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Everything posted by Asunas

  1. Indeed, he's the first companion I ever got and even though I don't use him much, he's one of my favorites and loyal to his herald............I just hope that last doesn't get him killed
  2. Indeed, me too. Well we know that the existing class ships can not be modified because of all the cut scenes taking place inside. Therefore aside from art etc they would have to mostly start from scratch and make 6 new strongholds. Something I don't see them doing, at least not until more popular suggestions have been worked out like Manaan or Alderaan (hopefully with 2000+ hooks!) Most I can see selling, smuggler for it's close resemblance to the Ebon Hawk, Sith/Jedi ships, the popular agent ship. The flying bounty hunter cargo container......not quite
  3. Good idea, though doing this for all minor characters would probably take up a large amount of time/resources. A smaller selection could be an option. Then we just need to agree on those...... I would not mind seeing more mobile NPC's added either, even generic guards or droid patrols. Make strongholds feel more alive Bioware!
  4. I will have you know I have run both EV and KP at 60, fully naked except my mainhand weapon TYVM!
  5. So let me see if i understand this correctly No new operations, but we have to rehash the same old content we have been doing for years. My guild still runs all operations. No new operations is going to kill my ops teams. You are seriously returning Dread Fortress and Dread Palace to 65? I can't speak for anyone else on these forums but after running those 3 nights a week for over a year I'd be content not to set foot in them for at least that long. No new flashpoints, level 50 flashpoints could already be soloed at lvl55, not to mention steamrolling it now at 60. We have seen them, no need to return them thank you very much. As it stands we spend a lot of time doing those flashpoints until something new is released, if some players run them at all because the loot in them is so bad. This presents the same problem as with operations, we have seen them already, ran them all for months and months on end. My guild has no desire to run them again. You say your focusing on story but want to return older content like this Am I to pretend Malgus rose from the grave, I enter a parallel universe where I'm stuck on the Esselles again? This whole post represents a nightmare, there is honestly nothing on there that I look forward to doing, and knowing my guild mates, I won't be alone. Story alone is not going to be enough to keep me subbed, the only thing that will keep me around (and here's my mandatory forum claim of I have not un subbed once since launch note) is my guild. But unfortunately, once this news hits I'm afraid I won't even have that.
  6. You make it sound like you know for a fact that it has something to do with the games limitations, and I am not saying that isn't one of the possibilities but we don't know for certain. Unless you have insider knowledge I lack? Furthermore, and forgive my lack of technical expertise in this matter but would say, 50 lifeday trees, sparkling so bright not be more of a drain then say, 50 basic chairs?
  7. I can only hope they not only listen but follow through and increase the hook limit. Thank you for the link
  8. I sincerely hope it does not stay this way and the hook limit goes up. It is indeed quite early and nothing is set in stone, and that is exactly why I am raising this issue now because quite frankly once this stronghold is finished, or released I don't see them going back and making changes to it, no matter how many people may make posts about it. People have been asking for the Tatooine and Flagship hook limit to be raised since they came out, we are still waiting.... I can compare Tatooine and Yavin in a sense that both are large strongholds, and since at least to me Tatooine has far to few hooks to do a proper job decorating it (I would go so far as it being too restrictive in what you can do) I want to make sure the same does not happen with this stronghold, and since it is still being worked on, now is the time to make those changes happen, not when it is released. Bioware asks for feedback, I am giving mine. And If there are those reading this that agree with me (or disagree for that matter) I urge them to speak up. As for the room already being "decorated" and not needing much to be nice, that is your opinion and you are welcome to it ofc, I simply do not share it. If anyone is happy with a minimalistic decor then good on them, but as for me, I'd like the choice to decorate as I wish, not hindered by constantly having to remove items or bumping into obstacles because the hook limit is too low.
  9. I quite love the Yavin stronghold after seeing the stream but I don't think I will get it. The main reason I acquired Tatooine was for its size and it's 500 hooks and now there is this vast new stronghold with a maximum of only 485 hooks. Decorators have been asking for more hooks, be it Tatooine or Guild Ships for months now without any reply and now we get this new Yavin stronghold, only to see that it has even less hooks then the Tatooine stronghold.... Bioware always talks about wanting us to decorate as we want, make such wonderful strongholds only to tie our hands. Since the Pilgrim's shadow pack was released I have found myself having to remove some decorations to make room for others, running out of room to place new acquisitions and feel limited by what I want to do because the hook limit is far, far too low. From a business perspective I feel this is also a bad call on Bioware's part because this makes me buy a lot less hypercrates now since I constantly run out of decorating room. I just stick to 1 of each decoration to get the prestige. At least from me they are losing out on quite a bit of extra income. Since there is still some time between the official release of the stronghold it is my sincere hope that they will reconsider the current hook cap and choose to considerably increase it by around 200 hooks. What are your thoughts on the matter, have you run into similar issues? Do you support an increase of the hook cap?
  10. /Signed For both the flagship and personal strongholds I now find myself in a position that every time a new pack launches with new decorations I have to go and look for something older to remove to show off the guilds latest acquisition. Guild ships can easily use 200 hooks more. And speaking just for myself, I'm losing the incentive to buy packs for decorations, if I don't have hooks left to put them on, what would be the point right?
  11. Well i bought mine for 2.9 million, make of that what you want......... Just because I can list something on the GTN for credits does not mean it will actually sell for that, and your only option seems to be this forum or the trade channel seeing as you can't put it on the GTN. So unless you wish to use it for yourself, you may look at spending quite a few hours trying to sell it in game at that price. But if that's how you wish to spend your time who am I to judge
  12. Aha, I didn't know you could not mail the credits to another char as FTP. I see your point that would be an obstacle for them to overcome. As for mannequins, well I don't know what it takes to implement such a system, I can only hope that with the vocal demand for them they are eventually implemented. Or perhaps they can use the companion system as a basis for dressing those NPC's you can place in your strongholds, like guards etc. Thank you for the clarifications.
