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Posts posted by SyphonLord

  1. 1. Server merges


    I place this at the top because it would solve the most problems in one fell swoop. There are too few players spread out over too many servers, this means that the 4 mans and raid instances get very little use compared to what they deserve. By merging servers the population would be much denser which means higher possibility of grouping and a better hive society where the auction houses, crafters, raiders, hardcore gamers and casuals would thrive due to the increased collection of resources spread out on each server.


    2. Server transfers


    Server transfers could potentially help band-aiding the lack of players on each server, but it is not a viable solution over the long term. Personally, it would increase my chances of re-subscribing and I know that is how many people feel. It would also help in bringing players that know each other together instead of having to constantly reroll because some people wanted to try a higher population server (this is only being strengthened by the low-population-too-many-servers ratio).


    3. Improved LFG tool


    I have been playing MMOs for almost 10 years. I have played World of Warcraft, Rift, Aion, Guild Wars, Age of Conan, and many more. I have been there since the moment those games came online and I have suffered through months (for some even years) of playing through their baby-period, but at this point it shouldn't feel as bad as a game launched 10 years ago. Over the past 10 years MMOs have grown incredibly with server transfer, server merges, more and more intricate LFG tools, browser purchases of in-game items, cross-server systems, hot fix systems etc. Because of all these advancements I can't bring myself to justify it anymore that a game requires several years to get out, what is now, very basic services and systems.

    I am strongly against WoW's LFD and LFR because of the inherent social a**hattery that comes along with it (over-entitlement, ninja looting, no reprecussions, will never see the other players again, and the like), however, right now I have to agree with the pro-LFDers that this is the best course of action for this game. WoW made the mistake of introducing LFD when it was at it's peak of 12 million players, when they should have put it in if they landed on 2-3 million and below. Cross-server systems for grouping only works properly when there are too many servers with too few players, just like how SWTOR is now. I am proud of BioWare for sticking to their guns to keep a decent enough environment and not make the mistake WoW did by introducing this, but that doesn't work with so few players (the need for such a system is substantially increased when there is no server merges, at least as far as we have been told about the things to come in the future).

    Back to the baby-phase.

    Since I have gone through it so many times, I personally feel that I can't go through it again and I have only WoW (and in smaller parts Rift) to thank for this horrible state-of-mind I am currently in. Finding groups with so few players is absolutely agonizing (if I try hard to find a group, I'll get one in 10 minutes, but the days I feel up to that are rare and far apart).


    4. Lack of proper communication


    BioWare were very active at the start, but recently there have been less and less of communication about time lines, ideas and plans, or any sign at all that they are actually listening aside from that idiotic bot message that pops up on the forums when they close a thread. This is a minor point, but it is frustrating nonetheless.


    SWTOR is an absolutely amazing game, great story, great voice acting, great IP, and an absolutely tremendous potential, however there are those little things that is holding so many people back. These 4 things are the only things BioWare has to do to bring myself and many more players back, most likely new players as well.


    I agree 100% and could not have written better myself.

    I wonder if Bioware is listening at all anymore or ignoring the pleas from players on dead servers.

    Shame things are the way they are and i wonder if they care that so many are leaving or is it the typical Narcissistic attitude that will kill swtor in the end cause the way i see it James Ohlen needs to look at the Forums regarding people struggling to DO the end game raids n flashpoints cause they cant find a GROUP!

    The Krath server i play on was great at launch but is mediocre at best now. Im am getting bored and will make a move away from swtor if the Server pop is not solved soon as im fed up.

  2. Everyday i look at the forums and see someone posting that a particular class needs a nerf. It upsets me because the developers know what classes are doing, fulfilling their role. Also, every single "op" class can be countered. No matter the class or spec, they can be countered BTW this post come from a shield spec vanguard who has dabbled in each class.


    Its the children that want nerfs cause they cant play the game. I feel this game has become extremely unbalanced and watched Republic classes get nerf after nerf while the *******"SORCERERS "******* still are the most appealing class to roll with. Its clear that EA is in full control of this game and things are being done to please the BULK sub players. I am sitting back watching this game spiral downward cause BW - EA refuse to listen, i mean EA is notorious for this. They where voted the worst company in the US for a good reason and i think they couldnt give a damn if this game fails.

  3. From the 4/27/2012 Q&A:



    And again...


    Big news for the SWTOR community, especially those on low population (and super high population) servers. I am personally very pleased that BW is making this first wave of transfers free; good costumer service move on their part.


    No exact ETA on the date of these transfers, but I imagine that "Early summer" means sometime in June.


    A step forward to say the least.

  4. Seriously? Everyone's problem? Whats up with people thinking they speak on behalf of everyone or merrit a problem to affect everyone. I've not encountered griefing nor do i consider it a problem.. Dont try to make a problem bigger by dragging other people into it.. Simply state you consider it a problem and people will back you up if they agree and others will disagree, but dont use words you cannot backup. It's not my problem and as you can see in this thread its not everyone's problem.. Exaggeration makes me disagree with you even regardless of what you wrote.


