I lose!!! I only have fun if I win!! ME ME ME ME ME!!!!! YOU shouldn't make arguments when you don't have the knowledge necessary
  12. And queue times would be outrageous...then you all would be here crying about that:rolleyes:
  13. UI is being addressed so cross that one off Macros will be implemented so cross that one off - Although I pray they dont allow Rift like macros, no fun at all. I play melee, Assassin to be specific, I own. Maybe its a you problem? So, what again are you QQ'ing about?
  14. Annnnd again, you make no sense. What level 50 stuff are you referring to? Because if your talking about Warzones, as I assume you are since you talk about losing matches and wanting cross server queuing, then there is no level 50 specific instances to speak of. Please clarify. And if the MMO standard isn't to your liking, then maybe this genre isn't for you. FPS shooters seem more up your ally.
  15. Nothing wrong with having a community on your server. I like it. What? Better gear = better chance of winning. Put in the time to get yours as the other team did. They did not have it handed to them.... Again, What? That makes no sense. How are you going to have a "buff" on you that lasts from match to match....do only you have the buff? your whole team? What do you want, something like WoW tried in VOA area(cant think of name) cause that worked really well... Agree here, this will be addressed. Crafting in this game is heads and shoulders above most other MMO's at low levels. Atleast the things you make are usable and not vendor trash. And you shouldn't base a whole argument over level 22 and 23 items... No comment, have not experienced any open world pvp yet Well, it does sound to me like your queuing solo and losing to premades...to which I say, find a guild or make friends and run with them. If your any good, it makes a world of difference. You cannot make judgments on the competence of game designers, who, by the way, are much better than you at any of this, because you don't want to put anymore effort into winning than queuing yourself up and expecting to be handed handicaps if you can't beat a coordinating group. Good day sir.
  16. If you think that people will raid or pvp with no rewards you are delusional. You say you and your friends raid and pvp for the fun of it, so your telling me if all the gear in this game was just put on a vendor and could be bought readily with credits, then go and smash a new raid, you and your friends would be perfectly fine with that? OK, sure you wont. The "carrot" you speak of is the basic premise of any MMO. Character progression. I agree with your point that PVP gear should be based off wins, to an extent. But lets see how you feel about that when your on the losing side, or come into the game late/behind the curve etc. You would be on here whining and crying about how its not fair, you can't get any gear because the other teams outgear you etc etc Oh wait, I forgot, you SS yourself slapping people in the face with no shield in greens, with no shoes, in the snow, uphill all day right?
  17. Agree, despite all the QQ on this forum that I just shake my head at. I and everyone I play with are having a blast with the pvp. Are there some issues? Sure. To be expected from a new game. I just pray that Bioware does not give in to the vocal minority with all the ridiculous crying on these forums. /signed Having a blast
  18. So lets look at it like this.... You say make the gear equal, right? Do you get full sets from warzones? All the same gear you would get from raiding? If so, then heres what would happen New content drops on Monday, guild goes in downs a boss or two wipes a few times on another etc. Raid leader says, ok well get back on this Thursday, in the mean time everyone get in those BG's and get your gear. Thursday rolls around, everyone now has near full sets (depending on how much is needed to get the gear) or atleast some major upgrades. Now on Thursday guild goes back in and rolls through the rest of the raid because they got all the gear that would normally have taken progression kills to achieve. How fun is that? Those of you "pvpers" that want equal gear with no pvp stats make no sense. Any real pvper wants pvp stats that give them an advantage in pvp over a non-pvper...you say skill, yea yea, we all know, your all pro and will kill any epic geard "pve noob" in your greens. we get it. Point is, there needs to be a difference. Not fair for someone to be able to afk in warzones and get the same gear as someone spending the time learning, coordinating and working with his guild on progression raiding. @stocean, its all a grind, whether your raiding or pvping, your grinding for gear...what would you rather get for your time spent pvping? bragging rights?
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