  13. Issues partaining to FTP and their credit limit can be solved. Set the limit to the max amount of credits a FTP is allowed on the 2 char's their allowed to have (at least i think it's 2?) If the previous breaks the FTP credit limit then restrict it to 1 character and introduce the system so that no char can ever retrieve more credits to his inventory than the maximum allowed amount for a FTP char. For that matter they could have tied the credit storage system to escrow, allowing FTP players to see how many credits they have in escrow (a feature I doubt many of them would object to) and as stated being unable to withdraw more then their maximum allowed limit of credits. This would still make the system work for all player models as it would save all equally of having to ship credits around. Edit: I may be unfamiliar with other FTP restrictions but the issue of breaking the credit limit does not seem to be the main issue to me.
  14. O but I never said it needed to be an exact copy of the guild bank system, though it can be seen as a starting point. FTP and Preferred have a limit on the amount of credits they can own right, and a limit on the characters they can make. So a solution would be to simply put a cap on the amount of credits both FTP and Preferred can deposit into their legacy storage bank. 1) Set the limit to the max amount of credits a FTP is allowed on the 2 char's their allowed to have (at least i think it's 2?) 2) If the previous breaks the FTP credit limit then restrict it to 1 character and introduce the system so that no char can ever retrieve more credits to his inventory than the maximum allowed amount for a FTP char. For that matter they could have tied the credit storage system to escrow, allowing FTP players to see how many credits they have in escrow (a feature I doubt many of them would object to) and as stated being unable to withdraw more then their maximum allowed limit of credits. And finally, mannequins.... the fact so many people asked for them should have been a clue no? And judging by what I've read I can state i'm not the only one dissapointed by the lack of them.
  15. I'd like Tython or possibly our own cruiser on the fleet!!!!!!
  16. I considered that but since the guild bank requires an unlock to use as FTP or Preferred, they could release it as subs only for the time being. They could then introduce an unlock later when they have determined the limitations, furthermore Its hard to imagine they didn't anticipate the difference between FTP and Subs and build such a system in right away. Instead they probably thought it easier to simply not put it in. So in this case, same for the huge backlash over mannequins reeks of either bad planning, or a half finished system to me. As for introducing it at a later date, forgive me if based on past experiences I won't hold my breath on that.
  17. Agreed, the mechanics for storing credits and make them accessible by multiple chars exists through the guildbank system. It doesn't seem to be a technical issue to me (though granted I don't know much about it) I'm really dissapointed by this.
  18. Honestly when I first heard of this expansion, like many I was excited. Yet knew I had to keep my expectations in check and not run along like a headless chicken dreaming up impossible things. Yet I had expected to have a place to be able to have one place where my characters could deposit their credits. Afterall they can do it for guild banks. And display my armor sets I collected over the years. (and no I don't consider a hologram to count towards that) :( Both of witch now seem to be out of the question so I guess I expected too much afterall? Really dissapointed by this, now I can store a few crafting materials and things like a MGGS witch you use what, 1ce a month, if any.
  19. "Stands up and applaud's Koichi's reply, before going to fetch some popcorn". You are correct, I enjoyed reading that reply. As for the OP, perhaps a small word of advise. While at one time or another we all let our expectations and imagination run wild, It's best to go back and try to be realistic, most things you want would consume too much resources, that sadly are simply not there. As for the whole "Slavery" angle, it may also be best to not reveal too much of your.....erh......desires.
  20. Let's see Edit: Oh not even close, I admit i didn't recall when exactly I registered here
  21. You know what will happen. People will set the forums on fire complaining that they can't get one. Not to mention this would cut off that other 90% alltogether. I do agree with you that not everything should be simply handed out. I'd propose a system where you have to gather components across the galaxy, or complete a certain number of achievements. While this would be time consuming to do, it would allow for everyone to participate that wants to. A time consuming project similar to reaching valor rank 100. Everyone can get it, some got it long ago, others will get there eventually (assuming they pvp). For those that play quite a bit this will naturally take less time then those that play far less but the end result is the same for all. Witch is important as it stands to reason Bioware is far less likely to invest time and resources into something this extensive when it can only serve a small % of the player base.
  22. Great idea, it would certainly clear out half of my characters personal storage
  23. Like many a player I find that more often then not I lack space to put all of my items. This includes all kinds of crafting materials, companion gifts, lower level gear pieces for future alts, crafting recipes not to mention several complete hypercrate contents. At this time I have 15 characters on a single server with the following storage space: - Maximum character inventory space - 5 Cargo bays So I thought to have discovered the perfect solution, I make a small guild (and pay a few guildless lower levels for 10 minutes of their time). That would allow me to purchase a guild bank and a few extra tabs and = extra storage space! But alas, I was a little dissapointed to find that there was a requirement of 12 members to even purchase the first guild bank tab. I don't want to recruit 12 people only to remove them afterward or let them be stuck in what is essentially a dead guild. Could you please remove this member requirement for guild bank purchasing? I personally don't see it serving any use. Doing so would not only allow me to get more storage room, it would allow smaller guilds then 12 players (I know they exist) to have a guild bank, and it can serve as a substitute for the ever popular legacy bank request. (I know its not completely the same but for some new alts or characters you don't play often (such as for dailies, ... GTN trading, etc), it could be interesting.)
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