    PVE means PVE and upon choosing to play on that server type should mean you are FREE from getting ganked by someone EXPLOITING the game mechanics. If i want to PVP i will join a WZ or roll on a PVP server. You are entitled to your opinion but this thread is about constructive feedback, I think bioware need to ensure that the PVP flag is enabled by the player.


    I didn't care about getting sick during this event as it earned me 5 DNA and i did my dailies and received vaccines.


    There are other methods being employed to flag people. If i wanna "Care bear" my way through the game then so be it, that's my choice.

  5. What griefing? All you had to do was take a rakghoul serum and you'd be immune to the plague.


    I was running my dailies on Tat, I clicked the totem pole to summon the keeper and an empire player that was flagged was lurking around me and the second i activated the totem i found myself flagged and was killed. He was fully geared and i am a fresh 50 alt. I was very annoyed as i am on a "PVE" server and expect to be able to quest in peace but the player used an exploit to flag me and kill me. I think its just not good enough and the "flagged for PVP" option should be for ME to decide if i want to use it, not another player to flag me. Whoever defends this abuse of exploits is either guilty of it or does not respect that some players do not want to get pwned trying to enjoy their questing in peace. If this sort of behavior is allowed to continue it will be more lost subs for bioware. I can accept that if i venture to close to an enemy base i will be flagged but there are exploits and they need to be fixed.

  6. This was the biggest let down for me - loved the event but cant figure out why they did the customization kits like this - I bought 8 kits in total - 6 were for Republic classes - but I only have Imperials on that server and out of that I got 3 of the same and 2 of the same - so felt like I wasted the DNA samples and should have just bought crystals instead.


    Totally agree.


    Bioware have really gotten on my nerves to the point im seriously planning to dump my sub after 30 days free.

    They make stupid decisions and do not listen. So much like an EA approach to running a game. The whole binding system is a joke and the Rackghoul Event could have been so awesome if executed correctly but nope, they blew it. So many people didnt even know about it as they dont troll the fleet, will miss out on the Gear because of the daily unlocking of the quests. So many wasted DNA samples on Random boxes for companion customization, i didnt get a single one for my toons and im 1 piece shy of a set of gear as i have work and RL to live also.

  7. You do realise that some people, so I've heard, have jobs and family to take care of. There are some things in life that you just can't stop when you want...


    Exactly. I will be 2 short for my set of gear.


    With my limited game time i had no reason to go onto the website or forums, just get home do my RL stuff and log in leave cantina and continue quests. Then someone explodes on me and i get sick, i think *** what is this i am sick, THEN i research at what was going on and read about an event on tatooine where i could get a set of gear and a new rackling pet and more with dailies. Seriously all you people who live and breathe swtor from the time u get home from what it is you do need to stop flaming people who never ever even heard of this "event" until they stumbled on it or was exploded on.


    Maybe not too short but Definitely not well publicized unless u troll the fleet.

    It would have been nice to have a set of limited edition gear but since i dont spend every waking moment playing cause i have a LIFE i miss out. and i assume the gear is BOUND so no buying it from another player or GTN

  8. If there isn't some server transfer/merge by the end of the free month there will be a significant exodus from this game.


    I agree. BW really needs to wake up and see whats happening.


    My server is in rapid decline and so many people complaining in general about failing population and less and less pvp matches.


    If the population is not consolidated then this game will suffer as people will get frustrated as its an MMO after all

  9. Prime example of the tactics that many of these negative posters are employing. Prime example of so much of the conjecture we are having to endure every time we come to these boards. This one is more obvious then most, but yeah, there it is.


    My server is also growing. Population at feet has almost doubled. Fifty or so on every planet visited thus far while leveling alts.


    Well lucky you. The server i play on is in serious decline. I log in in peak time and am lucky to see more than 30 people on fleet. When 2 months ago it was double that. There are many people on fleet making comments in general chat about this issue and the growing problem of finding people to group with.


    The guild i am in has lost so many members due to cancelled subs.

    When the game launched it was "very Heavy" sometimes "full" not anymore.


    I love this game and fear that if BW doesn't consolidate servers soon people will just leave out of frustration.

    I fail to see how the population is rising when i still see so many standard and light servers during busier hours.


    I'm sure a lot of you will disagree with me and i accept that. There are Too many servers with small populations and i am not rolling any characters on a busier server as i want all my chars on 1 server.


    The amount of negative vs positive feedback on the forums concerns me greatly. So many "why this game will fail threads" and some of the Posts within these threads are spot on. BW need to wake up and start listening to the community requesting server consolidation before its too late. It may not be an easy task but i feel its an important one. Its an MMO and whats the point when u play in a ghost town.

  10. I've got to say, I've been enjoying the event a lot...but as the event is nearing the end rapidly, PLEASE remove the stupid restriction that forces a player to spread out the containment gear quests between multiple days.


    Latecomers won't be able to catch up, no matter how much time they choose to devote to that.


    I'm extremely concerned I won't be able to get all the gear thanks to me getting a late start on this event...real life intervened.


