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Everything posted by Tekell

  1. Ok and all i know is that it is smaller than previous computers I have had.
  2. I'm not sure what kind of case i an guessing half but I'm not sure and the dimensions should be in the link.
  3. Is this for the acer? Could you post links and would the components fit in the case?
  4. I have an Acer Aspire x1200: http://support.acer.com/acerpanam/desktop/0000/Acer/AspireX1200/AspireX1200sp2.shtml# and I was wondering if there is any way I could upgrade the power and video card to a better one. If not I am also getting a computer that a family member doesn't use any more and it was custom built with a Asrock motherboard, 4 gigs of memory, dual core 5200 or close to it, 400 watt power i think, and a Radeon x1900 GT graphics card. What would be a good graphics card to upgrade to?
  5. It is a computer that a family member is letting me have so I don't know all the specs but it was a custom built Asrock motherboard, 4 gigs of memory, dual core 5200 or close to it, 400 watt power i think, and a Radeon x1900 GT graphics card.
  6. Then is there a card the could replace it that would be better?
  7. I am getting a new computer and it has a Radeon X1900 GT video card. I know nothing about this kind of stuff and I wanted to know if it would be able to play SWTOR well and on what settings? Also if it would be able to play Skyrim in HD?
  8. I would recommend starting a new character on an EU server and just play that one character and hopefully you can transfer the rest soon.
  9. It is probably your computer or your internet. I have a very low end computer and I don't have that bad of lag. I have a low fps (no higher than 20fps) at times but that is usually on the fleet. Also is it lag or low FPS? Usually if it is lag then it is internet connection but if it is FPS then it is your computer. Try turning everything to the lowest setting and work your way up to the best you can get or leave it at low and play is safe.
  10. If you are free and able to post then yes it is a bug. Having that restriction of f2p not being able to post is a good thing though. If you didn't have it then you would have tons of spam posts than waste time or are saying stuff like "This game is dead" or "Why ... sucks". Meanwhile they are playing more than the average P2P. No one in their right mind would want to hear a bunch of random haters complaining. It also says in the f2p restrictions page that F2P and premium players will be able to read posts but not post themselves.
  11. BioWare stated that it is a bug and they are fixing it. It is supposed to be only for one character.
  12. You could spend them on the vanity gear or emotes and stuff that is guaranteed or you can just not use them. And you are still not paying for them you are getting them for free so any return is still positive.
  13. If you don't like the return then don't pay for it. You probably didn't buy the CC anyways. I am guessing that they are the ones you got for free.
  14. Your avatar is even a Hutt. The item is a gambling box so you will not always make money. If you go to Vegas do you complain about how you lost money GAMBLING?
  15. If I remember corrctly: 1.) You will be able to play as other races, you just wont be able to make characters that have a restricted race unless you buy it. 2.) I think you will keep it. 3.) You will still be able to equip it. 4.) You will keep your credits Don;t quote me on this as I haven't read the premium player benefits in a long time.
  16. I like the idea, but i think it would be better if your abilities, at least for force users, changed their look depending if you went light or dark side.
  17. I am fine with the 500 a month. Honestly, I though we would only get 200 a month so 500 makes me happy. If it was up to me I would say that it should be the cost of two of the high end packs, so i think around 760 cc a month. As for "will it be cheaper to be f2p and buy perks" it depends how much PvP, how many FPs you play and if you want to do end game. As of now I think the most you can do is 7 FPs a week across all characters on one server so if you want to do PvP, FPs, and end game then you might want to sub and spend the coins on vanity stuff instead.
  18. Tekell

    P2W is bad?

    So the guy with a full time job has under 24 hours in a day and the unemployed person has over 24 hours a day? Everyone has the same amount of time in a day you can't argue that. If the person who has the full time job tries to get x gear then it will take no longer than the guy who has no job. It makes it fair for everyone. Now if monsters dropped cartel coins I wouldn't hate pay to win that way if you can't spend $100 a day on the shop then you aren't at a disadvantage. Based on your flawed logic, if someone has $100 a month to spend on cartel coins then it is just like if they were the unemployed person just the roles are flipped. The game should require skill not a lump of cash.
  19. If I remember correctly subscribers will get a monthly allowance (I am guessing 200 or so coins, based on the cartel coins already given) so if you don't want to pay for coins, like me, then you just need to wait a few months and you should be fine. As for an amount I am not sure but I would GUESS that it would be maybe $1.00- $2.00 for 100 coins, but if they follow the Microsoft Point theme it would be $1.25 for 100 coins. It would not surprise me if they did follow Microsoft's point system due to their relations with Xbox and the fact that it has worked in the past.
  20. Then do you have a recommendation of a computer that would run SWTOR and Skyrim on max that is under $1300
  21. So then do you know of a computer that would run SWTOR and Skyrim on max?
  22. Everyone who is saying how impractical the stance is does realize that the whole Star Ward universe is a fantasy, right? And it doesn't need to be for the existing classes it could be for a new class like the Temple Guardian for Republic where they can wield backhand and the Counsel Assassin for the Imperials where they wield light whips or saber staves (not like the ones in the game I mean like in the Force Unleashed 1 where you have a staff and at the top there is a lightsaber.)
  23. Any recommendations of a better computer that is $1200 or less?
  24. I don't care what is in it really as long as it will play with good graphics and can play other games with console graphics or better. The one thing is I will not get a Mac cause I like windows more. No offence to any Mac people, I have an iPod touch and Nano, I just grew up with windows.
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