    This is just bad form, Bioware. You guys introduce a surprise event, and make it waaaaay too short. The combination of surpise/brevity basically means "screw anyone who can't play every day thanks to scheduling and actual IRL responsibilities".


    Had this event been announced ahead of time, more people might have been online to participate in it. As it stands, I think that it should be extended a few days. Especially to make up for the emergency maintainence days.


    I agree as i also got a late start due to work and real life :( I would have liked to get the full set of Gear but looks like i just wont have the chance due to the daily unlocking feature. I did however love the concept of this event and look forward to more in the future. At least i will get the 2 Rakling pets. The plague spreading was clever yet some found it annoying :/ I agree with the post regarding staying away from populated ares till it blows over, i mean i think some gamers need a diaper change :)

  11. Another fun fact, I also posted the first location of the Ice Fern.


    To whoever you're keeping your "obligation" to:




    Is there a particular reason that news/information shouldn't be posted as soon as it's available?


    The person got their recognition or whatever.


    But it's their choice.


    What a community, huh? Everybody openly helps in the mystery, but then the solver holds the carrot out and says, "You gotta wait for it, because...well just because!"


    Well said.

    When i eventually get jerky n get this pet im going to Wring it's NECK :cool:

  12. I have a very loose theory, but who knows, any suggestions or discussion might end up helping:


    I theorize that the capture-able tauntaun is not simply out in the wilderness roaming, but would be summoned by a specific activity (such as clicking an object, or maybe standing in a specific place for a certain amount of time), and that this specific activity would be the step that requires the jerky. I am basing this on the fact that it seems simplest if using the NVSCCS only has two possible outcomes: it's focused on the correct target, thus capturing it and placing it as a pet in your inventory, OR it's focused on the wrong target, and nothing happens. I can't really picture a third outcome where it flashes the error across your screen: "Acquired correct target but target slipped out of the trap because it didn't think you smelled yummy enough for it to want to let itself remain caught". Therefore, the jerky must be involved in a previous step that is required to make the capture-able tauntaun appear in the first place. The theory seems somewhat logical to me, but there's no guarantee my logic resembles the developers' logic at all. I could be 100% wrong.


    Anyway, I don't have the jerky yet, but if I did, I would try to concentrate on finding click-able objects, or going to strange little corners that maybe have a noticeable affect (exhaustion zones, maybe), rather than clicking on any old tauntaun out in the open. Story-wise, I am on Hoth right now, so as I roam I'll keep my eyes open for anything suspicious. Good hunting!


    A good theory. I have a question, Is the jerky a drop in its self? it may have been posted but i cant remember as i have viewed so many posts. If it is not and the only means of getting the jerky is to down a world boss then would that not make the pet unobtainable to players who play alone or have trouble finding help to take out the boss, my guild are too focused on WZ n ops to bother answering my requests for help. I am Biochem maxed all skills and would like the recipe but i dont see how i will get it or the jerky, i have the reqd ingredients for it. I just wish Georg would say yes to jerky or no so we can be sure we need it or dont, as its not easy to get for me personally.

  13. I have tried every location posted. Have spent HOURS on end searching every area and have found NO babies that people are posting. I am starting to feel that some people posting on here are fooling around and sending people on wild goose chases. I think Georg was extremely vague in his post and did nothing to push is any closer. I have read every post on every page and i feel we are no closer as we still have no solid evidence that the jerky is involved or not. I think Georg is having a great time watching this thread n laughing about some of the suggestions. Thanks to everyone trying and posting, as for me i cant bare to waste more valuable time on this until we are given some clarification on the jerky or if there is in fact a baby tauntaun on hoth :t_mad:
  14. A few trolls posting now but back to the subject I don't think there damage should be nerfed and since BW won't or doesnt know how to fix the resolve bar they have to do something about the utility. Even if you go down this is a PVE game, why does that class need so much cc blind stuns sprint etc. most stuns don't work on bosses anyway.


    When rated WZ come in 5 Sorcs. Premade teams will want to have the best teams to win the WZs not 1vs 1 so which class would you bring with the most utility to get the ball over the line or to keep instant DOTS on every target that last 21 seconds so they can't cap the node. I could go on and on with that list, yeah I know some other classes can counter or do the same back But Sorcs can do it all, the only thing they never gave then was force leap which proberly was a code error or something


    Beautiful :D;)

  15. Dude i agree 100% but BW wont do **** about it cause it would cause all the Sorcs (the ones attacking you for this post) to ***** n moan, but hey i bet they the ones who whined bout my smuggler being to OP pfftt..




    BW is weak and cares more about pleasing the Majority of subs. ie: Empire.


    ohh u can flame me all u like as i dont give a **** :D

  16. Why do people on these forums think we give a damn what they think of a planet/map? If u didnt like it, who cares... I get alot of amusement from the forum posts on these forums.


    I have my opinions about certain areas / game mechanics and i dont feel the need to bore the community with them.I know that people dont care if i got lost on taris or fell of the sand crawler in Tatooine twice :rolleyes: trying to get the datacron...lol WHO CARES!



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